Gamerprint Release FFVII Location Posters







Not sure how I feel about the style, but it's clear a lot of effort went in here and they do look nifty.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Reminds me of retro travel posters... maybe in the defunct Shin-Ra travel services department someone got creative. I want the Cosmo Canyon and Rocket Town posters.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
You know what it looks like something that could be found in the 20's or 30's.Now all I can picture is some jazz music to go with it.
I saw those and felt ambivalent about them. The designs are attractive and I like the retro style but I don't feel it fits the game's aesthetic. The font for Cosmo Canyon looks too Hollywood. And why no Junon or Costa del Sol? The Midgar one is my favourite.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
They're kind of cute, I guess. You can tell some time and thought went into them. Just have to echo the sentiments that the art style doesn't match VII's aesthetic.

Also, how do you do travel posters and leave out the beach resort town?


Save your valediction (she/her)
Isn't Cosmo Canyon supposed to be this secret hidden cluster of elitist hippies? Why would Shinra market that?

Also, Midgar's is my fave, but it's way more than just the home of Shinra Electric Company. It contains 90% of the world's population, is the industrial and cultural hub of the Planet, and is 50 meters above ground.


The Pixie King
I can see what they're trying to do, but there's something kinda South Park-y about them :/

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I love them. Art based off other works is all about interpreting that style into your own. Seeing how the type of one work can be expressed in another genre, medium, or style is always refreshing. I think the mindset of "it doesn't fit the style of the original game" is missing the point and undermining what art is.


I only really like the Rocket Town one. It speaks to something really Cold War-esque. Also it's the only one I can see having similar propaganda in-game.
I love them. Art based off other works is all about interpreting that style into your own. Seeing how the type of one work can be expressed in another genre, medium, or style is always refreshing. I think the mindset of "it doesn't fit the style of the original game" is missing the point and undermining what art is.

I disagree. Art based off other works may be "all about interpreting that style into your own", although I don't believe that's "all" there is to it. But interpreting does not mean misrepresenting. The font used in the Cosmo Canyon poster implies a roaring 20s, Jay Gatsby, Hollywood style ethos. If the same font had been used on the Midgar poster I would have thought it quite appropriate, but used on Cosmo Canyon it suggests the maker of the poster either doesn't understand the nature of the place or he/she doesn't understand the connotations of the font - or else they understood both but didn't care and decided to use the font anyway because they liked it, or something.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think Licorice is suggesting that misusing an aesthetic connotation would be on the same level as calling the tearful family reunion at the end of the movie "Antwone Fisher" a love scene. Yeah, it's a scene. And one with love. But not a love scene.

Art may not have to conform, but it does have to be aware of what it communicates to its receiver via programmed cues and connotations born of idiomatic usage. The same way a film director couldn't be upset with the audience if they "somehow misinterpreted" a scene with a harpsichord-laden, wavy screen segue to be a dream or fantasy.


Double Growth
Said less eloquently: I'd get the Cosmo Canyon if there were more on it. If it looked like a town rather than the background to a Mario or Sonic stage.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, this is the font I would have used for Cosmo Canyon:

I guess all these posters are going for a Art Deco/30's aesthetic. The font above is Art Nouveau but I think they'd get away with it, it still has hippie connotations even if it predates the overall style by a couple of decades.

What would have been cool is some sort of thing where Bugenhagen has a flowing beard in which the image of Cosmo is contained. Or something like this:

But I get they were going for that particular aesthetic and wanted it to be part of a set so :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I'm not into what the historical significance of a font is... I mix and match fonts all the time in my stuff based on whether it looks good or not. I actually thought that font went well with how Cosmo Canyon is protruded in the game, a hippie town built into a steep series of cliffs.

I'm just happy somebody tried something new with fan art instead something like more pictures of the characters. It's nice to see the locations get some attention for once.
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