TLS Awards 2015: Nominations

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Chloe Frazer
The Categories:

  1. Member of the year: Flintlock, JasonTandro, vadersw1, X-Soldier, Howl, Octo, Carlie, Joe, Yop, Flare, Cab, Lex, Tres, Ghost
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Flintlock, Lex, Tres, Fangu, X-Soldier, Mage, JasonTandro, Shademp, Fangu, Octo, Dawn, Ghost, Carlie
  3. TLS Peace Prize: Lex, Tres, Ghost, RedFFWolf, Mage, MOG, Alex Strife, Howl, Kuroto, Joe, Cookie Monster, X-Soldier, Tashasaurus, Commander Vimes, Yop
  4. Best site contributor: Flintlock, Tetsujin, Shademp, vadersw1, JasonT, Pixel, Lex, Avec, Ryu
  5. Best forum staffer: Lex, Cthulhu, Carlie, Howl, Octo, MOG, Tres, Ghost, X-Soldier, Cookie Monster
  6. Best quality poster: Gabriel, JasonTandro, Fangu, Flintlock, X-Soldier, Monterosa, Hiant, Ghost, Tres, Lex, Joe, Mage, Octo, Kinoae, RedFFWolf
  7. Best newcomer: Flare, Starling, Hian, vadersw1, Mayo Master, Kinoae, JasonTandro, Dark Nation, CrashOuch
  8. Hottest male: Shademp, Mr. Ite, Mog, Yop, Joe, Lex, Kuja9001, Hito, RedFFWolf, Alex Strife, Xelazander, Marcus, Tres, Ghost
  9. Hottest female: Nox, Howl, Avec, Carlie, Fangu, Cab, Warrior of Light, Mage, Flare, Sprites, Octo, Kuroto
  10. Nicest smile: Dawn (Warrior of Light), Kevehkins, Carlie, Nox, Max Caulfield, Howl, Lex, Flare, Sprites, Cab, Shademp, Avec, Kuroto, Major Zero
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Ryushikaze, Shademp, Force, Lex, JasonTandro, vadersw1, Claymore, RedFFWolf, Flintlock, Splintered
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: X-Soldier, Carlie, JasonTandro, Howl, Ryushikaze, Yop, Joe, Tennyo, Force, Flintlock, Shademp
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Lex, Mr. Ite, VaderSW1, Howl, Flare, Ami, Fangu, Shademp, Joe, Howl, Octo, Avec, Force, Alex Strife, Joe, Carlie, Yop, Sprites, Mage, Kimble, Dark Nation, Ghost, Flintlock, Keveh
  14. Member you'd most like to bone: Flare, Howl, Cab, Carlie, Mage, Warrior of Ligh, Joe, Avec, Noxy, Octo, Fangu, Keveh, Tetsujin
  15. Horniest member: Dawn, Shademp, Carlie, Mage, Yop, Lex, Flare, Force, Avec, Fangu, Noxy, JasonTandro
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Lex, Fangu, Cher/Nox, Mage, Joe, Kimble, Yop, Cab, Ami
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Mr. Ite, CameoAmalthea, Aaron, Sprites, CK, Bex, Clicky, GLD, Kingdomhearts530, Marcus, Octo, Rishi, YACBBS, Tennyo, Splintered, Ryu, Cookie Monster, MOG
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): ChanningTatum(Channy), Max Caufield, Mage, Cab, Howl, Marcus
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Howl, Flare, John Cena, Pixel, Gabe, ObsidianFire, Yop, Ghost, Lex,
  20. The TLS Art Prize: Flare, Howl, Pixel, Hylian Mogget, Obs, Ghost
  21. The TLS Literature Prize: Mr. Ite, LicoriceAllSorts, CameoAmalthea, RedFFWolf, Howl, S&G, Reg
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Shademp, Carlie, Lex, Mage, Gabe, Kimble, Channy, Octo, Howl, Joe, Yop, Kuroto, Cab, Keveh Kins, Hito, Dark Nation, Flare
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): Flare, Howl, Kionae, RedFF, Pixel, Hylian Mogget, M_Papeghin, Ghost
  24. Most improved: JasonT, Channy, jazzflower92, Phoenix Wright, Username
  25. Most predictable: Yop, Lex, X-Soldier, Pixel, Dawn, Joe, Channy, Flintlock, Tres, Ami, Satsu
  26. Biggest username changer: John Cen, Kimble, Carlie, Ami, Channy
  27. Bounciest boobies: Nox, Dawn, JasonT, Mage, Tennyo, Carlie, Channy, Avec, Howl, Ami
  28. Best ass: Carlie, Avec, Darth, Mage, Yop, Howl, Shademp, Dark and Divine, Joe, Dawn
  29. Best beard: Yop, Ghost, Tangerine, Commander Vines, Shademp, Lex, Joe, Tres
  30. Most pistoning pen0r: Shademp, Yop, Lex, Tres, MOG, Dark Nation, Kimble, Marcus
  31. Sexiest voice: Lex, Flint, Carlie, Lic, Kuroto, Fangu, Cab, Sprites, Joe, Mage, Yop, Keveh, Ghost
  32. Best ship TLS OTP: Darthling, Mop/Cthulhage (MagexYop), Howlie (CarlieHowl), Flare&Joe (Floe), Umbatru&Abortedj (Abortru), Flowl, Fangster (FanguxCookie Monster), Hex (HitoxLex) Ghostian (GhostxHian), TLSxFlare, Cabemp (CabxShad), Havec (HowlxAvec), Shami (ShadempxAmi), Favec (ForcexAvec)
  33. Best bromance: Flex, Vanderson (VaderxJason), Mattato (MattxMisato), Yex/Cthulhex (YopxLex), Shadarth (ShadempxVader), Jimble/JoeMega (JoexKimble), Lex x Everyone, Hex (HitoxLex), FlintlockxShademp, AmixMarcus
  34. Most pedantic: Pixel, Flint, Lex, Ghost, Ryu, Hian, Starling
  35. Most creative topic starter: JasonT, Howl, Pixel, Nox, jazzflower, Lex, Flintlock
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Force, Shademp, Yop, vadersw1, Lex, Carlie, Octo, Flare, RedFFWolf, Jazzflower, Channy, JasonTandro, Howl, Pixel
  37. Best .gif reply: Howl, Octo, Channy, JasonTandro, Joe, Kuroto, Lex, Dark Nation, Carlie, Gabe, Tetsujin
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter: Mage, Lex, Ami
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Yop, LicoriceAllsorts, Kimble, Joe, Arianna, Avec, Channy, Matthewtheman
  40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award): Tetsujin, Satsu, Tres, Username, hian, Umatbru, Tennyo, Arianna
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile: Flintlock, Lex, Pixel, JasonTandro, X-Soldier, Lex, Howl, Octo, Yop
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Flex (FlintxLex), DawnX (DawnxGhost X), Shab (ShadempxCab), Hop (HitoxYop), Trost (TresxGhost), Ghostian (GhostxHian), AmiLu (AmixCthulhu), UserFlare (UsernamexFlare), Ghobs (GhostxObsidian), Trex (TresxLex)
  43. Most Shippable Member: Shademp, Carlie, Howl, Dawn, Joe, Lex, Yop, Flare, Tres, Cab, Avec

The Rules:
  • Nominations will be open from today, Friday, November 20, until whatever time on Monday, November 30th I close them.
  • You may make nominations for as many or as few categories as you like.
  • You may nominate up to three people per category, except for "Best ship" and "Best bromance", for which you may nominate up to three pairings/threesomes/whatever grouping of individuals you want.
  • Anyone who is nominated once will advance to the voting round, so nominating people who are already nominated is kind of pointless.
  • "Best site contributor" means anyone with a cyan title under their username (specifically, Site Director, Community Manager, Compilation of FFVII Editor, Fan Works Editor, Final Fantasy Editor, Site Developer, Site Author, or Site Designer). "Best forum staff" means anyone with a blue title listed under their username (Administrator, Super Moderator, or Creativity Director). A complete list of members in both categories can be found here.
  • You can PM me your nominations or post them in this thread or both.
  • Do not nominate yourself, please unless you're joking and not serious, they will not count.
  • If you want to discuss the awards in general or other people's nominations, use the discussion thread. This thread is for nominations only. Discussion posts will be moved.

If anyone has any questions just ask in the discussion thread.
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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

My nominations. Didn't know enough to do every category (I still feel like a newbie most days, lol)

  1. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Pixel- Good work should be recognized.
  2. TLS Peace Prize: Lex - I think we can all say that Lex is pretty awesome at keeping a cool head between the forums.
  3. Best site contributor - Flintlock, Tetsujin and Shademp.
  4. Best forum staffer - Lex, Cthulhu, Carlie
  5. Best quality poster - Gabriel, speaks rarely but every post he makes is a powerhouse of useful information.
  6. Hottest male - Shademp is a beautiful man. Also Mr. Ite.
  7. Hottest female - You're all too pretty, I can't narrow it down.
  8. Biggest overall FF wonk - Ryushikaze. Seriously listening to him in the podcast this man is an encyclopedia of knowledge.
  9. Member you'd most like to meet in real life - Lex, Mr. Ite, VaderSW1. Lex is a delight, Mr. Ite is brilliant and Vader is the kind of guy you can just sit down and have a beer with.
  10. Member you'd most like to bone - Jason Tandro, but sorry ladies I'm taken :monster:. (not serial nom, couldn't help myself)
  11. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more)- Mr. Ite, CameoAmalthea
  12. The TLS Literature Prize - Mr. Ite, LicoriceAllSorts, CameoAmalthea
  13. Most entertaining/funniest - Shademp, Carlie, Lex
  14. Most talented (art, writing, music etc)- Flare, Howl, Kionae (but know that you are all very talented people)
  15. Sexiest voice - Lex, Flint, Carlie (the lads make me question my aural sexuality, Carlie's accent is awesome too).
  16. Most likely to go the extra mile - Flintlock, Lex, Pixel


Joe, Arcana
Let's fill out the categories a bit, shall we.

  1. Member of the year: Flintlock, JasonTandro, vader
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Flintlock
  3. TLS Peace Prize: Ghost
  4. Best site contributor: vader, JasonT, Pixel
  5. Best forum staffer: Howl, Octo, Yop
  6. Best quality poster: JasonT, Fangu, Flint
  7. Best newcomer: Flare, Starling
  8. Hottest male: Shademp, Mog, Yop
  9. Hottest female: Nox, Howl, Avec (This gets harder every year wtf)
  10. Nicest smile: Dawn, Kevehkins
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Shademp
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: X-Soldier, Carlie
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Flare, Howl, Lex
  14. Member you'd most like to bone: Literally everyone. (Howl, Flare, Cab)
  15. Horniest member: Dawn, Shademp, Carlie
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Lex, Fangu
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Sprites, CK, Bex
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): ChanningTatum(Channy)
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Howl, Flare, Mumble
  20. The TLS Art Prize: Flare, Howl
  21. The TLS Literature Prize: RedFFWolf
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Mage, Gabe, Kimble
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): RedFF, Howl, Flare
  24. Most improved: JasonT, Channy
  25. Most predictable: Yop, Lex
  26. Biggest username changer: Mumble, Kimble
  27. Bounciest boobies: Nox, Dawn, JasonT
  28. Best ass: Carlie, Avec
  29. Best beard: Yop, Ghost
  30. Most pistoning pen0r: Shademp, Yop
  31. Sexiest voice: Kuroto, Fangu, Cab
  32. Best ship TLS OTP: Darthling, Mop (MageYop), Howlie (CarlieHowl)
  33. Best bromance: Flex (obviously)
  34. Most pedantic: Pixel, Flint, Lex
  35. Most creative topic starter: JasonT, Howl
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Force, Shademp, Yop
  37. Best .gif reply: Howl, Octo
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter: Mage
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Yop, LicoriceAllsorts, Kimble
  40. Least likely to win an award: Tetsujin, Satsu, Tres (All the people I forgot about during those ^ noms)
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile: Flint, JT, X-Soldier
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Flex, DawnX, Shab
  43. Most Shippable Member: Shademp, Carlie

There's a bunch of people I wanted to nominate for something but couldn't (Ami, Airling, Darth, Trainer Red, hito, The Engineer & probably more) so hopefully somebody else finds room for you guys.

trash panda

This isn't easy with only three choices. :|
Carlie and I were already shipped but I would've named it Carlephanie bc I just like that name better. :monster:

So far:

Member of the year | Flint, Pixel, JasonTandro
TLS Lifetime Achievement Award | Lex
TLS Peace Prize | RedFFWolf, Mage
Best site contributor | Flint, Pixel, Lex
Best quality poster | Monterosa, Flint, RedFFWolf
Best newcomer | Flare, Hian
Hottest male | Joe, Shademp, Lex
Hottest female | Carlie, Avec, Cab
Nicest smile | Gemma, Cab, Lex
Biggest non-FF geek | X-Soldier, JasonTandro, Carlie
Member you'd most like to meet| DarkNation
Member you'd most like to bone | Carlie, Cab, Mage
Horniest member | Dawn, Shademp
Best drunk/stoner | Cher/Nox
"Wish You Were Here" | Gemma, Clicky&GLD (they are a unit mkay)
The Phoenix Down Award | Channy
Best Graphics | Pixel, ObsidianFire
The TLS Art Prize | Pixel, Hylian Mogget, Flare
The TLS Literature Prize | S&G, Reg
Most entertaining/funniest | Channy, Octo, Mage
Most talented (art, writing, music etc) | Pixel, Hylian Mogget, Flare
Bounciest boobies | Jason Tandro, Cher/Nox, Mage
Best ass | Darth, Mage, Avec
Sexiest voice | Lic
Best ship TLS OTP | Flare&Joe (Floe), Umbatru&Abortedj (Abortru), Howl & Avec (Havec)
Most pedantic | Flint, Starling
Best .gif reply | Channy
Least likely to win an award | Username
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
This is a work in progress post...

  1. Member of the year - Flint, Pixel
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award - Jason, Pixel, Flint
  3. TLS Peace Prize - X-Soldier
  4. Best site contributor - Jason, Pixel
  5. Best forum staffer -
  6. Best quality poster - Hian, Monterosa
  7. Best newcomer - Flare
  8. Hottest male - Mr. Ite, Lex, RedFFWolf
  9. Hottest female - Nox, Howl,
  10. Nicest smile - Nox, Max Caulfield,
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk - RedFFWolf
  12. Biggest non-FF geek - Yop
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life - Ami.. we've been besties for yeears </3
  14. Member you'd most like to bone -
  15. Horniest member - We don't have too many left anymore, all the horniest guys left.. :monster:
  16. Best drunk/stoner - Mage, Nox (I think it was Nox that kept making an appearance in my stoner thread...)
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more)
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback)
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.)
  20. The TLS Art Prize - Flare, Pixel
  21. The TLS Literature Prize
  22. Most entertaining/funniest - Dark Nation, Joe,
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc)
  24. Most improved -
  25. Most predictable -
  26. Biggest username changer - Mumble/Iron Man/John Cena/The Second Coming of the Sandwich/Whatever he goes by these days
  27. Bounciest boobies - It's hard to dethrone Tennyo on this.. she's still somewhat around..
  28. Best ass
  29. Best beard
  30. Most pistoning pen0r - Dark Nation (I'll need proof, off course)
  31. Sexiest voice -
  32. Best ship TLS OTP = Either Floe or Flowl
  33. Best bromance - JoeMega
  34. Most pedantic - Lex
  35. Most creative topic starter
  36. Most fervent TLSer - Carlie, Howl
  37. Best .gif reply
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win - Joe, Arianna
  40. Least likely to win an award - Tetsujin, Ami (Two awesome people that don't fit in many places)
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile - Pixel, Jason, Flint
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship)
  43. Most Shippable Member - Howl. That chick gets arrrrrooooound :megusta: jk jk <3
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  1. Member of the year: Flintlock, vaderSW1
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Flintlock
  3. TLS Peace Prize: Lex
  4. Best site contributor: vaderSW1, Pixel
  5. Best forum staffer: Cthulhu
  6. Best quality poster: X-SOLDIER
  7. Best newcomer: vaderSW1
  8. Hottest male: Kuja9001, Lex
  9. Hottest female: Howl, Warrior of Light, Carlie, Cait Sith
  10. Nicest smile: Cait Sith
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Shademp
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: X-Soldier
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Ami, Fangu, Shademp
  14. Member you'd most like to bone: Howl, Warrior of Light, Carlie, Cait Sith
  15. Horniest member: Shademp, Flare, Forcestealer
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Fangu
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Kingdomhearts530
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): Max Caulfield
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Flare
  20. The TLS Art Prize: Flare
  21. The TLS Literature Prize: John Cena
  22. Most entertaining/funniest:
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): Flare
  24. Most improved: jazzflower92
  25. Most predictable: X-SOLDIER
  26. Biggest username changer: Godot
  27. Bounciest boobies: Carlie, Cait Sith
  28. Best ass: Carlie
  29. Best beard: Cthulhu
  30. Most pistoning pen0r:
  31. Sexiest voice: Flintlock
  32. Best ship TLS OTP:
  33. Best bromance:
  34. Most pedantic:
  35. Most creative topic starter: Pixel
  36. Most fervent TLSer: vaderSW1
  37. Best .gif reply:
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter:
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Joe
  40. Least likely to win an award: hian
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile:
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship):
  43. Most Shippable Member: Shademp
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Pro Adventurer
[FONT=&quot]Basing this list more off of trying to find people already not nominated, though I might end up still nominating someone already nommed because they&#8217;re so perfect for the role. :monster: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This is, like Channy&#8217;s, a work-in-progress list, so please bear with me as it&#8217;s my first time doing this! Any nomination slot that only has one or two names, I might round out to the maximum of three noms if I think of more to add before this is over.
[FONT=&quot]1. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Member of the year &#8211; X-SOLDIER, Lex, Howl[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]TLS Lifetime Achievement Award &#8211; Flint, Shademp, Lex[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]3. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]TLS Peace Prize &#8211; Alex Strife, Howl, Kuroto (You all seem pretty peaceful :awesome:)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best site contributor &#8211; Flint, Pixel, J[FONT=&quot]ason[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best forum staffer &#8211; TheTwilightMexican, Ghost X[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best quality poster &#8211; Jason, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]7. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best newcomer &#8211; Mayo Master [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]8. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Hottest male &#8211; RedFFWolf, Shademp, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]9. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Hottest female &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]10. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Nicest smile &#8211; Howl, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]11. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Biggest overall FF wonk &#8211; Lex, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]12. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Biggest non-FF geek &#8211; Howl (on the account of hippie-ness), [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]13. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Member you'd most like to meet in real life &#8211; Joe, Howl, Octo (and so many more! [FONT=&quot]>,<)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]14. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Member you'd most like to bone &#8211; Joe, errrrrrrr perhaps Dawn because you sound so[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]--[/FONT]knowledgeable. :awesome: [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]15. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Horniest member &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]16. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best drunk/stoner &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]17. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]"Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more) &#8211; Octo[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]18. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback) - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]19. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.) &#8211; Yop [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]20. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The TLS Art Prize &#8211; The Engineer/Obsidian [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]21. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The TLS Literature Prize - Cameo[FONT=&quot]Amalthea, [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]22. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most entertaining/funniest &#8211; Howl, Mage, Octo[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]23. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most talented (art, writing, music etc) - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]24. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most improved - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]25. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most predictable - The Twilight Mex[FONT=&quot]ican[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]26. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Biggest username changer &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]27. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Bounciest boobies &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]28. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best ass - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]29. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best beard &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]30. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most pistoning pen0r - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]31. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Sexiest voice &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]32. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best ship TLS OTP &#8211; [/FONT]CTHULHAGE, Darthling,
[FONT=&quot]33. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best bromance &#8211; Lex [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]and[/FONT][/FONT] most everyone it seems. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]34. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most pedantic &#8211; Ghost, fo sho :awesome: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]35. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most creative topic starter &#8211; [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]36. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most fervent TLSer - Howl[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]37. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Best .gif reply - Octo, Dark Nation[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]38. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most likely to need a swear filter - Lex[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]39. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]40. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Least likely to win an award - [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]41. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most likely to go the extra mile &#8211; Flint, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]42. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship) &#8211; Tres x Ghost = Trost :wacky: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]43. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most Shippable Member &#8211; Dawn [/FONT]
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The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Right. Here are mine - apologies if I re-nom someone :monster: and I'm just gonna say "done" or something if someone else already did mine :)

  1. Member of the year: All done for me
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Flintlock! (already nommed but I had to)
  3. TLS Peace Prize: All done
  4. Best site contributor: Done
  5. Best forum staffer: Done
  6. Best quality poster: GhostX
  7. Best newcomer: Done
  8. Hottest male: Done
  9. Hottest female: Done (but only 'cause nominating my Class A wife would probably be a) against some unwritten rule, and just maybe b) weird. What am I, her pimp? :P But seriously, gaiz, she's really beautiful!, so if it's not a or b then I totally nom her :D )
  10. Nicest smile: Done
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Done
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: Done
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Done (also Carlie you have Lex up twice :P )
  14. Member you'd most like to bone: Done (see hottest female :P )
  15. Horniest member: Done
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Done
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Done
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): Done
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Done
  20. The TLS Art Prize: Done
  21. The TLS Literature Prize: Done
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Done
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): Done
  24. Most improved: Done
  25. Most predictable: Done
  26. Biggest username changer: Done
  27. Bounciest boobies: Done
  28. Best ass: Done (Thanks Howl! I forgot my ass was on the internet :wacky:)
  29. Best beard: Done - Will poast a pictar of my 2015 beard in the member pictar thread. (Yay self promotion!)
  30. Most pistoning pen0r: Done
  31. Sexiest voice: Done
  32. Best ship TLS OTP: Thanks Joe! And done.
  33. Best bromance: Done
  34. Most pedantic: GhostX :D
  35. Most creative topic starter: Done
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Done
  37. Best .gif reply: JasonT
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter: Done
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Done
  40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award): Umatbru
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile: Done
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Done
  43. Most Shippable Member: Done

I'm lazy :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
  1. Member of the year: Lex, Octo, Howl
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: The Twilight Mexican
  3. TLS Peace Prize:
  4. Best site contributor:
  5. Best forum staffer:
  6. Best quality poster: Ghost X, The Twilight Mexican
  7. Best newcomer: Mayo Master, Kionae
  8. Hottest male:
  9. Hottest female:
  10. Nicest smile:
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk:
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: Cthulhu, Ryushikaze
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Avec, Force (can't have one without the other!), Alex Strife
  14. Member you'd most like to bone:
  15. Horniest member: Doc Brown
  16. Best drunk/stoner:
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Marcus (I'm not sure of his most recent forum name)
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback):
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.):
  20. The TLS Art Prize:
  21. The TLS Literature Prize:
  22. Most entertaining/funniest:
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc):
  24. Most improved: Phoenix Wright
  25. Most predictable:
  26. Biggest username changer: (why is still still an award category when we can just look up who changed their name the most? :P)
  27. Bounciest boobies:
  28. Best ass:
  29. Best beard:
  30. Most pistoning pen0r:
  31. Sexiest voice:
  32. Best ship TLS OTP: Fangster (Fangu x Cookie Monster)
  33. Best bromance: Vaderson (vadersw1 x JasonTandro), Mattato (Matthewtheman x Minato, AKA Phoenix Wright x Major Zero, based on their shared Final Fantasy music tastes, and yes, I know I'm bad at making up ship names)
  34. Most pedantic: Ghost X, Ryushikaze (joint winners with me last year, I need them to draw votes away!)
  35. Most creative topic starter:
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Lex
  37. Best .gif reply:
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter:
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win:
  40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award): Username
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile:
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship):
  43. Most Shippable Member:
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We have come to terms
Might as well take a crack at nominating some names I'm not seeing.

Member of the year: Lex, Carla, Howl
TLS Peace Prize: Mog
Best forum staffer: Mog
Best quality poster: Lex, Joe
Hottest female: Flare (how was she not already nominated you people should be ashamed)
Nicest smile: Howl
Biggest non-FF geek: Howl :oscar:
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Joe, Carla, and I GUESS Yop
Most entertaining/funniest: Joe
Most predictable: Pixel, Warrior of Light
Sexiest voice: Sprites MY GOD
Most fervent TLSer: Carla, Lex


Chloe Frazer
I finalyl arsed myself into doing my list:

  1. Member of the year: Joe, Yop, Flare
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: X-Soldier, Fangu, Mage
  3. TLS Peace Prize: Joe, Cookie Monster, X-Soldier
  4. Best site contributor: Avec, Ryu
  5. Best forum staffer: X-Soldier, Cookie Monster
  6. Best quality poster: Mage, Octo Kinoae
  7. Best newcomer: Jason
  8. Hottest male: Alex Strife
  9. Hottest female: Mage, Sprites, Octo
  10. Nicest smile: Lex, Flare, Sprites
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: vadersw1, JasonTandro, Claymore
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: Joe, Tenny, Force
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Sprites, Mage, Kimble
  14. Member you'd most like to bone: Avec, Mage, Noxy
  15. Horniest member: Fangu, Avec, Noxy
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Joe, Kimble
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Rishi, YACBBS, Tenny
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): Mage, Cab
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Ghost, Lex
  20. The TLS Art Prize:
  21. The TLS Literature Prize:
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Yop, Gabe, Kuroto
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc):
  24. Most improved:
  25. Most predictable: Joe, Channy, Flint
  26. Biggest username changer: Ami, Channy
  27. Bounciest boobies: Channy, Avec, Howl
  28. Best ass: Yop, Howl, Shademp
  29. Best beard: Lex, Joe
  30. Most pistoning pen0r: Lex, Tres, MOG
  31. Sexiest voice: Joe, Mage, Yop
  32. Best ship TLS OTP: Hex (HitoxLex)
  33. Best bromance: Shadarth, Yex (YopxLex), Jimble (JoexKimble)
  34. Most pedantic:
  35. Most creative topic starter:
  36. Most fervent TLSer:
  37. Best .gif reply: Joe, Kuroto
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter: Ami
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Avec, Channy
  40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award): Arianna, Tenny
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile: Lex, Howl, Octo
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Hop (HitoxYop) Is Cthulhu with a panda
  43. Most Shippable Member: Joe, Lex, Yop

Deleted member 546

This genuinely gets harder every year - I'm sure I've missed out some awesome folk and it's not personal but the choices are so tough.

1. Member of the year: vadersw1, Pixel, Cab
2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Flintlock, Tres, X-Soldier
3. TLS Peace Prize: RedFFWolf, Alex Strife, Tashasaurus
4. Best site contributor: Shademp, JasonT, Pixel
5. Best forum staffer: Lex, Yop, Tres,
6. Best quality poster: Gabriel, X-Soldier, Monterosa
7. Best newcomer: Flare, vadersw1, Mayo Master
8. Hottest male: Yop, Mr Ite, Xelazander
9. Hottest female: Howl, Avec, Carlie
10. Nicest smile: Carlie, Cab, Shademp
11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Shademp, vadersw1, Claymore
12. Biggest non-FF geek: X-Soldier, Yop, Howl
13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Octo, Kimble, Howl
14. Member you'd most like to bone: I CAN'T DO THIS
15. Horniest member: Lex, Carlie, Me
16. Best drunk/stoner: Lex, Yop, Kimble
17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Clicky, GLD, L
18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): Channy
19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Flare, Yop, Ghost
20. The TLS Art Prize: Flare, Howl, Pixel
21. The TLS Literature Prize: Licorice, CameoAmalthea
22. Most entertaining/funniest: Octo, Cabaret, Kevehkins
23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): Flare, Howl, Pixel
24. Most improved: jazzflower92, Username
25. Most predictable: Lex, Ami, Dawn
26. Biggest username changer: Ami, Reg
27. Bounciest boobies: Nox, Tennyo, Carlie
28. Best ass: Avec, Dark and Divine, Yop
29. Best beard: Yop, Lex, Tres
30. Most pistoning pen0r: I'm still not entirely sure what this one's about, so Yop. :monster:
31. Sexiest voice: Lex, Cab
32. Best ship TLS OTP: TLSxFlare, Ghostian (GhostxHian), Cabemp (CabxShad)
Mop (MageYop)
33. Best bromance: Flex, Cthulhex (YopxLex), Hex (HitoxLex) LEX YOU HO
34. Most pedantic: Flint, Ghost, Hian
35. Most creative topic starter: JasonT, Howl, Nox
36. Most fervent TLSer: Octo, Carlie, Yop
37. Best .gif reply: Lex, Octo, Channy
39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Yop, Licorice, Arianna
40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award): Tetsujin, Satsu, Arianna
41. Most likely to go the extra mile: JasonTandro, X-Soldier, Lex
42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Ghostian (GhostxHian), AmiLu (AmixCthulhu), UserFlare (UsernamexFlare) :wacky:
43. Most Shippable Member: Flare, Tres, Howl

Deleted member 546



  1. Member of the year:
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award:
  3. TLS Peace Prize: Tres
  4. Best site contributor:
  5. Best forum staffer:
  6. Best quality poster:
  7. Best newcomer:
  8. Hottest male: Hito
  9. Hottest female: Fangu
  10. Nicest smile:
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk:
  12. Biggest non-FF geek:
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life:
  14. Member you'd most like to bone:
  15. Horniest member:
  16. Best drunk/stoner:
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): GLD
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback):
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.): Gabe
  20. The TLS Art Prize: Ghost
  21. The TLS Literature Prize:
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Hito
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): M_Papeghin
  24. Most improved:
  25. Most predictable: Satsu
  26. Biggest username changer:
  27. Bounciest boobies:
  28. Best ass:
  29. Best beard:
  30. Most pistoning pen0r:
  31. Sexiest voice:
  32. Best ship TLS OTP:
  33. Best bromance:
  34. Most pedantic:
  35. Most creative topic starter:
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Flare, RedFFWolf, jazzflower
  37. Best .gif reply:
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter:
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win:
  40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award):
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile:
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship): Ghobs (Ghost x Obs (The Engineer))
  43. Most Shippable Member:

This is why you wait until the last possible moment, it's less work :monster:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Username for most improved? Really Mage?

Thanks for the nominations Flint.

Anyway, the only ones I can think of atm that haven't been done yet are Ryu for needs to post more and AaronxUsername for best crack ship.

Deleted member 546

Well he hasn't tried to join up again for ooh, ten minutes? That's an improvement in my book!


OK I've updated this for Carlie - can people please give it a look over and make sure I haven't forgotten to add anyone? Then PM either me or Carlie if any are missing, because a couple of people have withdrawn from nominations in a couple of categories.


Great Old One
Okay I was gonna polish this but then I fell asleep from RL exhaustment and woke up just to copy pasta this:

  1. Member of the year:
  2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Octo, Dawn, GhostX
  3. TLS Peace Prize:
  4. Best site contributor:
  5. Best forum staffer:
  6. Best quality poster:
  7. Best newcomer:
  8. Hottest male: Marcus
  9. Hottest female: Kuroto
  10. Nicest smile: Avec, Kuroto
  11. Biggest overall FF wonk: Lex, Flintlock, Splintered
  12. Biggest non-FF geek: Flintlock, Yop, Shademp
  13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Keveh Kins, Flintlock, GhostX
  14. Member you'd most like to bone:
  15. Horniest member:
  16. Best drunk/stoner: Cab, Ami
  17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more): Splintnerd, Ryu
  18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback): Howl
  19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.):
  20. The TLS Art Prize: GhostX
  21. The TLS Literature Prize:
  22. Most entertaining/funniest: Gabriel
  23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc): GhostX
  24. Most improved: Channy
  25. Most predictable:
  26. Biggest username changer: Ami
  27. Bounciest boobies: Ami
  28. Best ass: Dawn
  29. Best beard:
  30. Most pistoning pen0r: Tres
  31. Sexiest voice: Keveh Kins
  32. Best ship / TLS OTP: Shami (ShadempxAmi)
  33. Best bromance: HitoxLex, FlintlockxShademp, AmixMarcus
  34. Most pedantic AKA the best award:
  35. Most creative topic starter: jazzflower, Lex, Flintlock
  36. Most fervent TLSer: Channy, JasonTandro, Howl
  37. Best .gif reply: If this was .jpg reply, would have gone to Gabriel for that eyes thread :lol:
  38. Most likely to need a swear filter:
  39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win: Matthewtheman
  40. Least likely to win an award: Arianna
  41. Most likely to go the extra mile: Yop
  42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship):
  43. Most Shippable Member: Avec

I checked with the first post for duplicates, sorry if one or two slipped in anyway.


~The Other Side of Fear~
To be honest, most of my noms have already been made, so I simply found whichever ones I didn't see up there. It's entirely possible that I missed one or two (or duplicated one or two, rather), so "whoops" in advance, should that be the case.

1. Member of the year: Tres
2. TLS Lifetime Achievement Award: Carlie
3. TLS Peace Prize: Yop
4. Best site contributor:
5. Best forum staffer:
6. Best quality poster:
7. Best newcomer:
8. Hottest male: Tres, Ghost X
9. Hottest female:
10. Nicest Smile: Major Zero
11. Biggest overall FF wonk:
12. Biggest non-FF geek:
13. Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Ghost X
14. Member you'd most like to bone: Fangu, Kevin, Tetsujin
15. Horniest member:
16. Best drunk/stoner: Ami
17. "Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/post more):
18. The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback):
19. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.):
20. The TLS Art Prize:
21. The TLS Literature Prize:
22. Most entertaining/funniest: Flare
23. Most talented (art, writing, music etc):
24. Most improved:
25. Most predictable:
26. Biggest username changer:
27. Bounciest boobies:
28. Best ass: Joe
29. Best beard:
30. Most pistoning pen0r: Kimble
31. Sexiest voice: Ghost X
32. Best ship TLS OTP:
33. Best bromance:
34. Most pedantic: Starling
35. Most creative topic starter:
36. Most fervent TLSer:
37. Best .gif reply:
38. Most likely to need a swear filter:
39. Most likely to suggest award ideas they'll never win:
40. The Paradox Award (Least likely to win an award):
41. Most likely to go the extra mile:
42. Most Diametrically Opposed Pair (Crack Ship):
43. Most Shippable Member: Cab
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