Star Wars Anthology Films (Rogue One, Han Solo, etc.)


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well thank the dark gods for that. I wonder if that means that they had a slightly different plan for showcasing Vader initially, since it seems like his Sith Fortress on Mustafar was put into concept fairly early on and I can't imagine that being his only real scene in the film.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think that a lot of that stuff comes out once you start shooting though, especially because the article mentions differences between them being fast and loose with the script while filming rather than sticking to what's on the page in Kasdan's script, and that wouldn't've really emerged any earlier. TBQH, it sounds like the best decision was made in this case (especially because I think that Lawrence Kasdan is an INCREDIBLY strong litmus test for good Star Wars), so I'm confident that they'll find someone who can do it best and also no play of Han as a comedic act, especially since his initial introduction in IV he's incredibly self-centered in his own things.

All in all, while it sucks that it didn't work out, I'm glad that they dealt with it directly rather than struggling around with it, and it sounds like they've still got a solid vision that they can deliver for the film with someone else.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Just because I rewatched Willow recently, I think that he does a good job of taking Lucas material and finding a good mix of humor with characters without making it their defining trait (Madmartigan as a good example), especially as humor vs. smugness was an issue with the previous directors.

EDIT: I forgot that he almost got to direct The Phantom Menace instead of Lucas. God, what I wouldn't give to've seen that happen…

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
This + Ewan McGregor = recipe for some potential excellence. I think that after the sort of rocky start that the Han Solo film's gotten off to, this is a good move in terms of giving the fans what they're wanting.

The potential of things that he gets up to on Tatooine are pretty interesting since he's essentially living in hiding and acting as a protector to Luke. What isn't clear is WHEN this would be taking place.

I really liked the Twin Suns episode of Rebels because it did a really good job of meshing Episode III and Episode VI Obi-Wan, so I'm hoping that this takes place a little before his encounter with Maul.

I want to see him needing to make his life stable, while not drawing attention to himself, and the moment of him using his Lightsaber and Force powers being somewhat significant, and resigned to the fact that he can't make his presence known to avoid being hunted down.

Either way, waiting on the official announcements, but the hype is real.

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
An Obi-Wan movie is by far the movie I wanted to see the most ever since they announced that they were going to be making spin off movies, so this is really damn good news to me.

Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is easily the best part of the prequels imo, and I would love to see him have a chance to shine in a genuinely good Star Wars movie.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't know. Remember that time fans finally got to find out what the Clone Wars were all about?

With as little offense as possible – I trust the current team who's creating Star Wars content FAR more than I trust what was created by prequel-era Lucas. I see it as a bit of an apples to oranges comparison insofar as that's concerned just because of the team responsible, especially with the sort of content that Rebels has given us insofar as filling gaps.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yes there is a definite worry about the mystery being more interesting than the facts: See specially prequel-era Boba Fett.

X :neo:


I don't think the Kessel Run is meant to be mysterious or anything. Just noteworthy as a feat for the Falcon, I think the movie can manage that much.


Making the Kessel Run *a thing* when it's really better left at Han bragging about some unimportant shit no one cares about would be an example of prequels fleshing out details that don't need fleshing out.
So hopefully they don't make it *a thing*.

But I expect them to hit all the points in the prequel clichee bingo. How he met Chewie, how he met Lando, how he won the Falcon, why he doesn't like being told the odds, probably gonna make his jacket an important memento that was passed down from a mentor or something as well :monster:
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Making the Kessel Run *a thing* when it's really better left at Han bragging about some unimportant shit no one cares about would be an example of prequels fleshing out details that don't need fleshing out.
So hopefully they don't make it *a thing*.

I would say that it's definitely passed the threshold of, "Han bragging about some unimportant shit no one cares about" by how it was already brought back up in TFA as being 12 not 14. Even in the old Legends Canon, it was always a point of pride for him in that it was a point of notoriety for him amongst other smugglers. It's pretty much always been conveyed as "a thing" for his character.

But I expect them to hit all the points in the prequel clichee bingo. How he met Chewie, how he met Lando, how he won the Falcon, why he doesn't like being told the odds, probably gonna make his jacket an important memento that was passed down from a mentor or something as well :monster:

While it's likely to hit a lot, if not all of those beats – I feel like the Han Solo movie really holds importance in looking at the legacy of the Falcon & Chewbacca.

With Chewie & the Falcon surviving Han, understanding the bits of legacy that's attached to them does make for a story that holds extra weight / connection to them both in TLJ/IX. (Same applies to Lando if/when we see him in those films as well).

Rogue One was very much about establishing the legacy of what lead up to the immediate events of IV, and I feel like this film could be a good opportunity to reinforce Han's impact on the characters who're surviving him, as that gives them little extra things that they can build off of later on.

Again – It's WAY easy to do this badly & unnecessarily, but I think that there's plenty of ways to do this right.

X :neo:
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