Gabes fucked for life!

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Pro Adventurer
i really dont know where to begin guys currently im SOL , ill just start from the begining.

On saturday me and my cousin got into it , it was a small fight at first just arguing and what not.
Then the ass punched me in the head , so naturally the little argument turned into a shitstorm that ended with the police coming into my families home and arresting the both of us for bodily assaults/family violence , which is a class a misdemeanor (yay now i cant join the marines like i planned to next year;_;)

Anyway i spent saturday night in processing with my cousin , some fag high off bars and cocaine and some guy whos been stuck there since last thursday for shit that happened 2 years ago.
Sunday morning i got to see the judge which gave me a bail of 5000$ , i only gotta pay 500$ of it , except i didnt have that kind of cash on me and neither did my family, well they did for my dumb fuck cousin anyway.

I was put into general population , aka out of proccessing and in with the criminals.
Needless to say i got the shit beaten out of me first night , luckily my parents pawned my ps3 and some other consoles to post bail the next day.
Due to a protective order placed between me and my cousin i cant be at home when he is so i moved in with my sister and can only visit my parents when hes not around =/

Not to mention in a few months or even sooner i gotta go back to court and find out what my sentence will be , it ranges from probation to like 3 years in prison , atleast if the cops who arrested me werent lying , im hoping they were just trying to scare me =/

My sisters got pretty darn fast internet , except they only have 1 laptop so pc time is usually taken up by her son whom is addicted to some ben 10 flash game on cartoon
im gonna work on getting my pc over at my sisters so i can be on more but till then i just dont know if im gonna be able to get on alot
i miss you all guys i hope your all doing well with your lives =/


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
That's really awful dude. I really sincerely hope the court goes leniant on you with the sentencing. Cops often try and scare the shit out of you though, I know this from personal experience. So try not to dwell on the worst case scenario and keep your chin up.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Dam gabe what a load of bullshit. Hope shit somehow works out.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You'll get through it bub.

Of this I am sure.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks guys it really really helps to see something nice in all of this :)
i should have the pc for a few more hours (everyones out at church ftw) so ill stick around a bit for tonight for sure XD

edit: lol if i can get my cam running ill take a pic of the police blotter article in my towns newspaper , shits kind of fucked up to be honest. when ever something happens theres a small tidbit about it in the newspaper its impossible to escape embarrasment ;_;

edit: not super awesome quality my phone cam sucks but i outlined the bit with my name , i was a tad shaky too :x
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Here's the thing I don't understand: Why isn't your cousin also being charged? It sounds like they have placed full blame on you - when, as you have told us, he threw the first punch...

I will definitely keep you in my well wishes, hopes and prayers - especially for justice. I will hope that you'll heal and learn what you need to learn from all of this. I'm sorry to read about it...


Pro Adventurer
Hes being charged as well , we were both sent to jail and we both saw the same judge (at seperate times though).
I just really dont give a shit about him right now , the whole fight was over something ridiculous to ridiculous to post here as im embarrassed.
i am more embarrassed that i may do time over something so miniscule =/


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Bugger that sucks. Hope everything gets sorted out for you D;


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
dude, hope things work out soon. and wish justice serves well.


Higher Further Faster
What? This sounds terrible. :( *hugs*

I hope you don't have to go to jail. I'll pray for you. :(


Kissed by Fire
What the freak did you do to your cousin to get three years in jail?

that really sucks though. I was wondering where you'd gone off to. Hope things work out!! Hold strong.


Pro Adventurer
Thank you ,i really do appreciate it.
There is a bright side to all of this though , the small taste of the prison life i had this week end made me realise that i cant just spend all my time being some loser playing mmorpg's and what not all the time.
i would look out of the doors small window into the lonely cold hall at night and i knew that if i got out i couldnt spend my days the same anymore.

I dont know how to explain it but looking out that window and knowing i couldnt leave instilled something in me , it was surreal but it effected me to the core. I know i never want to return there ,the feeling of imprisonment for me is a horrible one that i wish to never experience again. i guess its a feeling of the need to leave yet being unable to , its a sudden realisation that you are no longer your own person but someone stuck part of some sort of horrible system forced to repeat the same menial tasks over and over.
After this i feel as if i coudl sit at some cubicle desk job for the rest of my life and be the happiest man alive.

The charge is bodily assualt and family violence , im not sure if its just one charge or 2 charges i didnt bother to ask the judge i was happy that i was being allowed the oppurtunity to post bail more so then anything else.
Either way both me and him are in the same boat, except hes going to keep on being some bum and i hope to make something of myself in my short time before sentencing, hopefully i can prove that im an upstanding citizen then some random thug and get probation.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Your cousin sounds like a tit. I hope you don't get too much out of this, as it's only a small minute thing to argue about.


It's not that it was a small minute thing to argue about, it's that the two of you decided to clobber each other and someone, probably a neighbour or whoever (do you know btw?) decided to call the cops and make a big deal out of it.

Plus, I doubt it's such a small issue when it ensues in fighting.


Pro Adventurer
It's not that it was a small minute thing to argue about, it's that the two of you decided to clobber each other and someone, probably a neighbour or whoever (do you know btw?) decided to call the cops and make a big deal out of it.

Plus, I doubt it's such a small issue when it ensues in fighting.

It was my mom , whom thought the cops would just come talk to us -.-
And it was over something small , its because i got on the pc when he wanted to use it.
Hes such a immature brat ,and i just got fed up with it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you dude. Good luck getting that sorted, and I hope they don't act like dicks and give you anything more than probation.

And fuck. Your mom should've known better.

When you call the cops the cops don't just talk. They arrest. Anyone who calls the police thinking otherwise should know better. If you call the police on someone they enforce the law. Period. They don't fuck around.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Can't your mom decide not to press charges or something then...? Or your cousin? I thought someone had to press charges against you in order for it to actually count.


Pro Adventurer
The police decided to press charges for us , if there even allowed to do it.

How ever they never read us our rights prior to asking us to make a statement , my sisters working on getting me a lawyer and im gonna ask him if perhaps this whole clusterfuck can be thrown out the window based on the cops fuck up :)


Harbinger O Great Justice
The police decided to press charges for us , if there even allowed to do it.

How ever they never read us our rights prior to asking us to make a statement , my sisters working on getting me a lawyer and im gonna ask him if perhaps this whole clusterfuck can be thrown out the window based on the cops fuck up :)

It should be for that. I think that you'll have the upper hand there. Best of luck.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
None the less the systems so far up its own ass im still rather scared , the guards in county dont do a damn thing other then patronise the inmates and turn there backs as soon as shit goes down.
i hope the judge doesnt decide to just "look past" that tidbit :x


Good luck with that...hopefully it gets thrown out/they were trying to scare you. That is a bit much for such a little thing.
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