[REMAKE] Cosmo Canyon


Lv. 1 Adventurer
He guys !
.. i was surfing for internet, for find some forums about FFVII .. i find this "the life stream" and wanna post some remake music i made.. of "Cosmo Canyon" ... im sure that a lot of people remember this nice song ...

Was hard job but finaly i finish it



The Pixie King
Aw, I wish I had heard this before finishing the Nanaki audiobook. I think this would have worked well in there.

Really nice version. I really like the wind instrument you used.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Aw, I wish I had heard this before finishing the Nanaki audiobook. I think this would have worked well in there.

Really nice version. I really like the wind instrument you used.

Oh Damn! ... well i saw before this AudioBook and sounds really cool and interesant.. ahh my problem is that my english is limited .. not writing but listening yes ... but nice voices.. nice backgrounds.. should be nice listen my version as background :) .... i like very much the wind i use too... original song have "ocarina" but i tought that a "hotchiku" ( Japanesse flute ) sounds nice thats why i use this sound ...

Thats awesome! I really like how close it is to the original.

Yes! my target is always make versions with same "air" that original.. but increase the feel ... thanks :) ...
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