FFIX OST PLUS - Uematsu's Diary


Pro Adventurer
This can be found in the liner notes and I've always wanted to know what Uematsu-san said in there :)
By any chance would there be someone here ( or someone who knows someone ) who'd be willing to translate it ?



Pro Adventurer
Just in case, here's the full transcript in Japanese ^_^


不定期です。日記とは書いてあるものの每B続くわきゃない。タイトルは 『理恵子のオーバーオール」です。そのうち飽きたらタイトル変えます。文章の長さも決まってません。女性の スカートの丈のようなもんです。つまり長いときもあれば短いときもあるでしょうってことです。

FF VIIIを制作中の9/9〜1/1 8、僕は毎日サーバー上に日誌を公開していてたのた。義務感にとらわれがちな日記というモノもいざ慣れてし まうと毎日書くのが楽しみになってしまうぞ知ってたか?ところがその日記もねー、FF VIII終了と共に終焉を向かえちゃったのねー. ちょっと寂しかったのねー. でもダイジョブだ執拗なまでに僕の執筆意欲を掻き立てる新たな戦地がここに見つかったでわないか2、不定期 連載書きなぐり室長日記「理恵子のオーバーオール」の始まりじゃ!


デジキューブの小沢さんの紹介でサンポーニャ奏者の瀬木さんとお会いした。にこやかなオーラをその巨漢に充 填したこの32歳の男は会った人を皆元気にしてしまう不思議なパワーの持ち主だ、5000kmのアマゾン河 カヌー下りを決行したり。単身ピグミー族の村に転がり込んでしまうそのフットワークの軽さはあの体躯からは とても想像することはできない。しかも仕事じゃなくって自腹で行くんだぜ?なんだか妙に気が合ってしまいい つか一緒に仕事をすること、いつか冒険旅行におともさせてもらうことを軽く口約束して別れたんだけど。その 帰りの車の中で僕はとても何かに満たされていたのだ。なんだか高校生の頃みたいに自分の目の前に無限の可能 性が広がっているように感じてたんだなー。夢を実現させる人の側にいると自分も夢を実現できるような気にな れるし楽しく生きてる人と一緒にいると自分も楽しくなってしまうではないか。これは何かが伝染しておるに違 いあるまい。落ち込んでる奴と話してるとこっちも滅入ってくるもんな思考なのか感情なのか難しいことはわか んないけどとにかく隣の人に伝染していくのよまあれやね、つまり、笑って生きてる人のまわりには笑って生き てる人達が集まるつちゆーこっちゃね。瀬木さん、どうもありがとう。


FF VIIIが忙しくてここ数ヶ月会えなかったものだから。ここらでオジサンとしても点数を稼いどかないと忘れ られちゃうからな。姪っ子(10歳)の買い物は嫁さんにまかせ、僕の方は甥っ子(5歳)の担当だ。ビーダマ ンが欲しいというのでおもちゃ屋に行き「どれでも好きなの選びな」というと一つだけ選び「これがいいリとい う。

じゃあってえんでレジに向かおうとした矢先に彼の目に飛び込んできたんだね。でっかい箱の「ビーダマン4体 セット」ってのが。で、それを見つめたまんま彼はじっと動かない。
「ん?どうした?そっちがいいの?」と聞いても首を横に振る。「じゃ、行くよ」と手を引いても動かない。ど っからどう見ても「4体セット」を欲しがっているのがバレバレである。「こっちの方がいいんだったら買って あげるよ?」

「なんで?」『 ...もう、おもちゃばっかり買って!』って…」
「いーよ、いーよ。それもノビョからお母さんにいっとくから。タカノリが欲しがったんじゃなくってノビョが 買ってあげたかったんだって」




観ました、観ました。昨日観てきました。あなたは観ましたか。River Dance?いやー凄かったですねえの最高の感動でしたねーん?御存知ない?じゃちょっと紹介しますと、ま 、いってしまえばアイルランドのステップダンスのショーなんですけどね。これ凄いです。本当に凄まじいです 。言葉にしちゃうのもバカバカしいのでいいません。ビデオで出てると思うんで観てください。3年前にアイル ランド行ったとき、とあるCDショップのモニターTVで発売されたばかりのRiver Danceのビデオやってたんですよ。これがショックでショックで、もう呆然と立ち尽くしたまんま涙が止ま らないんですわ。で、早速そのビデオ買って帰って何度も何度もくり返し観ながら昨日の来日公演を待っておっ たのですね、3年鳳ショーが始まりダンサー達がステップダンスを踏み始めるやいなや、またまた涙が溢れてき て、ダンサー達がみんな二重に見えちゃってんの。何度も何度もこらえようとするんだけど、やっぱあまりにも 素晴らしすぎて涙が止まらない。生きててよかった、と思ったよ。昨日は自分が生きてる同時代にこんな傑作を 作りあげた人がいて、それを生で観ることができるなんてねー。まだ観てない人いたら騙されたと思って観てく ださい。芸術と娯楽がかなり高いレベルで共存した世にも稀な作品です。。いや観てください、じゃなくって「 観るべし」だな半ば命令形だ、これは。人様にお金を払って買っていただくモノを作る人間は観な きゃダメだ. モノを作るという意味を考えさせられましたたまには反省してみます.


わたしは自分の行動に責任の持てる20歳以上の成人である。[YES] [NO] ...以下、[YES]の人だけ読んでください。僕は昔からあのトランクスというのがダメだったのだ。どうもブラブラとしておさま りが悪くてしょうがないからねビチーっと押さえ付けられてる方が安心感がありますわな犬に向かって「sta y!」とか「おすわり!」とかいうでしょ?いわれた犬はじっとしてますね。ま、あれと同じ理屈で(おいおい )無意識のうちに自由な行動を束縛されることに慣れてしまったのですね。ほんの浮気心だったんですよ。初め て行ったダイエーの中を何気なく歩いていると下着売り場にいきあたった。そこにズラッとトランクスは並んで いたね。でも僕はブリーフ派。押さえ付けられてもう40年。あぁ、でもでも、このまま死んでしまえば僕は一 生トランクスの味わいを知らぬままってことになる買ってみようか?いや、いい歳こいてお前は今さら何を迷っ ているのだお前にはブリーフがお似合いだ

40年もはいてればそのくらいのことわかるだろ?うんうん。わかってはいるんだ。でも一枚くらい、ね?どう せすぐまた飽きてブリーフに帰ってくるんだから。ね?ね?一枚だけ買ってみようよ。(誰と話してんだよ)で 、一枚だけ買ったさ。そしたらあなたどーなのよ、この解放感。こちらでは常に短パンで過ごしてるものだから 短パンの裾から裾へ駆け抜けるハワイアンブリーズがいつもいつも優しくクールダウンしてくれるさ。もうやめ らんないぜ。あばよプリ一フ。40年間ありがとね。


タカノリ話は続くのである。もうどうしようもなくかわいくて親馬鹿ならぬ叔父馬鹿炸裂であることは重々承知 しておるのであるが、ま、聞いてくだされ。タカノリは今夏休みということで僕の両親に連れられて姉の真実ち ゃんと4人でハワイに滞在中なのだ。僕は昼間仕事があるので朝と夜しか相手をしてあげられないのが残念だけ どね。夜になるとソファで僕と肩を組んで一緒にアニメを観るのが日課となっている。このタカノリと僕は先日 兄弟の契りを結んだ。お互いに「兄貴」「兄弟」と呼び合うことにしたんだ。ある日曜日、一緒にスーパーに買 い物に行った際、僕と兄弟は女性下着売り場に遭遇した。本能のままに行動することにおいてはこの先輝かしい 戦歴を残してくれるであろうことは疑いようのない我が兄弟は満面に笑みをたたえてこういった。「兄貴、あれ エロいよね」「...何いってんだ、兄弟。さ、行くぞ」手を引いて別の売り場に向かったのであったが後ろ髪 を下着売り場に忘れたままの兄弟は力一杯僕の手をひっぱって戻ろうとする。「ねえねえ、もう一回見に行こう よぉ」「そんなに見たいんだったら兄弟一人で見てこいよ」「ちぇっ兄貴も見たいくせに…」こんなこともある プールにやってきたビキニ姿の白人女性をだらしない顔つきで眺めていた兄弟はジャクジーに入っていた僕のと ころにかけてきて「兄貴、向こうからの方がおっぱいよく見えるよ」極めつけはこうだ。いつものように肩を組 んでTVを観ていると突然僕の股間を握り締めてこういう。「ねぇねぇ、兄貴のチン○、見せてよ」見せるかっ ちゅーの!こいつもしかして僕が彼の叔父であることを理解していないのではないか?まぁ、いーけど。別にこ っちも叔父らしいような立派な振る舞いはした試しないしな。このままいつもいつも体ベターっとくっつけてこ られてるのも悪い気はしない。
気持ちはいいもんね。子供を持つってこんな感じなんだろうか?日本への出張に出る前日ヨーヨーで遊んでいた 兄弟が聞いてきた。「いつ戻ってくるの?」「10日間くらいだよ」「うっそー、なつがーい!」そういってす ぐヨーヨーで遊びに戻っていった。ちょっと寂しかった。「えー?やだやだぁ。もっと早く帰ってきてよぉ」と 駄々こねられるのを期待してたからだ。でも翌日の出発の朝「じゃね、タカノリ、行ってくるよ」というと僕の 両足にしがみついてきて顔を太股にぴったりくっつけたままいつまでも顔をあげようとはしない…どうやらこの 恋は僕の勝ちだ。


3日前から僕の旧い友人夫妻がウチに滞在しくている。書家をやっている彼が話してくれる書道の話は普段めっ たに聴けない内容であるためなかなか面白いのだ。硯の話とか、筆で書く一本の線の話とか、閉鎖的な書道界の 話とか、書のギャラの相場の話とか、う〜む硬軟取り揃えてなかなかアカデミックに夜は更けていく。「…で、 つまりそれは技術ではなくて味わいなんだよ」「はぁ…味わいねぇ…」「植松氏(彼は僕のことを昔からこう呼 ぶ)もわかるでしょ?音楽も技術だけじゃないでしょ?」「うんうん、つまり自分を表現したい気持ちが先にあ れば技術はきっと後回しになっちゃうだろうね。うんうん、それはわかるな」「技術は必要ないとはいわないよ 。もちろんモノ作りにおいて最低限の表現方法は知ってなきゃいけない」「でもそれだけを追いかけてると技術 というピースで組み上げられた作品になってしまう」「素人目には受けはいいだろうね。一見よくできてる風だ から。でも専門家の目は…」
「…ごまかせない。それは音楽も一緒だ」深夜であるにもかかわらず酒も入ることなくゲージュツトークバトル が続こうとしていた矢先、電話が鳴った。「もしもし植松です」 『あ、植松さんですかぁ?竹元ですぅ。あのね、すごいですよ。今TVのNGNチャンネルつけてみてください よ」NGNチャンネル?」「えぇ、今ね、日本のアダルトビデオが流れてますよ。すごいですね。ホラーこない だ日本のAVをテレビでやってたら教えてくれって植松さんにいわれてたじゃないですか?だから今NGNでや ってるの気付いてね早速電話してみたんです」「あ、それは御丁寧にどもども」書の話からAVまで僕の興味の ストライクゾーンはなかなか広いのである。


ケーブルTVにジャズのチャンネルがあって朝から晩までジャズが流れっぱなしだ。それこそナットキングコー ルの白黒映像から名前も聞いたことのない地方のブルースメン達の演奏まで見ることができてまさに僕のための チャンネルである。嫁さんはそんなもんに興味はないので横で編み物しながら「ジャズって面白いの?」なんて たわけたことぬかしておる。僕は僕で音楽で曲がりなりにも飯を食っておる立場上。なんとか理解してもらいた いものだから「あー、これはつまりアフリカから奴隷としてアメリカに連れて来られた黒人を起源とするところ のブルースといふものが発展してだな、スウィングがビバップでクールでマイルスがアドリブなのだよ」と理屈 を説明するのだが、音楽の楽しみを理屈で説明されるほどつまらないことはない。そんなことは重々承知してお るのだ僕が思うに音楽を楽しむには今そこで流れている音楽に全面的に身を任せる必要があるのではないか。能 動的にその音楽を信頼していなければ楽しむこともできないし、理解することも難
あなたがドライブに誘われて助手席に座ったとしますね?もしその時隣でハンドルを握る愛しい彼の運転技術に 不安感を抱いてたりすると、あなたその日のドライブ楽しめますか?つまりそれと同じことなのですよ。音楽に rいい音楽」も「悪い音楽」もない。自分がそれを好きになりたいかどうかの選択でしかないわけです。いろん な音楽を聴いてそれまで自分が知らなかった様々な感動を得たいのであれば、まずその音楽に対して壁を作らな いで信じてみてください。「そこには何かがある」と確信して接してみてください。そうすると世の中の音楽が 全て自分のモノになりえます。自称「音楽を聴く天才」の僕がいってることです事実です。


今年の夏頃アメリカの子供から「FFIXの音楽はNobuoの代わりにRyuichi Sakamotoというunknown composer(!)が担当すると聞いたがそれは残念なことだ」という内容のメールが届いた。訳のわから んことをいうやつだなと思っていると、どうやらその時期インターネット上で「FF9の音楽は坂本龍一に決定 !」という怪情報が流れていたらしい。まったくもってこのインターネットって奴はたちが悪い。情報源がどこ であろうと誰であろうと、その真偽に関わらずまたたくうちにその噂は世界の隅々にまで伝わってしまうのだか らね一体誰がそんな情報を流したのか?と思い、色々と検索してみたがそんなに簡単にみつかるわきゃないよな 。でもおかげであっちこっちのサイトを巡って多くの自分に関する怪し気な噂をみつけたぞ。
どうやらスクウェアがある雑誌の取材に応じ上記の坂本龍一の件を述べたらしい。どうやら僕はゲーム音楽はも うやらないといっているらしい。どうやらFF VIの頃にもスクウェアから「植松はもうゲーム音楽をやらない」というコメントがあったらしい。どうやら僕 はFF VIIIの後、スクウェアを退社したらしい。どうやらそれが原因で玲子さんと離婚したらしい。どうやら FF VIIIの音楽は面白くないらしい(これはまぁいいか…)。
どうやら僕は体を壊して療養中であるらしい。どうやら今は長年の仕事の疲れから無期限の休暇を取っているら しい。どうやらFF Xの音楽は僕が担当するらしい。あーもー!何書かれても黙ってじっと耐えるしかないのかぁ?...ま、いー けど。でもなんだかなぁ…辛いよなぁ…


中学校の時の同窓生からメールが来た。結婚の早かった彼女は出産も早く、なんと娘さんが今年大学を受験する という。なんてことだ。僕の大学受験でさえ、ついこのあいだの出来事である…と思っているのはいつまでたっ ても大人になりきれない本人だけで、単純に計算してももう20年以上が経っているのだそりゃ同窓生の子供が 大学受験してもおかしかないよな。思い起こせば僕は当時、高知大学を受けて落っこちてしまったんだ。高知大 学の側に住んでいた僕等子供達にとってあのキャンパスはただの広い遊び場でしかなく、車が入ってこないのを いいことにチャリンコで競走したり勝手にプールで泳いだりしたものである卓球部のにーちゃんに卓球教えても らったり、ロックバンドの練習風景を見せてもらったりもした。あまりにも身近な存在だったものだからまさか 受験で落とされるとは思ってもいなかったのだがまともな勉強もしないで合格させてくれるほど国立大学は甘く ない。

僕の浪人生活が始まった。ま、浪人生活が始まったからといって何かが突然大きく変わるわけでもない心機一転 、勉学にいそしむ毎日が始まるのかと思いきやさにあらず。朝、予備校に行くといって家を出てしまえば後はも う楽器屋行ったりレコード屋行ったり、歩き疲れたら落ちこぼれ仲間の待つ「えるびぃ」(サ店)で一休み。全 くもっていい御身分である。しかしある時、勉強なんかしてないはずの落ちこぼれ仲間の一人であるNくんの名 前が予備校のヒットチャート(僕らは順位表のことをこう呼んでいた)の上位にくい込んでいたのである。なん と、Nくんは秘密裏に勉学にいそしんでいたのだ. いかん、いかん、これではいかん何がいかんかというと、Nくんに負けたことがいかんのだ。
中学生のときからの音楽仲間で将来は一緒にロックバンドを組むことを夢見た相方に置いていかれる。そんな気 がした僕は大いに焦り、その夏から猛烈に勉強を始めた。勉強だと思わず「これはただのゲームだ」と思い込む ことにしたのである。模擬試験で自分の順位をどこまで上げられるのかを競うゲームに過ぎないと思うことにし て頑張ったところみるみるうちに成績は上がり秋の模擬試験の結果では早慶に手が届きそうなところまで来てい た(いやマジでマジで)
具体的な志望校を決定していなかった僕は筑波大学に焦点を定めた。筑波を選んだ理由はバカバカしいから書か ないが…いやおもろいから書くけど。何かの雑誌で筑波の学生寮には学生結婚した夫婦が住んでいるという記事 を読んだからである。凄いではないか。学生結婚だぜ?思いっきり大人の世界だぜぇ。いつしか!「女の子と二 人っきり」あぁそれは「学生結婚」あぁそれは「筑波大学」という図式が出来上がり僕の受験勉強にも拍車がか かった。次の模試では筑波は合格圏内であった。「よっしゃ!学生結婚いっただきぃ!」

順調に成績もアップしていたそんな12月のある日、予備校の教室である女の子を見かけたのだ。「おいおい、 Nくん。Nくんあそこにいるあの子は一体誰かね?」「あ、Kさんね。人気あるよね。可愛いもんね」そして、 御想像通り僕は翌年の学生結婚より目前の愛欲を選んでしまうわけだ。(続く)


(続き)どうもその日以来Kさんのことが気になってしかたがない。授業中でもついついKさんの姿を追ってし まうのだ。がっ!僕が彼女の姿を捉えるときには必ずといっていいほど彼女と目があってしまうのだ。つまり! 彼女も常に僕のことを見ていたのである!あぁ、神様、浪人させてくれてありがとう。ある日Kさんの友達が僕 のところにやって来て「あのね、Kさんが植松くんと話したいんだって」という。
「!」…そ、そんなぁ…いきなし「好きです」なんていわれたらどうするよで、予備校の帰りに会ったさ2:「 あ、ども、植松です。初めまして」「あの…」「…あー、はいはい」「今度、植松くんの家に遊びに行ってもい いですか?」「…げふっ!!」
それからの僕らは来る日も来る日も一日中一緒に過ごした#図書館で勉強するフリしての逢い引き (-。「逢い引き」で…)、高知城で将来の夢を熱く語るノピョ2帯屋町で手をつないで歩く二人。家に帰っても長 電話。それでも満たされることなく深夜に書き綴られる手紙...諸君、こんなことが突然自分の身に降り掛か ってみたまえ。そりゃ勉強もしなくなるって0悪いのは僕じゃないんだよ。責めるべきはこの甘美な運命なのだ よ。絵に描いた様に堕落していった二人は勉強なんか見向きもしないで毎日に酔っていたのであるが、そのうち 否応なく現実は押し寄せてくる二人がそれぞれ滑り止めとして受けていたいくつかの大学から届くのはことごと く不合格通知であったのだお互いにイライラしてきますわな。

一応この1年間この受験のために頑張ってきたんだからね。でも二人ともこの数ヶ月、緊張感の「き」の字もな く過ごしちゃったもんでもう今更受験モードには戻れない。誰が悪い?そりゃ自分に責任があるのはわかってる けどね。でも好きになっちゃつたもんしょうがないじゃんかねぇ。でも今はそんなこといってる場合じゃな〜い 。金出してくれた両親にも申し訳ないしなぁ。なんとかしなきゃ、なんとかしなきゃ。しかし、もうなんともし ようがない既に後の祭りだお互いになんだか気まずい思いは隠せず、会う回数も自然と減っていく「これじゃだ めだからしばらく会うのをやめようほんでもって合格したアカツキにまた会おうではないか」と約束をして最後 の筑波大学の受験に向かったのであるが...やっぱり落ちちゃいました、結局僕はお情けで入れてもらえた神 奈川大学に進学することにして、さてそろそろKさんに連絡をと思っていた矢先、彼女から手紙が届いた長い手 紙だった。要点をかいつまんで説明するとね、

* 受験がうまくいかず悩んでいたらしい。(うんうん)
* 僕からは「合格するまで会わない」といわれショックだったらしい。(わかるぞ)
* そこへアキラ君ってやつが現れ彼が色々相談にのってくれたらしい。(ん?)
* 今ではアキラ君がいないと生きていけないらしい(なんでじゃー!!)
* つきましてはこれからはお友達ということで…(ありがちぃ〜)

…あの年、僕は志望校も彼女も同時に失ってしまったんだ。予備校の先生には「お前、筑波大学じゃなくていい のか?後悔するぞ」なんていわれたんだけどなぁ、全然後悔なんてしてないぜ、島村センセ神奈川大学で大黒君 という人物に出会うのだが、彼の友人にユキちゃんという女の子がいてね。その子のバイト先がスクウェアだっ たのさ。で、僕はユキちゃんの紹介でスクウェアから音楽の仕事をもらうに至るのだ。人間どこでどうなるかわ からんねぇ、いやホント。


Pro Adventurer
Since I'm using Chrome, a button popped up allowing me to toggle between Japanese and English, and let me tell you, it was pretty hilarious. Actually made ENOUGH sense to understand the major points, too. But yeah, we could really use an accurate translation. Its seemingly quite a personal little diary, with him talking about the nature of his emotions, his family, etc


Pro Adventurer
Yeah I was thinking of putting that in Google Translate just to get a general idea of what he's saying in there ^^
I guess your Chrome extension actually does that ?


Pro Adventurer
Noemu Uematsu Diary Essay

overall overall is
irregular. A diary is written but there is nothing to go on with per B. The title is "Rieko Overalls". I will change the title as soon as I get bored. The length of the sentence is also not decided. It is like the length of a woman 's skirt. In other words, there are times when it is long and short.

9/9 - 1/1 8 during the production of FF VIII, I was publishing a diary on the server everyday. Did you know that the thing called a diary that tends to be obliged to become obsessed with getting used and writing it everyday? However, that diary also ended with the end of FF VIII It was a little lonely.But it was a little lonely But it is a dyjob But I have not found out a new battlefield that will irritate my writing desire to be relentless 2 , Irregular series serial writing director's diary The beginning of "Rieko's overalls" starts!


I met Dr. Ozawa of DigiCube and Mr. Segi of Sunpong Nya player. This 32 - year - old man who packed a smiling aura in the giant is a strange power owner who energizes all the people I met, decided to go down a 5000 km Amazonian canoe. We can not imagine the lightness of that footwork rolling into a single Pygmy village from that body. Besides, it's not a job and I am going on my own. Somehow strangely I got along well that I worked together, someday getting to be an adventure trip and getting into a mouthfully clever way. I was filled with something in the car on the way home. I felt that infinite possibilities spread ahead of me like a high school student somehow. I feel like I can realize my dreams when I am at the person who realizes my dreams. If I am with people who are living happily, will not myself become fun? This is different whether something is contagious. When talking to a depressed person, this is also a ruining thought or an emotion I wonder if it is a difficult thing I do not know but it will spread to anyone else anyway, that is, people laughing and living There are people who are living laughing and gather around Tachibana. Thank you, Mr. Segane.


Sunday, February 1999 , I took two people, nephew and niece, to go shopping.
Because FF VIII is busy because I could not meet him in the last few months. I will forget that unless I can earn points as an Ogisan in this place. I will leave the shopping for my niece (10 years old) to my wife and myself for my nephew (5 years old). Going to a toy shop because you want a bead man, if you say "Choose whatever you like", choose only one and say "This is good.

Well then, he jumped into his eyes as he headed to the cash register. The big box "Biderman 4 body set" is. He looked at it and so he can not move still.
Shake your head even if you ask "What's wrong? "Well, let's go" I will not move even if I hold out my hand. From whatever it is seen, it is Barebare that I want the "four body set". "If you prefer this one, will you buy it?"

"But ... ..."
"But what's wrong?"
"Mothers get angry when you buy an old ...
" How do you get angry?
"To make Noviyo use a lot of money ..."
"Nobyo is okay, so we can go from mother to mother in Noviyo"
"But ... you will get angry ..."
"Why?" ... already , buy toys ! "I ..."
"Iyo, Iyo. It is also because should go to the mother from Nobyo. Datte I Takanori wanted'll buy it No, not like I was wanted Nobyo"
"Yeah. By Well then
... will you get angry after all ? " " ...
Well, well, let's stop the big box and give me four big-tickets? "
" Well ? Really? "
" Yeah "

" Well then it's okay? Because it's a small box so it can not be seen by my mother. "

5 years old is 5 years old, wisdom is working. It is a noopyo that I admired a bit.


saw it, March 9, 1999 , I watched it. I watched it yesterday. Did you watch? River Dance? Well it was awesome It was the greatest impression of hee hey? Do not you know? Well, after a while, it is a show of Irish step dance, though. This is amazing. It is truly amazing. It is not good to say words because it is stupid. Please watch it as though it is out on video. When I went to Ireland three years ago, I was doing a video of River Dance just released on a monitor TV of a certain CD shop. This is shocked and shocked, and the tears of misfortunes that have been stunned already are not stopped. So, as soon as I bought the video and watched it over and over again and waited for the performance of yesterday 's arrival in Japan, as soon as the 3 - year Ho Fai show started and the dancers began stepping dance, Overflowing, all the dancers are looking double. I'm trying to endure again and again, but after all my tears have stopped because my tears are too great. I thought it was good to live. Yesterday, there was a person who made this masterpiece in the same age that I am alive, I can not see it live. If you have not seen it yet, watch it as though you were deceived. It is a rare work in the world where art and entertainment coexisted at a considerably high level. . Well, please do not watch it, it's a "mid-command" form, this is. I do not have to see people who make things to pay people for

buying.It made me think about the meaning of making things.Summary 1999/7/8

I live in Hawaii In commemoration of what I started, I decided to change my underwear.
I am an adult over 20 years old who can be responsible for my actions. [YES] [NO] ... Please read only people of [YES] below. I used to be that trunks from a long time ago. Because it is bad and it can not be helped because it is bad as a hula, there is a sense of security when being pressed down vigorously. It is called "sta y!" Or "sitsuke!" Towards a canine dog, is not it? I heard the dog standing still. Well, it was the same reason as that (grandchild) I was accustomed to being unconsciously bound by free action. It was just a cheating mind. When I was casually walking in the Daiei I went for the first time, I went to the underwear department. There are rows of trunks in line. But I am a brief. It has already been pressed for 40 years. Oh, but if I died like this I will not know the taste of one trunk trunk Shall I buy it? No, what a hesita is getting astray now when you are a good boyfriend You know what it is about

40 years ago when the brief is right for you ? Yes Yes. I know that. But about a piece, right? As soon as I get bored again I will return to the brief. Is not it? Is not it? Let's buy one piece only. (Who I'm talking to), I bought only one piece. Then how about you, this sense of liberation. Here I am always in a short bread so Hawaiian Breeze running from the hem of a short bread to the hem always always gently cool down. I can not stop it anymore. Abba Playing. Thank you for 40 years.

August 9, 1999

Takanori story continues. I am aware of the fact that it is a cute and foolish uncle's idiot explosion no matter what I do not know. Takanori is now being taken to my parents because of my summer vacation and my sister's truth is staying in Hawaii with 4 people. I am sorry that I can work only in the morning and the night because I have work in the daytime. It is a daily routine to watch animation together at the shoulder with me on the sofa at night. Takanori and I have made a fellowship agreement with my brothers the other day. We decided to call each other "brother" "brother". One Sunday, when I went shopping for a supermarket together, I and my brothers encountered a female underwear department. My brothers without doubt felt a smile full with this in behaving acting as instincts will be able to leave a brilliant battle history in the future. "Brother, you do not have that erotic feeling" "... What are you doing, brothers, you're going?" Brothers who forgot their back hair at the underwear department, I will pull my hand and try to get back. "Hey, let's go to see once again" "If you want to see it so much, go check it out with your brothers alone" "Wish to see the big brother ..." Bikinis in came to this pool Brothers looking at a white woman sloppily looking at me like a broth whom I was in the jacuzzi caught me and said, "My brother, you better look at your breasts, you can see your breasts well" As usual I watched TV wearing a shoulder and suddenly clutched my crotch and like this. "Hey, my older brother Chin ○, show me" Can you show off! I guess this maybe you do not understand that I am his uncle? Well, though. Separately I do not try a good behavior that seems to be my uncle. I do not feel bad that you always get stuck on your body all the time this way.
It feels good. Do you feel like having a child like this? The brothers who were playing at yoyo the day before going on business trip to Japan asked. "When will you come back?" "It's about 10 days" "Uh, no matter how bad!" That so soon it went back to play with yo-yos. I was somewhat lonely. "Oh no? Yadayaa, I was hoping that it would be badly killed that I came home earlier." But when I say the next morning starting from the next morning, "Takanori, I will come back" I will cling to my feet and hold my face tightly on the thigh and I will never give my face forever ... apparently this love is my win It is.

August 23

, 1999 My old friends and my wife staying in my house three days ago. It is quite interesting because the story of calligraphy which he is doing a calligrapher speaks is content which I can not listen to as usual. In the academic it is quite academic to get up at night as to talk about 硯, a story of a single line written with a brush, a story of a closed calligraphy circle, a story of a gala price of a book, etc. "..., that is not technology but it tastes." "Huh ... not taste ..." "Mr. Uematsu (he called me from long ago)" You do not mind music alone, do you? "Yeah, well, if the feelings I want to express myself are in front of you, the technology will surely be postponed, yeah, yeah, I understand it." "It's not necessary that technology is not necessary." Of course, "If you are chasing only that, it will be a work that was assembled with a piece of technology." "It will be acceptable for an amateur person." Because it is a well-made wind But the eyes of experts ... "
"... I can not fake it, it's with music." Despite being late night, the gauge talk battle was about to continue without drinking, the phone rang. "Hello, you are Uematsu" "Oh, are you Uematsu-san? It is Takeyoshi. That is amazing. Please try putting TV NGN channel right now "NGN channel? "Well, nowadays, adult video in Japan is flowing, it's amazing, is not it horrory You said that Uematsu-san told me if I did Japanese AV on TV? So I realized that I am now on NGN I tried calling at once. "" Oh, that's polite as it is "From the story of the book to the AV It is quite extensive for my interested strike zone.


Cable TV has a jazz channel and jazz continues to flow from morning till evening. That is exactly the channel for me to see the performance of local bluesmen who have never heard their name from the black and white picture of Nat King King. Since the wife is not interested in such a thing, while knitting sideways, it's been stupid to say that "Jazz is funny?" I am on the stand who is eating meal at once with music by myself. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what is called blues originating from a black man brought to America as a slave from Africa is evolving, swing is cool in bebop and Miles It's ad-lib, "he explains the reasoning, but there is nothing boring to explain the pleasure of music theory. I understand such things seriously I wonder if there is a need to fully leave the music to the music that is flowing there to enjoy music as I think. If you do not trust that music dynamically you can not enjoy it, it is difficult to understand
Suppose you are invited by a drive and you sit in a passenger seat? If you feel uneasy about his deep driving skill holding the steering wheel next to that time, will you be able to enjoy the drive of that day? That is the same thing. There is neither good music nor bad music in music. It is only a choice whether I want to like it or not. If you listen to all kinds of music and want to get various excitement you did not know until then, please do not make walls for that music first and believe it. Please believe that "There is something there". Then all the music in the world can be your own thing. It is a fact that the servant of self-proclaimed "genius to listen to music" is said to be true.

1999/11/12 About

this summer I heard from a child in the United States that the content of "I heard that the music of FFIX is in charge of the unknown composer (!) Called Ryuichi Sakamoto in place of Nobuo, but that is unfortunate". Apparently it seems that it is a guy who does not understand the translation, it seems that the monster information called "FF9 music is decided to Ryuichi Sakamoto!" On the Internet at that time apparently flowed. There is something wrong with this internet at all. Whatever the source, whatever its true or false rumor will be transmitted to every corner of the world whatever it is True Who did such information? I thought, I tried various searches but I could not find it so easily. But thanks to you, I've found many suspicious rumors about myself around this site.
Apparently it seems to have said Ryuichi Sakamoto's case above according to the interview of a magazine with Square. Apparently I heard that game music does not go well. Apparently, around the time of FF VI it seems there was a comment from Square that "Uematsu no longer does game music". Apparently I seem to have left Square after FF VIII. Apparently it seems that she got divorced from Reiko. Apparently the music of FF VIII seems not to be interesting (this is okay ...).
Apparently I seem to be taking medical treatment by breaking my body. Apparently I am taking an indefinite vacation now because I've been tired of work for many years. Apparently I heard that FF X's music is in charge. Ah-ah! No matter what you write, you just have to stand still silently? Well, though. But somehow ... it's spicy ...


Mail came from alumni at middle school. She got birth early as she got married so quickly that her daughter will take the university this year. What a thing. Even my college entrance examinations are the events of the past ... It is only the principal who can not become an adult forever, and even if it is calculated simply more than 20 years have elapsed Alumni children may only take college entrance examinations. At that time, I fell down because of Kochi University. For our children living on the side of Kochi University, that campus is just a large playground, it is good that the car does not come in and race in the challenge and swim in the pool without permission Even though I taught table tennis for table tennis department table tennis, I got a rock band practice scene. It was too familiar to me, so I never imagined that it would be dropped by the entrance examination, but the national university is not sweet enough to pass without proper studies.

My ronin 's life began. Well, even if a ronin person's life began something suddenly does not change a lot suddenly Unexpectedly turning around, I do not think that everyday to study will begin. In the morning, going to preparatory school, going out of the house and going back to the music instruments shop and going to the record shop, going to the record shop and going to rest at the "Ebibi" (S store) waiting for the fallen comrades when walking tired. It is a good clothes line. But at one point, the name of N-kun, one of the falling companions who should not be studying, was stuck at the top of the preparatory school hit chart (we called the standings table like this). How, N, I was secretly studying at the end.When, no matter what, what I should say is what I lost by N-kun.
It is a music companion from the time of junior high school students and the future will be put in the other person who dreamed of forming a rock band together. I felt so bad, I began to study furiously from that summer. I decided to think that I was studying, "This is just a game." I decided to think that it is just a game to compete to what extent I can raise my rank in the practice test and I got the best I got better and the results went up and the result of the autumn exercise tests came up to the point where the hand seems to reach Waseda University (no, seriously Seriously)
I did not determine the specific Shiboko is determined to focus on the University of Tsukuba. The reason for choosing Tsukuba is stupid because it is stupid, but I will write it from an interesting point. I read an article saying that a couple who student married lives in the student dormitory of Tsukuba in some magazines. Is not it amazing? Student marriage? It is quite adult world. Someday! "Two men with girls" Oh, that's "student marriage" Oh, that's the figure "University of Tsukuba" completed and spurred my examination. In the next trial, Tsukuba was within the acceptable range. "Yoga! Make a student marriage!"

One day in December that was going up steadily, I saw a girl who was a preparatory school classroom. "Hey, N-kun.N kun. Who the hell is that over there?" "Oh, K-san, it's popular, is not it cute?" And, as I imagined, I was thinking about the lack of patience before the next year's student marriage It chooses it. (Continued)

December 21, 1999

(continued) Mr. K has been worried about Mr. K because of that day. Even in class, I will keep track of Mr. K's appearance. ! When I caught her figure she had eyes to her as much as possible. In other words! She has always been watching me! Oh, God, Thank you for letting me awaken. One day Mr. K's friend came to me saying "Hey, Mr. K wants to talk to Uematsu-kun".
「!」 ... そ ん, そ ん な そ ぁ ... I do not know what to do if I said "I like you", I met you on the way back from the preparatory school 2: "Ah, It is Uematsu ... Nice to meet you." Nice to meet you "" That ... ... " Yeah yeah. "" Can I go to play Uematsu-kun's house this time? "" ... Bura !! "After
that we spent all day together the day I was studying at the library # Two people who walk hand in hand in the no - pyo 2 shopya town who talks hotly about future dreams in Kochi Castle. Even if I go home I have a long phone. Still, a letter spelled at midnight without being satisfied ... Mr. Kimi, suddenly I fell on my own. Well that's not going to study either 0 It's not me bad. It is this sweetest fate to blame. The two who fell down like they drew in the picture were drunk everyday without looking at something, but inevitably the reality inevitably came from some of the two people who came as slip stoppers Everything arriving from the university was a rejection notice everyone is getting irritated with each other.

I've been working hard for this exam for the past year. But both of us have not sprinted the tension feeling 'ki' in the past few months and can not go back to the exam mode now. Who is bad? Well, I know that I am responsible. But I guess there is no choice but to become like it. But now it is not the case to say such a thing. I am sorry for my parents who took out the money. I have to manage somehow, I have to manage. However, there is no way to do anything already It is already a late festival Another awkward feeling can not be hidden from each other, the number of meetings also decreases naturally "Because it is not this, stop meeting me for a while Do not try to meet again Akatsuki passed by passing I made a promise to go to the final test at the University of Tsukuba, but after all I fell down, after all I decided to go to the Kanagawa University that I could put in with mercy, after a while It was a long letter that a letter arrived from her, beside him thought of contacting Mr. K. When I explain it gistily,

it seems that I was worrying that the examination did not go well. (Yeah yeah)
* From me it seems that it was said that "I will not see you until I passed" and it was a shock. (I understand)
* Akira appears there and he seems to have consulted variously. (ん?)
* It seems now that you can not live without Akira (why !?)
* With that in mind, it means your friend ... (thank you ~)

... That year, I lost both the aspiring school and her at the same time. To the teacher of the preparatory school, "You are not the University of Tsukuba? I regret it" I was told I do not regret at all, I do not regret at all, Shimamura sensation Kanagawa University meets the person called Oguro, Have a girl named Yuki in a friend. That child's byte point was Square. So, I am going to receive music work from Square with Yuki 's introduction. I do not know where people will become, no, really.


For what it's worth, that's how it appears in my browser. Only semi-comprehensible, but interesting. (I know you could have done this yourself, and maybe already have, but I figured I'd just lay it out)


Pro Adventurer
P.s., favorite parts in 'insane translation' edition: The part where he takes his nephew shopping and they both seem to freak out and get excited over womens underwear (and possibly discuss masturbation??), and conversely the later bit where he discusses taking responsibility for changing ones OWN underwear


Pro Adventurer
Haha that was... an intriguing read ^^
That underwear section surely was quite puzzling :P

Love that whole section though :

"There is neither good music nor bad music in music. It is only a choice whether I want to like it or not. If you listen to all kinds of music and want to get various excitement you did not know until then, please do not make walls for that music first and believe it. Please believe that "There is something there". Then all the music in the world can be your own thing"

Well-said Uematsu-san !
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