I have determined the canon party members

Kermitu Kleric Katie

After looking at the screenshots in the U10, I have determined who the canon party members are for several situations in FFVII
Battle with Hojo's specimen(Cloud, Tifa, Red)-during your first visit to the Shinra building, you have to battle one of Hojo's specimens with Cloud, Red and either Tifa or Barret while the other runs off with Aerith. As a screenshot from Rd XIII's profile depicting a scene just before Hojo sicks his specimen on you show Cloud, Red, and Tifa with Barret and Aerith nowhere in sight, it is safe to conclude Cloud, Tifa, and Red are the canon party members for this segment.
Meeting Yuffie(Cloud, Tifa, Red)-A screenshot in Yuffie's ptofile of the scene where you meet Yuffie shows Cloud, Tifa and Red, so it's safe to conclude this is the canon party for that part of the game.
Cargo Ship(Cloud, Tifa, Barret)-A screenshot from Sephiroth's profile shows Cloud, Tifa, Barret confronting "Sephiroth" just before the battle with Jenove BIRTH, so it's safe to conclude that is the canon party for that battle.
Gold Saucer(Cloud, Tifa or Aerith, Cait)-A screenshot from Cait Sith's profile shows Cloud and Tifa meeting Cait Sith, so it's safe to conclude Cloud chose Tifa to go with him to the Gold Saucer. However, according to Maidenofwar, the Memorial Ultimania has a screenshot of Aerith there when you meet Cait Sith, so one could conclude she is the canon one as well.
Gongaga(Cloud, Tifa, Aerith)-A screenshot from the CCU shows Cloud, Tifa and Aerith meeting Zack's parents in Gongaga, so it's safe to conclude that is the canon party for that scene.
Cave of the GI(Cloud, Aerith, Red)-A screenshot from Red's profile shows Cloud, Bugen, Red, and Aerith at the end of the Cave of the Gi where Seto is, so it's safe to conclude Cloud chose Aerith to go with him into the cave of the Gi with Red XIII.
Meeting Vincent(Cloud Tifa, and either Aerith or Cait Sith)-There some confliction on this one. A screenshot from Vincent's profile depicting Vincent's awakening shows Cloud, Tifa, and Cait Sith to be the party members, but a different screenshot from the same profile which shows Vincent just before joining the party shows Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith to be the party members. My guess is that Cloud had Tifa and Cait in the party when he awkened Vincent, but switched Cait out for Aerith sometime before Vincent ccame up to him to join the party, though I can't remember if that's actually possible to do in-game.
Rocket Town(Cloud, Tifa, Vincent)-A screenshot from Cid's profile shows Tifa and Vincent along with Cid and Cloud on the Tiny Bronco just after it crashes, so it's safe to assume Tifa and Vincent were the canon party members during the first visit to Rocket Town.
Wutai(Cloud, Barret and ???)- A screenshot from Yuffie's profile depicting Yuffie giving the materia back to Cloud and co. sho Cloud, and Barret to be in the party, but the third party members is covered by a text box. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tifa, though.
Temple of the Ancients(Cloud, Tifa, Aerith)-A screenshot from Cait's profile showing him explaining to Cloud how he can sacrifice himself show Tifa and Aerith to be the other party members, so it's safe to assume Tifa was the third party member Cloud took with him to the Temple.
Northern Crater(Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, with Barret later replacing Vincent)-A screenshot from Sephiroth's profile from just before the battle with Jenova DEATH shows Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent to be the party members, but a different screenshot shows Cloud, Tifa, and Barret in the illusionary Nibelheim section of the NC, so I'm going to assume he replaced Vincent with Barret sometime after the Jenova DEATH battle. Another cool thing to note is that the U10 mentions Red is the party member Cloud entrusts with the Black Materia.
Second visit to Rocket Town(Cloud, Tifa, Cid)- There are two different screenshot in Cid's profile depicting Tifa to be the one to go with Cloud and Cid during this scene.
Final battle with Hojo(Cloud, Tifa, Vincent)-A screenshot from Vincent's profile shows him, Cloud and Tifa confronting Hojo just before the battle with him, so we can safely assume that is the canon party for that part of the game.
Bugen's death(Cloud, Red, Tifa)-A screenshot in Red's profile shows him talking to Cloud and Tifa after Bugen's death, so one can safely assume that's the party during that visit to the Canyon.
Fighting Ruby Weapon(Cloud, Tifa, Vincent)-A screenshot depicting the battle with Ruby shows Cloud, Vincent and...(surprise, surprise)Tifa to be the party members for that battle.
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
My Memorial Ultimania has Aerith as the member Cloud took to see the Gold Saucer in a screenshot while meeting Cait Sith :smashedmonster:

Some other differences as well but I can't be assed/am too tired/about to go to bed to list them right now maybe later :smashedmonster:

Hawkeye has all the books though I think :pinkmonster:
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

My Memorial Ultimania has Aerith as the member Cloud took to see the Gold Saucer in a screenshot while meeting Cait Sith :smashedmonster:

Some other differences as well but I can't be assed/am too tired/about to go to bed to list them right now maybe later :smashedmonster:

Hawkeye has all the books though I think :pinkmonster:

I added mention of the Aerith being there when you meet Cait Sith in the Memorial Ultimania. Btw, which memorial ultimania are you talking about? And was this one released before or after the U10?
Also, I'd like a screenshot for proof, in case you're lying(which I doubt, but you never know) or misremembering.
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