Some pointers on writing articles (images, links)


I should write more of these posts on a regular basis, lolz :monster:.

On images, when there's posts with an image added to them for illustrative purposes, or if there's just one image (such as this, this, this and this, make sure to center the image. Edit the image by clicking the button in the editor, and tick the 'centered' radio button.

This'll make the article look more in tune with the rest of the site (i.e. centered), and be just and great.

When a smaller image is available (say, this one), that could be added either to the top right of the article (so the introduction text is a bit shorter) or somewhere more down the article. I dunno when it would be applicable, but I can imagine it would be on articles that don't have images themselves, or very large amounts of text. Anything with more than two paragraphs should probably have an illustrative image. For some examples, see here or here.

Articles with larger images or videos should just have the image(s) appear at the bottom of the article. If it's a longer article with not too tall images, the images could also appear in between two paragraps - just as long as they aren't too tall. A quarter of your screen should probably the max height, but that's a bit of guesswork.

And I've said this before, but Always Properly Name and Describe your Images. Always. Google's image search is already a major source of visitors for us, and by properly naming and describing images, that can only become better. I should go through the existing images and check them wicba.

Also, we have over a thousand images right now, so there's a good chance we'll start to get double imagery now. If you need a stock image of, for example, one of the characters, upload a high-quality one once and use that one, instead of re-uploading the same one several times. It's not a big problem per sé considering our infinite bandwidth and storage and whatnot, but it's a bit of a waste to have fifty thousaaand equal pictures of Seph hanging around in the images directory.

Speaking of, making a backup of those now.


Links and whatnot

A trend I've been seeing... well, for a day, :monster:, is that in the articles there's a sentence saying 'lol click on Read the rest of this entry blah blah blah', but there's a good chance most people won't be able to Get That. Instead, add a link somewhere in the article itself to the article to the full article. You can get the URL of the article by clicking the Preview button, then copying the URL and removing the extra parameters (the bit starting with a ? character). You can either highlight a few words saying 'read more' and make that a link to the full article, or do as I did and make some key words that describe the 'read more' content itself links. For example, for this article, I made the sentence 'some videos of the game on Youtube' the link - which basically tells both people and search engines where the link will point to - videos, of the game, etc. It's also good for SEO, but meh, that's only really applicable for links to external pages, and with that not even our own.

Finally, we should start aiming towards a more uniform way of formatting posts - in particular the use of paragraphs, introductions, separators, and imagery. But I'm no pro with that, so maybe I'll dedicate a post on that later, wicba to have reviewed some more articles and whatnot.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Bumping this topic back up for Yop, as we're focusnig on frontpage content, now that the layouts are almost done. I'll add some stuff to this wicba.

X :neo:
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