
As per the results of the poll thread, you as a community have voted for Final Fantasy VII, so let's get cracking

Since we have a few new members now, here's a breakdown of what we normally do:
Chapters are set with a target image (where the chapter ends) and a completion window of one week. This time, we're going to pull for two chapters per week and won't be using the previous order. In addition, the chapters themselves will be beefier.
Chapters (Provisional)
1. Opening - Shinra Building 64th Floor
2. Midgar II - Costa Del Sol
3. Costa Del Sol - Rocket Town
4. Rocket Town - Bone Village
5. Bone Village - Northern Crater
6. Northern Crater - Mideel
7. Mideel - Underwater Reactor
8. Underwater Reactor - Ancient City
9. Ancient City - End of Disc 2
10. Optional Stuff
11. Moar optional stuff - The End
The reason for this is that a week is a lot of time really for a small segment of the game, and we've found in the past that if these events run for too long participation dwindles. The FFVIII playthrough had perhaps the largest segments of any game we've ever done and it had the highest percentage of people sticking with it right to the very end.
Post here if you are going to be participating. As per the poll thread, the following people have committed to participating in the playthrough for the entire run:
Addison, Aerith Gainsborough, Cid Highwind, Claymore, Imperator Furiosa, Kionae, Lex, Nanaki, Teioh, The Engineer, The Man, Tifa Lockhart, Flintlock, JasonTandro, KingdomHearts530, Sprites.
Normally we post a chapter description with a target date and questions about the chapter. Due to the announcement of the remake, we'll do things a little differently this time. Instead of questions, talk about whatever you like from the chapter and give us the rundown of how yours went, but while you're playing, keep an eye out for things that you're curious about re: the remake and chat about those too.
I'll stream each chapter on set days. Since we're doing two chapters per week, one will be Fri/Sat/Sun, the other will likely be Tuesday or Wednesday.
Obtaining the game
The game is available on PSN for the PS3, PSP and PS Vita, and on PC via Steam or the Square Enix Online Store. You may also choose to emulate the game. Flintlock provided a great tutorial on how to go about this in the FFVII community relay thread. The PC version has mods available, but as someone who has experience installing said mods fair warning: they can be incredibly finicky. In addition, you cannot install mods on the Square Enix version without using a converter (which essentially removes the DRM), and only some are compatible with the Steam version unless you work some jiggery hackery that involves removing the ability to earn the Steam achievements and use cloud saves. You have been warned.
Modding the game
Those still wishing to install mods for the PC game can do so by following instructions in various threads over at the Qhimm forums. There are tools and installers galore to edit the game to your liking, the options are endless. This comes with another warning: talk of piracy is strictly prohibited there. This extends to the mods available. Some of the best looking character mods that were available 6 or so years ago involved ripping Crisis Core and Dissidia models. These were quickly banned in fear of a C&D from Square and have been a relatively taboo subject ever since.
So if you sign up and decide to post there for whatever reason, be wary of this. As a community they have become friendlier over the years due to being inundated with people who caught wind of some of the nice graphical mods and wanted a piece of the action, but once upon a time non-tech discussion was heavily discouraged and that culture has not completely left the place.
That said, if you have an issue and clearly describe the problem you're having, someone will help you with it. It's by no means an evil place, it's just very strict compared to most boards (and especially strict compared to here). I've been a member there for over ten years (though I rarely post these days).
And that's all you need to know <3
Whatever version you're playing, have it ready to rock by this weekend (if you're modding, give yourself a full day to do so. Trust me on that). I'll post the full chapter details before then

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