A Compilation of Complaints


Pro Adventurer
Before I say anything negative, let me just say I already pre-orderd 2 copies of the game for the dlc, the extra going to a friend so I'm certainly a fan. I just like to create a thread, for us western fans especially, to list our complaints. When/if this board fills, maybe we can try to foward it to Square. So here we go please reply. I hope SE fixes these problems with dlc

-No new villains
How does chaos win the previous cycle with an unchanged front line. No Seymour, Cid, Vayne, Leon, Xande, Shadow Lord etc... As an extra slap in the face we get a second Chaos to waste disc space.

-No VI and IX character
Arguably among the best in the series, with many characters to choose from. Adored by true fans of the series, and we get left with near nothing. No Edgar, Celes, Locke, Sabin, Vivi, Garnet or Beatrix. The only addition they get are decent stages. Why Doom Train, as opposed to Figaro castle, or the floating continet.

-The story
strangely put together, with the majority of the major scenes left in an exterior report menu.

-Strange character choices
Prishe... Why. Desperado Chaos. Vaan over Balthier or Ashe? Why did they not prioritize adding a VI/IX character or

-Give Lightning a Villain
Cid Raines would be great, as a foil to Lightning. D. Chaos proves that Barthandelus would be possible.

-What about western interests
Many of these strange choices, and lack of information on Prologus, and U.S. Dlc promotions proves this.

-What about the NES era
Square Enix, in a way, forgot the series roots. Leon and Minwu for example would work great in Dissidia. Also Xande.

-Payed Demo and Assist
Why, why should I pay for a demo and an assist character. Why couldn't this work have gone towards adding one more character to the main game.

-If disc space is limited, why did you add the originals story?
This space could be used on another stage, character, or battle theme depending on how much space it takes up.

Don't bother with FMV flash, focus on packing the Fanservice Cross Over, with things The Fans Want.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I have plenty of complaints ranging from insignificant shit to shit that I think actually matters, what do you want first? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I have plenty of complaints ranging from insignificant shit to shit that I think actually matters, what do you want first? :monster:

Everything in order from Highest complaint down. As long as your complaints are rational.

For example, I'd love to play as After Years Porom, but I can't list that as a complaint, because she's overall unimportant and most fans would disagree with my preference. I could say that an addition of Prishe, a character most likely loved by one of the developers, was a poor choice, being just as irrelevant to the larger fan base.


Save your valediction (she/her)
In 2002 or so, my friends and I composed an Ultimate Final Fantasy Character Showdown list, listing off all of our favourite characters and basically arguing our way through a battle royale until one emerged the victor. We never got to the final round because we were teenagers and when you're passionate about stories, arguments get heated (*cough cough LTD*)

The list was about a hundred characters long. The final rounds would have probably looked a lot like the first Dissidia roster, but the heated battle that broke up the tournament was Vivi vs. a Palom/Porom team-up. In nine years, I've brought that match up often, and *everyone* I've met has a hard-motherfucking-core opinion on the victor(s). YOU have a heated opinion on the subject.

We lost our shit over Dissidia when it was announced. The first one had the perfunctory roster of mains and villains, but now that they're expanding, it gets a little more complicated. We're heading into who-survived-011 territory, and the frightening possibility that we were wrong to back Vivi nine years ago. And maybe Porom and Vivi can't make it to 012, maybe Sabin suplexed them from behind before getting shanked by Squall.

But Prishe? Sure, I'm sure she's grown on some of us, but there's no way she survived 011 when goddamn General Leo was on the scene, or whoever.

My point is (if my cool story bro didn't do anything else but convince you that I am a nerd) WE ARE NERDS. We are passionate about these stories. Most of us have given time and thought to how this goes down. And I'm not suggesting that they only include the characters that are, I don't know, popular. And I mean it. I think Laguna was an unexpected but really fucking awesome choice. I'm suggesting that they include characters from the games we've played. Include characters who have a goddamn right to be there.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
We lost our shit over Dissidia when it was announced. The first one had the perfunctory roster of mains and villains, but now that they're expanding, it gets a little more complicated. We're heading into who-survived-011 territory, and the frightening possibility that we were wrong to back Vivi nine years ago. And maybe Porom and Vivi can't make it to 012, maybe Sabin suplexed them from behind before getting shanked by Squall.

But Prishe? Sure, I'm sure she's grown on some of us, but there's no way she survived 011 when goddamn General Leo was on the scene, or whoever.

I'm actually wondering if anyone was permanently killed prior to 012 since the manikins only came on the scene then.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
-Strange character choices
Prishe... Why. Desperado Chaos. Vaan over Balthier or Ashe? Why did they not prioritize adding a VI/IX character or

I asked this myself. WTF would I want with Prishe, even if she is voiced by Aya Hirano?

And I kinda figured they chose Vaan over Balthier or Ashe because 1) Vaan is the supposed "main character" of FF12 2) Ashe - they can't afford any other important heroine being alongside Lightning, plus the personality might not match whatever story and interaction there is (lol Lightning whoaring? Really?), 3) Balthier - they probably juggled this one with Laguna (since they have the same seiyuu) and went with Laguna anyway--that, and it doesn't fit tragically killing Balthier... I CAN'T IMAGINE IT DDDD8

I have a few complaints as well, but I haven't completed my playthrough of Duodecim, so I'm holding them til I'm done. :monster: But I might end up just waiting for the US release... which I will get at the beginning of April.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Vaan was the narrator and we saw everything through his character for the most part. I don't think he ever left the party...did he? It was an interesting way of going about it but it is my belief that Vaan and Penelo were completely useless as far as the story goes. I can sort of understand the whole thing with Gabranth but that would have fit Basch better.

The scary thing is that I think Vaan is more tolerable now. It might change with his English VA but he actually has more role in this than in his own game.

The one thing I will say is Terra, Tidus, and Cloud on the Chaos side? Really? You could have easily chosen 4 other characters to put on the chaos side and left those three on the cosmos side. Seymour from 10, Englamesh (guy from 11), Vayne, General Leo, Seifer, Hojo, Rufus Shinra and his turks, Barthandelus, Cid Raines, etc... The list of villains they could have added is quite large. Even larger if they go out of the context of the main series of each game and go into tactics, x-2, final fantasy vii spin offs, etc...

I could have accepted one turning (maybe 2) but 3-4? No does not make sense at all.

I also have to say most of us are forgetting a major point. If SE wanted to give us the first game could they have no just added another UMD? Would that have been so hard. Of course it would have because SE wanted to be lazy and make as much money as possible for as little as work possible. They are apparently splitting Final Fantasy Type-0 into two UMDs. I no longer buy they did not have enough room.
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fresh to death
Key problem:

-If disc space is limited, why did SE continue wasting time developing this game on a handheld device rather than a console where they could indulge in more fanservice, substance, story, etc. etc.


Fiat Lux
Key problem:

-If disc space is limited, why did SE continue wasting time developing this game on a handheld device rather than a console where they could indulge in more fanservice, substance, story, etc. etc.

Because SE are dirty sell-outs, is the short answer.


Rufus and his Turks are not forces of Chaos. They are, if anything, facist; they like order. Hojo, on the other hand, is very chaotic.

The Emperor and Ultimecia like order too, they specifically differentiate themselves from the senseless destroyers in their ranks (Kefka, Kuja, CoD, ExDeath). They, like Rufus wanted to rule their world.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Rufus and his Turks are not forces of Chaos. They are, if anything, facist; they like order. Hojo, on the other hand, is very chaotic.

Lol they certainly were in FF7, dropping plates on people and terrorizing civilians. The Turks and Rufus definitely were not forces for good in FF7.

-If disc space is limited, why did SE continue wasting time developing this game on a handheld device rather than a console where they could indulge in more fanservice, substance, story, etc. etc.

Because work


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I knew it was too much to expect Dissidia to at least keep itself on the same level as the previous one.

...Dear Jesus, I'm turning into Masamune day by fucking day. Somebody save me, please.

Substance versus style seems to be aptly appropriate here, sadly.


Pro Adventurer
Too much Lighting whoring. Why should WOL take a back step behind Lighting, just because it's 'Lighting " ? And no Celes or Locke. Wtf.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
-No new villains
How does chaos win the previous cycle with an unchanged front line. No Seymour, Cid, Vayne, Leon, Xande, Shadow Lord etc... As an extra slap in the face we get a second Chaos to waste disc space.

THIS. This is my biggest problem with Duodecim... Too much heroes, no new villains. Cloud, Tidus, Terra? Pft, emo stuff. And I'm sure they'll go to Cosmos' side at, like, 5 minutes of gameplay after realizing "oh man, being evil is bad!". And LORD GILGAMESH doesn't count as a Chaos character because he's above little conflicts of morality. Oh, and Vayne, I really really really really really want to see Vayne in Dissidia.

-Strange character choices
Prishe... Why. Desperado Chaos. Vaan over Balthier or Ashe? Why did they not prioritize adding a VI/IX character or

Prishe has her fans, and Vaan IS the main character of FFXII (at least officialy), they don't make exceptions with main characters, that's why we had Cecil instead of Kain in the first game, at least according to Nomura. Desperado Chaos is the one character I really don't understand. I like him, yes, but... But... He's so random. What were the SE guys thinking? "Oh boy, and then let's put a Giant Angry Constipated Chaos as a playable character!", "OH YES! Maximum trolling! *dumps Sazh*". But I'm sure many people will like him more after the game is released over here.

-Give Lightning a Villain
Cid Raines would be great, as a foil to Lightning. D. Chaos proves that Barthandelus would be possible.

Actually, I'm kinda happy they let her alone. FFXIII in my opinion has no villains. Just plain placeholders. In any case, I would like to see Jihl.

EDIT: Oh, and I have a little complaint. I haven't played the game but why is Lightning everywhere? She's like the Cloud Strife of Duodecim... And I don't like that. No sir, I don't.
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The Wanderer of Time
-No new villains
How does chaos win the previous cycle with an unchanged front line. No Seymour, Cid, Vayne, Leon, Xande, Shadow Lord etc... As an extra slap in the face we get a second Chaos to waste disc space.

Seifer, Ebul!Celes and Eald'narche would have been good choices. But the ones you named? But Vayne no, we have Gabranth already, and Leon and Xande meh.

-No VI and IX character
Arguably among the best in the series, with many characters to choose from. Adored by true fans of the series, and we get left with near nothing. No Edgar, Celes, Locke, Sabin, Vivi, Garnet or Beatrix. The only addition they get are decent stages. Why Doom Train, as opposed to Figaro castle, or the floating continet.
No Celes is disappointing.

-The story
strangely put together, with the majority of the major scenes left in an exterior report menu.
Eh, to each their own, the original Dissidia came off disjointed too, you had to put it together yourself for it to make sense.

-Strange character choices
Prishe... Why. Desperado Chaos. Vaan over Balthier or Ashe? Why did they not prioritize adding a VI/IX character or
Apparently Vaan is much more popular in Japan than he is here. As for Prishe, Eald'narche again. Feral Chaos - why not? SE probably already knows we're hacking Chaos to be playable, so do it officially.

-Give Lightning a Villain
Cid Raines would be great, as a foil to Lightning. D. Chaos proves that Barthandelus would be possible.

-What about western interests
Many of these strange choices, and lack of information on Prologus, and U.S. Dlc promotions proves this.
SE has never given a shit about their Western audience, back into the days of the Super NES when they simplified FF4's gameplay and story and thought we needed Mystic Quest because their normal games were too complicated for us. Why break tradition now?

-What about the NES era
Square Enix, in a way, forgot the series roots. Leon and Minwu for example would work great in Dissidia. Also Xande.
Give me fighting styles that are unique and interesting and I'll hop on the bandwagon with you here. IMO it isn't a matter of who deserves to get in, it's if they'll be interesting to play as.

-Payed Demo and Assist
Why, why should I pay for a demo and an assist character. Why couldn't this work have gone towards adding one more character to the main game.
Then don't buy it. Seems a simple solution to me. I love her and will be using her, but apparently the Aerith assist isn't that good anyway.

-If disc space is limited, why did you add the originals story?
This space could be used on another stage, character, or battle theme depending on how much space it takes up.
Signed, if they can do all this for a prequel and keep most of the content of the original than WTF were they doing in the first place?

This has been abandoned ever since the days of FF7. As the massive fan following for Sephiroth proves, SE can and will ignore actual depth if it looks cool. But agreed overall.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Seifer, Ebul!Celes and Eald'narche would have been good choices. But the ones you named? But Vayne no, we have Gabranth already, and Leon and Xande meh.

We have heroes from the same game showing up, why would villains not be allowed the same leeway?


Double Growth
I understand the "need more villains" thing...but still, when I run down the characters I want to see in the game...the vast majority of them are heroes. There just aren't that many more villains that I'm really interested in seeing. XIII's villains are mostly uninteresting. Gabranth is cooler than Vayne. Seymour is, well, Seymour. I would have been just as nonplussed about Seifer as I was about Prishe. Rufus/Turks, fine I guess but then there'd be even more bitching about FF7 favoritism. I'd love Celes and all but I don't really want to see her as a villain, we never saw her as such anyway.

...I really just want Beatrix.


The Wanderer of Time
We have heroes from the same game showing up, why would villains not be allowed the same leeway?

XI and XII are special cases, since they only had one character originally. If he got in we'd be here complaining "why did they include Vayne instead of someone else, XII already has a villain"


If XI can get two heros then XII can get two villians. Sorry, Vaan but it's not like Bartz and Firion aren't already doing everything you are doing.


Pro Adventurer
Give me fighting styles that are unique and interesting and I'll hop on the bandwagon with you here. IMO it isn't a matter of who deserves to get in, it's if they'll be interesting to play as.

Leon, The series first Dark Knight, can focus on being a strong brawler, and give the player actual risks for his best attack. For example they gave Kain, lancet and cyclone, why not give Leon darkness, activate to increase Hp/Brv dmg x 1.5 for x .25 health damage to your self. His limit could be Destroy, from the psp version of II, lowering his Hp to 1, and inflicting it as brave damage. Since he loses health fighting, this could be significantly weaker.

Minwu and Xande, early series mages. Add Minwu for story, and make him like a mime of many Cosmos/Chaos spells, to reflect his vast knowledge of magic. Give him Ultima and your good.

As for Xande, give him magic and minions, based on the games spells and it's various bosses of the day. kinda like a Chaos Yuna.

Just the first ideas that come to mind


Double Growth
Minwu, Xande, and those significantly lesser known characters are perfect for DLC. And if Square got on board with the rest of the industry (lulz) they could release any number of characters for a dollar or two (and then packs of them for a dollar off or something), and then people could just buy whichever ones they wanted.
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