Final Fantasy X World Guide


Zetta Member
I mentioned this book in my collections posts, and since I'm dying to know exactly what it is, and since a couple people were also interested, I scanned a few pages from the beginning. So anyone wanna see what we got here? It seems like a Famitsu-published series of short stories about the summoners of Spira, Braska's pilgrimage, and various other backstory-type things. Plus a section on living in the world of Spira, and the monsters that inhabit it. Sounds interesting, no? Here are the scans for the front and back cover, the table of contents, and the first couple pages:

Any takers to translate some of this, at least enough to know what exactly it is and if it's worth translating any further?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Okay, I translated the table of contents and the first two paragraphs on the left side here:

Concerning the contents of this book
This book provides commentary concerning the world of Final Fantasy X. Walkthrough elements are not included, but it will certainly be an aid in understanding the world of Final Fantasy X more deeply, more fully, and, thereby, enjoying the game more. Moreover, this book has taken the appearance of a Spiran text published decades after the ending of the game. The stories in the main chapter portray Spira as it was 10 years before the events depicted in the game (that is to say, the events of Yuna's journey), while Chapter 2 consists of analysis of the people's understanding of survival during those times, particularly in dealing with fiends.

Furthermore, please be aware that this book's contents are a Famitsu original, and while produced in accordance with material from Square and the game itself, there may be differences with the official data.

Pilgrimage of Vengeance 8
The Boys' Pilgrimage 24
Pilgrimage of Survival 58

The Age of Summoners 114
Fiend Battles 116
Concerning Weapons 118
Types of Weapons 119
Mighty Power that Cannot Be Seen by the Eye 126
Concerning Special Abilities 128
Concerning Aeons 130
Existence of Fiends 132
Concerning Sin 175
Ancient Machines 176

Official Illustrations Collection 180
Promotional Goods Introduction 187

Japanese text:

復讐の旅 8
少年の旅 24
生きるための旅 58

召喚士の時代 114
魔物の戦い 116
武具について 118
武具の種別 119
目に見えない強大な力 126
特別な技について 128
召喚獣について 130
魔物という存在 132
シンについて 175
古の機械群 176

オフィシャルイラスト集 180
グッズ紹介 187
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Zetta Member
Woo, thanks! So it looks like it was pretty much exactly what I thought it was, heh. Pretty cool stuff. So do we want this? Should I try and scan it all?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good


Zetta Member
Well, it's here if anyone ever wants to tackle it. If anyone feels like translating, I guess they can post here and I'll scan as needed. At least we have a good idea of what it is now.


AI Researcher
The chapter summaries didn't seem to really give much more insight as to what they are like, but there is a summary of each of the three stories later on:




Descriptions of each chapter

Chapter 1: The tales of no name summoners [The tales of nameless summoners]
These are three stories of nameless summoners, set 10 years before the tale of Yuna's pilgrimage told in "Final Fantasy X". In the world of Spira, trapped in an enduring spiral of sorrow, these are the tales of the people who took on the challenge of defeating Sin.

Chapter 2: Wisdom for living with death and sadness [Wisdom for living in a spiral of death and sadness]
In Spira, brimming with fields, the people need to learn how to fight in order to live. Unable to develop an advanced civilization, we will consider how they made weapons, honed skills, and learnt the wisdom to survive in Spira.

[1] A Journey of Revenge
A summoner, bereaved of her beloved husband, is driving by her desire for revenge against Sin to start her journey. It reaches an unexpected conclusion.

[2] A Journey of a Boy
Tells of the journey of a young summoner lauded as a prodigy, and an aloof swordsman tasked to be his guardian. Their journey seemed to be going so well...

[3] A Journey to Live
Touting their intention to bring down Sin, a summoner sets off on a journey with elder brother as his guardian and a woman skilled in black magic. But a deep rift has formed between the brothers. This begins to raise doubts for the summoner.


Zetta Member
I am curious about those no-name summoner tales, because from the pictures there are plainly encounters with a child Seymour with Anima and also Jecht, Auron and Braska. I guess since this is ten years in the past, these no-name summoners would be doing their pilgrimages at the same time Seymour and Braska were doing theirs, thus their paths would intersect with the big-name pilgrimages of that time. There are also pictures of a younger, then older Maechen roaming from Zanarkand to Mi'ihen, so he must have something to do with it all as well.


Zetta Member
Nah, it's definitely not any art style I've seen outside of the book. Probably an in-house artist for Famitsu. Still pretty cool-looking though. I like the one with child Seymour summoning Anima against what I'm assuming is one of the groups of no-name summoners/guardians. I scanned some of them and added them to my folder I linked to.

p064-065 shows Jecht, p066-067 shows Seymour summoning Anima, p084-085 shows Maechen, p098-099 shows Belgemine summoning Bahamut, and p116-117 shows the first Battle Gear page, and p132-33 shows the first Haunting Evil Spirits page. The end_credits page is just the back cover credits. The artist that did the images should be listed there, as well as the person who wrote the stories.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I rather like that art style. I can't quite make out some of those kanji on the credits page, though, to identify everyone involved.

The art of Maechen as a young man is curious. I'm guessing Famitsu was unaware that Maechen would be revealed as an unsent who had died as an old man in Zanarkand a thousand years before.


AI Researcher
The page with the summaries of the stories mentions that there are a lot of characters who have a connection with Yuna and her guardians.

The credits for the story illustrations say 小沢孝, Takashi Ozawa did them.


Zetta Member
I rather like that art style. I can't quite make out some of those kanji on the credits page, though, to identify everyone involved.

The art of Maechen as a young man is curious. I'm guessing Famitsu was unaware that Maechen would be revealed as an unsent who had died as an old man in Zanarkand a thousand years before.

Did he die as an old man, though? We see via Auron that unsent can change their appearance to look older if they want to, so maybe Maechen did the same. It does show in the image what looks like Maechen wandering from a (non-ruined) Zanarkand to Mi'ihen. There is another image showing a young Maechen running from a chimera while one of the no-name summoner groups watches. Maybe that's how he died? Who knows!

Of course, Maechen being an unsent wasn't something that was revealed until maybe the creators themselves didn't know he'd be unsent at the time of FFX.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, without reading the story, I probably shouldn't speculate. I do agree, though, that the developers probably didn't even know he was unsent until they made the next game.

I feel pretty sure he died old, though, since his voice was the same in that sphere from X-2 that was actually recorded in Zanarkand while he was alive.
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