Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
Granted, not everything that gets banned is a "classic", but a lot of these are. I'm tempted to start reading a bunch of the good ones I haven't read yet, and very well may do so soon.
I'm kind of surprised Gravity's Rainbow isn't on more of these lists, considering that the Pulitzer review board called it "obscene", but I guess the fact that many people find it "unreadable" (as the Pulitzer review board did) keeps it from being challenged that often. Apparently no one got far enough into read stuff like the coprophagia scenes
Here's the website for Banned Books Week: http://bannedbooksweek.org/
What are your favourite banned books?
Granted, not everything that gets banned is a "classic", but a lot of these are. I'm tempted to start reading a bunch of the good ones I haven't read yet, and very well may do so soon.

I'm kind of surprised Gravity's Rainbow isn't on more of these lists, considering that the Pulitzer review board called it "obscene", but I guess the fact that many people find it "unreadable" (as the Pulitzer review board did) keeps it from being challenged that often. Apparently no one got far enough into read stuff like the coprophagia scenes

Here's the website for Banned Books Week: http://bannedbooksweek.org/
What are your favourite banned books?