Biggs, Wedge, Jessie: Who Are They?


Save your valediction (she/her)
Hi guys,

Because of a totally irrelevant and not-news-worthy project ( :P ) I'm wondering what the FANDOM has to say about Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. The canon gives us little to no information about these characters, and so who they are is widely up to personal interpretation. But they are beloved characters nonetheless, so I'm wondering what attributes they've picked up over the years from the fandom.

Biggs: From what I gather from the fanfics I've read, Biggs is seen as a cocky arrogant sumbitch, but there's very little evidence in the game to support this (that I've found..?) Most of his in-game lines are about keeping the Planet going, which means he's extremely invested in AVALANCHE's cause. He might even be the one who focuses Barret's violent energy towards saving the Planet rather than just revenge-killing. Biggs is the philisophical core of AVALANCHE: focused, forward-thinking, practical.

Jessie: She knows a lot about Midgar, that's for sure. She's also the tech expert, making fake IDs, entrance codes, etc. Most of the fandom agrees that she has a crush on Cloud. Her cleaning-his-face thing certainly implies it. She really seems passionate about improving the lives of the slum-dwellers, which may be her motivation for trying to take out the Plate. Jessie is the soul of AVALANCHE: nurturing, reflective, intuitive.

Wedge: He fits the dumb-fat archetype, as he's always put on lookout duty, and loves Tifa's steaks even though they make him "roly-poly". But from what I gather in the game dialogue he is also desperate to be rich and famous, and his reasons for joining AVALANCHE seem to be fame and glory, and he doesn't ever seem particularly passionate about saving the Planet. Wedge is the human element of AVALANCHE: greedy, self-absorbed, useless.

Head, heart, stomach. Barret, meanwhile, is the hand. Pun intended. He takes these elements and puts them into action. He really was a great leader.

Am I way off base? How do you see these characters? Know of any major fanworks that characterize these guys "perfectly"?

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I have always seen Biggs as someone who lacks empathy. While Jessie can be seen to be shaken about her bomb being larger than planned and killing people, Biggs seems dismissive (at least externally) of the loss of life as a result of AVALANCHE's actions.

Sometimes in the army, you will find two different types of soldier. Those who hold dear the opportunity to fight for their country and what they believe in, and those who are there because they simply couldn't think of anything else to do. The latter lack the strength to whole-heartedly commit to a cause. Wedge strikes me as the second kind.


The Pixie King
Id say Biggs is a freedom fighter. Has seen too much bad shit happen because of Shinra, maybe lost family in the war etc.

I see Jessie as someone who stumbled into being a member of Avalanche because of her skills, and uncovered plans by the old Avalanche, led by Elfe, which the others used to take their cause to the next level. I think she would have disagreed with the methods, and was in over her head, but deep down knew something had to be done. She's a genious, but doubts herself every step of the way.
I think of her like Astrid from Fringe.

I see Wedge as young and inexperienced, and tries in vein to be taken seriously, to be seen as a leader when he's really not cut out for it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Other relevant details about them:

-Before the No. 5 reactor mission, Wedge mentions having a younger brother
-In Dirge of Cerberus, Biggs's younger sister is among the WRO soldiers who assist Vincent through the Train Graveyard. Though the game doesn't directly say that she is Biggs's sister, she mentions having an older brother she played with in the Train Graveyard when they were children, and also adds that he was a member of a Shin-Ra resisrance group. She says he died when the Sector 7 plate fell. Again, while she doesn't mention Biggs by name, being that she only mentions playing with one brother (reminder: Wedge had a younger brother), it was probably him
-The FFVII Ultimania Omega does say Biggs acts with an "air of superiority"


Double Growth
^The first time I played Dirge of Cerberus I didn't really make the connection. But I did the second time and was suddenly filled with a much stronger desire to ensure that she lived.

Not that Vincent would know anything about Biggs.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, I tried to look out for her too.

And maybe Vincent would know about Biggs. Depends on what the others told him about their pre-Nibelheim shenanigans, I guess.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Biggs and Wedge are Star Wars references that came into FF7 to die. Jesse was just yet another woman that wanted some Cloud cock, but instead got ignored by him. For what its worth, Jesse seemed like a nerdy bookish chick that would of been a great bang.


Pro Adventurer
I think the reason your opening post in this thread has got so many thanks and so few replies, Ite, is that you summed it up much more eloquently than most of us would be capable of :)

(Just posting this so you don't think we're all ignoring you)

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Other relevant details about them:

-Before the No. 5 reactor mission, Wedge mentions having a younger brother

-The FFVII Ultimania Omega does say Biggs acts with an "air of superiority"

Wedge's brother was called Kwedge and a bit of a perv, as revealed by the unused scenes from the Honeybee Inn.

Thanks for the Ultimania piece, Tres. Perhaps that's where most of us get the 'arrogant' impression from


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I dunno if I agree about Wedge. I get the feeling he's a guy who wants to prove himself, even if he's being a little misguided in how he goes about it. In a way I think hes like the real Cloud. Wanting to be a hero and to be noticed, and I guess that does make him self absorbed. I think he may have been maligned for much of his life so I can see why he is the way he is. Also I don't think he's useless, or at least no more useless than the rest of them.


Pro Adventurer
I always liked Jessie. She was actually the first character in the game I really liked...Aerith was the second (I have bad luck picking characters I like...none of them seem to last long).

Jessie seems very out spoken and she's quite competent in what she does. She's the one getting the codes and making this mission possible. Then you have this line:

"I like this kinda stuff. Bombs and know, flashy stuff.

I like this girl.

I really like this girl.

I was told that in early versions of the script Jessie was going to be a mole and the detection on the train would have been due to intentionally sabotaged by Jessie rather than it being a mistake on her part. I'm not sure if this is true, but i really wish they'd used that line and kept the character around for longer.

I think it would have been interesting if they'd had her disappear before Sector 7 and then have her treason revealed later...maybe have her actually be a Turk.

That would have been nice because then we'd have more than one female Turk in the OG and we could have a more competent female. Elena packs a punch, don't get me wrong, but she's the rookie of the group so she's the least competent member in addition to being the only female...You can understand that's a bit problematic. If we had Jessie as a Turk then we have an older, competent female, and a more equal gender ratio.

I also think the story line of Jessie has traitor would have been interesting, but it might have been too similar to Reeve, but it could also be a contrast. I don't know.

I'd also have liked it if Jessie lived and remained a member of AVALANCHE and of the party throughout the game.


Average Jiro
I wouldn't necessarily say Biggs is cocky, but then there's certainly a lot of confidence there. I'm not sure what he's confident about, as the three of them all have technical roles within AVALANCHE and leave the fighting to Barret, so he's not exactly hard or anything. I agree with the passionate part though; he seems pretty pissed off if you're all "I don't give a shit about the planet" while on the pillar.

Wedge isn't self-absorbed so much as he just wants to be something. Fat kids always get bullied at school and stuff, and he just wants to be strong like Cloud or rich and famous so he can show all those people that doubted him. The fact that he's so happy Cloud remembers his name is testament to the fact that he is just a sad sap who probably only joined AVALANCHE out of some sense of belonging. Don't discount the fact that he could care about the planet though, not everyone is just stone cold "don't give a fuck" like Cloud.

I don't have much to say about Jessie but that's purely because I just wrote about Biggs and Wedge recently and have them fresh on the brain :monster:


Double Growth
I'm trying to think if there are any other fat people who are good guys in FF7...They all seem like they're evil. President Shinra, Heidegger, Palmer, Corneo...

and Wedge. A pretty altogether pretty fit world, all things considered.


The Pixie King
He didn't die, he just moved to Gold Saucer


Pro Adventurer
I like Wedge. Seems kinda inept all around, but if he really was useless he'd have his chubby booty glued to a bar stool all day umf scarf glubbin' Tifa's tasty-ass food instead of doing what he could to help on the missions.

He seemed like a guy with a big heart. There were a few different instances where Wedge makes an effort to befriend Cloud and get him to open up a little. Yeah, there isn't a whole lot of info of any of them(especially their more personal motives for joining the fight against Shinra), but he says this on the train back to Sector 7(optional):

Wedge said:
All my life, I felt like nothin' but a sidekick.
But after joinin' AVALANCHE and tryin' to save the Planet, I feel like I can do lots of things.

Well, it's not much, but it's something, I guess.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, I always took him for a warm-hearted guy who wanted to be friends with Cloud and just be useful. These were his last words, after all:

Wedge!! You all right!?

......Cloud...... You remembered...... my name.
Barret's up top. him......
An' Cloud... Sorry, I wasn't any help.

I always liked that Cloud expressed concern for him there too.
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