I Said HEY...what's going on?


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)

Okay, it's actually been years since I've joined a forum that wasn't strictly a place for roleplaying purposes, but somehow I got roped back into having Final Fantasy discussions recently. I think it had something to do with me playing Final Fantasy IX with my eight-year-old niece and reading all of the dialogue in different voices while she watched. There was something about introducing this little girl to a game so close to my heart that made me want to come back and actually talk about them. So if there are any Final Fantasy IX enthusiasts out there, I'd love to meet and hug you.

If "Asmilingmalice" is too awkward to type out you can always just call me "Mal" or "Malice."

That's all I really have to say right now but if you have any questions for me I'll try to answer them. lol


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Welcome an' shit :monster: FFIX is actually my second favourite game in the series after FFVI, and there are a lot of other people here who love it as well, so you've probably come to the right place :monster:


I care not
That brown guy
I am just gonna call you Alice. but if you're hot....mmmmMalice will be the name.

Oh and welcome


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Welcome! IX is my favourite after VII. :D


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)
That's such a sweet story! :)

Welcome aboard. I also like FFIX quite a bit!

I'm happy you think so. <3 It's really like reading her a fairy tale. I remember when I was watching Toonami and saw the commercials for Final Fantasy IX that I was absolutely captivated by that fantasy/fairytale world with the castles and the creatures and the princess, so I knew she'd appreciate it too. Reading the dialogue in all the voices kind of turns it into an epic story time, and oh man, you should've seen her face when we completed Disc One. I remember being the exact same way when I did that the first time. <3

And yes, Danseru! Good seeing you again. <3

Ghost X

Welcome aboard, Malice. Hope you enjoy your time here :). FFIX is certainly amongst my favourites.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Every time I see this thread, that song sticks in my mind like a foot in a bear trap. Thanks for that.


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)
Every time I see this thread, that song sticks in my mind like a foot in a bear trap. Thanks for that.

Oh I hear you. Every time I see anything hilarious that involves He-Man or Skeletor, I have to run right over to Youtube to get my daily dosage of Heyeayeayea for five hours. lmao


Waiting for something
Massive welcome to you, that's so sweet that you introduced your niece to something you love.

FFIX is also my favourite FF alongside FFIV ^_^


Chloe Frazer
Welcome an' shit :monster:

FFIX is my favorite FF game and my favorite RPG of all time. Also Ooo, soft...


Pro Adventurer
I think it had something to do with me playing Final Fantasy IX with my eight-year-old niece and reading all of the dialogue in different voices while she watched. There was something about introducing this little girl to a game so close to my heart that made me want to come back and actually talk about them. So if there are any Final Fantasy IX enthusiasts out there, I'd love to meet and hug you.

That's sweet. My brother (who is also on this forum) and I used to read the dialogue in IX in different voices as well. It's my second favourite Final Fantasy game after VII, and I'd definitely consider myself an enthusiast, so, uh, *hugs* :)



dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Welcome to TLS! :monster:

FFIX was my first FF, it's one of my favorite game in the series. :awesome:
Last edited:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Welcome. Next to VII and IV, IX is my favorite FF. My favorite game of all time is (unsurprisingly, given my username and the fact that I'm a meber of these forums) a three way tie between FFVII, EarthBound, and Mother 3. Since all 3 are RPGs, they are also in a three way tie for my favorite RPG.
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