AC Fan Game Blast from the Past + Request


Lv. 1 Adventurer

Recently, I've been scouring the Internet looking for old fan game projects that I started as a kid. As I know that a number of members here on TLS were on Advent Children net back in the day (I was 'AC Cloud'), I thought that I'd post this and see if anyone remembers it :P

This was my Advent Children fan game that I worked on from 2004-2006, until my computer decided to commit seppuku and take all my hard work with it. Unfortunately (as I need more than 5 posts before I can start posting links), I cannot put screenshots in this topic. However, if you click on my account name, you'll find that I've put a number of old screenshots on my visitor's messages page (hopefully that's alright - it let me do it, so I assume it is).

Now, the request part. At one point I released a demo for this game on the AC net forums, but naturally they no longer exist (and I can't find an archived version anywhere (Wayback Machine isn't very helpful on this one)). I do have a copy, however it's corrupted and needs a whole lot of resources that no longer exist to get it going again. So I was wondering - does anyone that remembers this game have a copy of the demo floating around on their hard drive? I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Thanks for looking - hopefully I've brought back some good memories of the old forum for a few people :D And let me just say that while I'm not a part of the FF community anymore (you can tell that by the fact that I signed up here in 2009 and never posted :P), it's great to see that a FF7 community like this still exists. Great work guys!
I have a memory of *a* fan-made game being shown on during the earlier days of AC news, but I can't connect your screenshots with what I remember. =/

If you have some shots showing the sleeping forest I may be able to remember. Did you ever make a trailer?

Edit: Unfortunately I don't have the demo. =/ Good luck with finding it.

it's great to see that a FF7 community like this still exists. Great work guys!
Stick around and you'll see us becoming an even better site. ;)
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
I think the one you're thinking of was Velvet Nightmare's 'Final Fantasy VII: Memory of Despair' which was at one point showcased on the homepage of AC net. It had a very impressive trailer, but from what I remember, it was more of a mock-up or proof of concept, and wasn't actually playable (but it was an absolutely amazing trailer!). I started my own project shortly after Velvet Nightmare, I think, but I was still going long after he/she disappeared.

Thanks for looking for the demo, though, and for the offer - I'll definitely try and keep an eye on this place :D
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