What is your favourite materia(CC)?


I ask this, because I was until recently in love with Hell Thundaga. Once I found it in my first play-through, I stopped looking at new materia and exploring my options.

On my new game +, I decided to be way more thorough with the missions. SO a few nights ago I was doing the 200 ShinRa troopies mission, and failed fairly near the end. Those guys get pretty hectic. So I go digging in my, by this time, extremely extensive materia collection and decided to give Quake a go. WOW.

So what do you love most and why?
Quake for the 1,000 Shinra Infantrymen is an absolute must.

My line-up tends to be:

Wall+HPUp++to the max (you can fuse Wall and HPUp and get both in one materia)
Atk Up++x100 (max)
Quake or Mug (I switch them in and out)
Graviga or Costly Punch

Sometimes I buy Lucky Stars and equip that until I get Cissnei, then take it out, then put it back in when the DMW gets low again.

Good question!

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I've only played a little bit of the way into it but one of the simplest and most enjoyable Materia for me was the Blitz Materia (I think that's what it's called.) That spiral attack is pretty much what I spam as my main attack, especially when facing the early mobs that like to surround you.
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