the dark shadow looms the realm

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
Hello i'm a fan of the final fantasy series. I love to roleplay,write fanfics and draw. I have Final Fantasty I,IV,VI for the Wii and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy for the 3DS.

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
sorry for double post but I forgot to mention I have a learning disability call autism that sometimes affect my writing.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Welcome to the forums. What kind of autism do you have? I have Asperger syndrome.

Do you like the color blue?

Would you like to become a member of Happy Happyism?

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
1.Is not fatal autism just affects my writing,grammar,spelling and paragraphing. Sometimes my emotions.

2.Yes along with red,black,dark green and dark blue.

3.Never played Earthbound.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Welcome an' shit :monster: If you haven't yet, make sure you play FFVI as soon as possible. It is a masterpiece. Also I too have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, although apparently not particularly severely, to the point where the person who gave me the diagnosis isn't 100% sure it's the best way to describe my condition and apparently a lot of people never notice I have it. :monster:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

1.Is not fatal autism just affects my writing,grammar,spelling and paragraphing. Sometimes my emotions.
I never asked whether or not your autism is fatal(I don't even think there is a kind of autism that is fatal, as it is a personality disorder and not a disease), I was asking what kind of autism you have. Or do you not know?
2.Yes along with red,black,dark green and dark blue.

3.Never played Earthbound.

Go play EarthBound now! Use an emulator if you have to! And play Mother 3 after!

You won't regret it.
EDIT: Since Aaron is making FF gaming recommendations, I also recommend IV and IX in addendum to Aaron's recommendation of VI. And VII if you haven't played it yet, though since you just joined a site about it you probably already have.

And are you male or female? What's your favorite game? What's your favorite RPG? How old are you?

Deleted member 546

Welcome aboard, there are sections here that cater for creativity, always nice to see someone else's artwork/writing/compositions/etc.

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
Ok because I have a Final Fantasy fanfic but its not based off any of the games. It has its original world,characters but in tradition there crystals,moogles,chocobos,summons,classes and a Cid.

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
1.Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy


3.I don't know what kind of autism I have but I do have autism.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

1.Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy


3.I don't know what kind of autism I have but I do have autism.

So you haven't played VII yet. I recommend you play it if you can. Do you have a PSP? You can get it off PSN for 10 bucks. And since you have a 3DS, I'm going to recommend you get FFIII.

Also, can you tell me your favorite game, and your favorite RPG as well? I'd also like to know your age and gender. What kind of computer are you using? Or are you using the internet from something other than a computer?

dark shadow

Rookie Adventurer
Isn't that a little too far with questions? Because I get sensitive with real life questions. I have alot of favorites.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Isn't that a little too far with questions? Because I get sensitive with real life questions. I have alot of favorites.

I'm just a curious person. And if you have a lot of favorites, that's okay, I'm pretty indecisive myself(My favorite game is a tie between 3 games). But age and gender should be some pretty basic things to know about someone, so at least answer those questions, provided you're willing to disclose that information.


dark shadow, you don't have to answer any questions you don't feel comfortable answering. Matt, if he doesn't want to answer them, you don't have to push. :)

EDIT: welcome, by the way! Enjoy the boards!

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Well I see you've now added age and gender to your little thingamajig to the left of your poast, so I'm satisfied. Also nice to see you're starting to poast in other threads now.
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