Banned Books Week turns 30.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

Granted, not everything that gets banned is a "classic", but a lot of these are. I'm tempted to start reading a bunch of the good ones I haven't read yet, and very well may do so soon. :monster:

I'm kind of surprised Gravity's Rainbow isn't on more of these lists, considering that the Pulitzer review board called it "obscene", but I guess the fact that many people find it "unreadable" (as the Pulitzer review board did) keeps it from being challenged that often. Apparently no one got far enough into read stuff like the coprophagia scenes :monster:

Here's the website for Banned Books Week:

What are your favourite banned books? :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Would it be shallow if I said Harry Potter? :awesomonster:

Is there a proper list on that site?

EDIT: Oh wait I'm blind, I kinda sorta found one.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, 1884
Fahrenheit 451
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, 1960
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1852

Those are the ones that I've read from that list.
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~The Other Side of Fear~
Wait, To Kill a Mockingbird was on that list? I actually read that in high school. Very interesting book, very enlightening.

If Harry Potter is on that list, then it's on mine--of being a favorite. Not only are they entertaining but they are part of the reason for the boom in reading for young kids. Of course I can't imagine the Pulitzer review board understanding that. :s


Higher Further Faster
idgaf about what the Pulitzer board says. I know none of my favorite books will ever win that prize. :monster:

I always found it interesting that so many people wanted to ban Harry Potter from schools for religious reasons when my church had the first three books in its own library. :ultros:


I propose TLS collectively attempts to have the bible banned for its offensive content, including, but not limited to, slavery, mass murder, genital mutilation, rising dead, misogyny, physical abuse, death by stoning, prostitution, references to paying tax and the criminalization of those that collect it, and not mentioning He whose Noodly Appendages Doth Touch Those Whom He Deems Worthy Of Touching With Noodly Appendages. :ultros:
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