A belated Hello


Great Old One
So I never made a hello thread in here, but I'm starting to feel I should have. It's just my first post was like 1000 words long, so I guess I felt I had ranted enough for a while...

I live in Norway and I've passed thirty. I work in a Telecommunications company and I'm studying Computer Science. It took me quite some time figuring out what I wanted to do in life, but now things feel right. I've been working all my life since I was 13 with several different jobs (besides school at first, of course), and I also have an Engineering degree, but it wasn't what I wanted to do. So now I'm living on soup and oat meal while studying 130% and working 35% to hopefully be able to work with something I like in the future.

I know Java and PHP besides the regular webby stuff. Some of you I've already ranted with about programming and the likes, which has been really exciting. I hope I really get to sink into different projects soon, if I can find the time.

Bc I also try to keep up with my main 'hobby' which is staying fit. I was quite heavy a few years back (after a super stressful Engineering job I didn't really want (hindsight is 20-20 they say)) and it has taken me some time to get the weight off. The weight loss has been a personal experience and that's why I rant about that - a lot. (I shed stress and this made up person I didn't really want to be while shedding the weight.)

Other than that, I don't know what else to say - I've played FF 6, 7 and 13 - 10 is next while waiting for 13-2.

I joined this forum because I enjoyed some of the threads and I read like 200 pages before I joined. I used to be mod on a forum for a comic way back when I was about 22 - that board meant a lot to me at the time. I haven't been active in a lot of forums since then, but this feels like a good place so I decided to join.

Photo, yes there is one in the member picture thread.

Thanks for reading and hi :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've seen your posts around; some of them have been pretty damn good. Welcome an' shit :awesomonster:


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Wow, quite an introduction you got there. And very interesting!
I know that feeling. There was a time where I was studying something I didn't want to. Now I'm kind of happy with what I'm at. But as my dad told me: as long as you work in what you love, nothing else matters.
Just reading all that I can't imagine how busy your life would be! OKOK not getting carried away. But you are indeed a very interesting person :monster:

Well, I give you my official welcome to TLS!! Its really nice having someone like you around <333!


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
greetings Norwegian friend! FF10 is indeed an awesome game; you'll have fun with it. :3

Ghost X

Don't feel bad about the late introduction. I'm generally like that at parties. Welcome aboard :monster:.


Welcome, :monster:. I already liked you from your first few poasts.

And yay, a programming chick :joy:. Your kind is rare.

Pro tip though: Lose the PHP, it's shit. Or well, its community is. I'll forgive you for using PHP if you use Zend Framework or something written by real programmers.

And Java is a secure job option, but not very exciting. Go for Scala instead, if you like getting your mind raped :monster:.
Though we've already spoken, I will say VELKOMMEN TIL TLS!
You are an appreciated addition to this website. :salute:


Great Old One
I feel warm and welcomed <3

Wow, quite an introduction you got there. And very interesting!
I know that feeling. There was a time where I was studying something I didn't want to. Now I'm kind of happy with what I'm at. But as my dad told me: as long as you work in what you love, nothing else matters.
Just reading all that I can't imagine how busy your life would be! OKOK not getting carried away. But you are indeed a very interesting person :monster:

Well, I give you my official welcome to TLS!! Its really nice having someone like you around <333!
Thanks *blushes*

What your dad says is really true. If you love it, you can make it work - and if not, you've at least tried.

I did what everyone else told me to do because I didn't think I was smart/mature/insert whatever else enough to decide for myself. I didn't have any drive, any purpose, nothing. When I finally got that degree, the family was so proud of me, but it turned out to just be air, to put it that way.

I just wish I was more stubborn when I was young. I loved drawing and wanted to choose Arts as a major in High School instead of the academic classes. My mother wanted me to go to the university, so she talked me out of arts. Not that I would have ended up doing something creative anyway, but at least then it would have been my decision and I would have learned from it had it not worked out in the end. I don't blame her for that at all because she wanted my best, but I keep thinking - what if I was a more persistent person.

It took me 6 weeks to build up the courage to tell her I had quit my job and was going back to school...

Welcome, :monster:. I already liked you from your first few poasts.

And yay, a programming chick :joy:. Your kind is rare.

Pro tip though: Lose the PHP, it's shit. Or well, its community is. I'll forgive you for using PHP if you use Zend Framework or something written by real programmers.

And Java is a secure job option, but not very exciting. Go for Scala instead, if you like getting your mind raped :monster:.
I KNOW, right? About the PHP! After learning Java, I dived into WordPress, and I almost backed right out after reading 1 (looooooong!) file of code. The same printline it repeatet FOUR times??! :loopy: So yeah, if I was to end up working with web sites (which is not really a preferred option, just an option) I do hope I'll stay away from that and do C# or something instead :P

I guess that is because a lot of PHP programmers learned that as a first language, and then picked up all of the bad habits from other PHP programmers. I actually wanted to learn PHP as well, so I would know... but I was told by my bf to learn a REAL language first. Boy am I glad.

I've heard of Scala, but not looked into it yet. I saw you posting an example somewhere on the forum. Guess that is a Java Framework or something? (Cause it is Java, right?)

I know I'm rare... and it's not always just a good thing - because there are a lot of girls into the business just because of the money and not the interest, I do get some narrow eyes. Are you really into this...? And it's become a part of my life. I love it. Actually don't have any programming classes this semester (just Software Engineering methods and the like) so I'm practicing a little Java right now - forgotten some parts - but really it is like bicycling! YAY!


No, it's Scala, :p. It's a language created by the guy that added generics to Java back when, and he also worked on the Java compiler. He created a new language which on the one side looks a bit like Java but with less boilerplate code, but on the other side adds things like functional programming and data structures and an Erlang / Haskell / whatever-like concurrency model involving Actors.

It compiles down to bytecode and runs on the JVM though, so in that aspect, it's a bit like Java. Works with existing Java libraries and code too - although it has its quirks here and there due to a different type system and things involving inner classes in Java.


Great Old One
Aha! I see now how it relates to Java. Thank you for clearing that up, greatly appreciated! :D

It was great opening up Eclipse and do some coding again. I do feel a bit rusty.


Great Old One
Just playing around with old exercises from my studies. Just fiddling with different classes. Very basic inheritance and polymorphism. I'm going into GUI classes later though, that was covered only in the last exercises of my last class, so I need to brush up on that. JPanel and its brothers, types of listeners and so on. Keep in mind I only have 2 semesters of Java :) You work with this stuff, right? Do you work as a developer for a company, or as a consultant, or something?

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I have to ask, but why would anyone divorce some chick who likes sci-fi???? This is a very serious question B(


Great Old One
I have to ask, but why would anyone divorce some chick who likes sci-fi???? This is a very serious question B(
Hello (the?) Joker,

Thank you for writing to me! I'm glad you take this question very seriously - so do I.

Scientists has been pondering over this question for several years, but as far as we know, no solid proof exists as of yet of why anyone would divorce a chick who likes sci-fi. We know there has been reported cases of this happening, but this might be due to the fact that the chick has been faking the scifi-ism. This is the working theory - no other reason is plausible taking into consideration what we know of the world today.

Sincerely yours,

Aunt Magda



Just playing around with old exercises from my studies. Just fiddling with different classes. Very basic inheritance and polymorphism. I'm going into GUI classes later though, that was covered only in the last exercises of my last class, so I need to brush up on that. JPanel and its brothers, types of listeners and so on. Keep in mind I only have 2 semesters of Java :) You work with this stuff, right? Do you work as a developer for a company, or as a consultant, or something?

Yuch, Swing / AWT programming is horrid. I'm not sure if there's a proper alternative for it yet - you could look at the UI toolkit they've built for Eclipse, SWT, or if you want to go completely overboard (and learn a new~ish / different language in the process), JavaFX.

I've started out with PHP fiddlings for hobby some years back, but never actually built anything worth mentioning outside of throwaway / one-off school projects. Last project I did in PHP was... two or three years ago, a half-baked attempt at creating a social network site of sorts in Zend Framework. I think I got as far as creating topics and responses and such, then my vacation was over and I couldn't be arsed anymore :monster:.

Finished college / uni / whatever (I have a bachelor's degree in programming) a good two years back, after which I've worked as a web developer for a publisher - which was part Java programming (on a CMS that uses OSGI - which is neat, modular applications that don't require a full restart to add functionality. Like a plugin system. Eclipse developed that and is built on it), but also largely application management and jacking-of-all-tradesing.

I quit that last April, and right now I'm working as a consultant for a hip Dutch company where cool people cling to, refugees from the huge mass-market consultancy firms. Which means we get to do cool stuff.

First project was a boring Java web application (Spring for the back-end, HTML5 front-end) that read some tables. Current project is an iPhone app for a high-profile organization (that's objective-C), which has a push notification server (that sends the users messages for certain events) written in Scala (and the Akka framework, but that means little even to me :monster: ). Which is pretty win and showy and things like that. Plenty of fucking about with time and dates.

uh. Yeah. Welcome :reptar:

As for divorcing someone that likes sci-fi... Well, sci-fi isn't everything :monster:.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Greetings & salutations!~ It's always nice to have another member who goes through a TON of stuff. You seem like you're quite at home here.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Hi there! :D Agreed that I've seen your posts around and they're pretty awesome so, the intro was a nice tidbit. :3 Do post around a lot! Quality posts are always appreciated ^_^
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