Bashing of either Tifa or Aeris.


unsavory tart
I always liked the "Aerith didn't know" argument. Firstly it shows that Tifa knows Aerith better than her others (since it's Tifa that throws it out there). But I also think it's more heartbreaking too. She really thought she was coming back.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i feel somewhere in between here: aerith didn't actively go out and die, but she was fine when she did die. She wasn't anticipating it, but I am sure she accepted it in the last few moments


Celes Chere

Yes, I agree with Aki. I don't believe that she knew she was going to lose her life, like I said the way Maiden explains it she looks at Cloud, Tifa, and her other friends and wishes she could be with them. But she knows she has a bigger role that she needs to take on. I think that's brave of her... if that was me I'd be scared and lonely as all hell.

why am I so emotionally attached to fictional characters sdfsgksafasd


Pro Adventurer
I dislike Aerith. But I don't go around calling her a slut, boyfriend stealer or anything like that. I dislike Aerith because she hardly knows Cloud and automatically crushes on him. Is that slutty ? No, is that a annoying ? No that kind of thing happens all the time. Is it frustrating that she attaches herself on to Cloud, just because he looks and acts like Cloud ? Yes, frankly. It is. I would adore Aerith a little more, if she got to know Cloud a little more first, instead of assuming that he's just another Zack.

Celes Chere

I know it's your opinion and I respect it, but if it's okay I'd like to defend Aerith a bit. Think about how lonely Aerith has been a lot of the time. :c Zack was someone that treated her like a normal human being, and yet like she was one of a kind. Imagine losing someone like that - to just have them disappear on you for four years. Elmyra even said in the game that it broke her heart, and that she never wanted it to happen again. I don't blame Aerith for attaching herself to someone that looks and partly acts like Zack does. Hell, he even fell through her roof the same way Zack did. That kind of feeling would be extremely painful. All of her memories of Zack probably came rushing back to her, and she wanted that closeness that she used to have. T-that's my view on it. ;-;

But she did separate Cloud from Zack eventually, and she wanted to get to know the real Cloud. I see no problem with her being attached, and then coming to the realization that things are different. She grew as a character in this way, and she genuinely cared about Cloud for who he is. I think that's sweet. ;-;


wangxian married
Is it frustrating that she attaches herself on to Cloud, just because he looks and acts like Cloud ?


I would adore Aerith a little more, if she got to know Cloud a little more first, instead of assuming that he's just another Zack.

First: crushes are called crushes for a reason; because you don't need to know anything about that person other than they are physically attractive to be interested in them. Pretty much every human being reacts this way. Second, by the end of disk one she makes a clear distinction between Cloud and Zack and that she's not looking for a Zack replacement. It's called character development.


Fire and Blood
What's annoying is that, as a player you don't have any way to prevent her from flirting with Cloud.

That was just repulsive for me, as I was playing, and the main reason why I avoided her. I also didn't particularily like her character, but that was really the trait that was over the top.

As someone who fell in love with CloTi by sheer luck, because when I play I'm more a grinding/achiever kind of person rather that one that attaches herself to the characters and their interactions - yeah I'll admit, I'm all for the badass when I play, and the story itself - so what was frustrating for me was having Aerith jumping at each chance to flirt with Cloud. To me, it didn't make much sense, and I was more in a "WTF" mindset. It didn't help that, hoping that she'd drop the ball I replied that Tifa was my girlfriend and she continued.

It didn't help either that my first group with her died because she was too weak >> She was quickly discarded - and it was dismay when she was forced upon me again >>

CloTi won me over during the Lifestream sequence, but I think that's more a "once a lifetime" thing than anything else. *is even playing Castlevania without a care for the love story >>*


First: crushes are called crushes for a reason; because you don't need to know anything about that person other than they are physically attractive to be interested in them. Pretty much every human being reacts this way.

Except we know it's not because she finds him physically attractive. It's because she finds him physically azacktive.

Second, by the end of disk one she makes a clear distinction between Cloud and Zack and that she's not looking for a Zack replacement. It's called character development.

Not in my play through.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Except we know it's not because she finds him physically attractive. It's because she finds him physically azacktive.

Not in my play through.
oh okay.

thanks for the insight there.

so yeah i think the cloud and aerith date is canon cause it makes the most sense story wise (otherwise him and aerith didn't get the date payment dealio) just like the high affection highwind scene occurred because it makes the most sense storywise.



so yeah i think the cloud and aerith date is canon

You can think that all you want. Doesn't make it so.

Poor Aerith. There is a 75% chance she never admits that she is chasing Zack's shadow.

Sad isn't it?

cause it makes the most sense story wise (otherwise him and aerith didn't get the date payment dealio)

The scene in the park right before they run off to save Tifa has been called a date. Payment in full.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You can think that all you want. Doesn't make it so.

Poor Aerith. There is a 75% chance she never admits that she is chasing Zack's shadow.

Sad isn't it?
99% of statistics vendel says tends to be made up on the spot

The scene in the park right before they run off to save Tifa has been called a date. Payment in full.
aerith talks afterward like they still haven't had a date but okay


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I don't think it matters whether she says it to Cloud or not, since it's more about Aerith coming to terms with it herself. I don't see why that wouldn't be canon, whether you get her on the GS date or not.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
What's annoying is that, as a player you don't have any way to prevent her from flirting with Cloud.

Um... there are a lot of games where characters flirt (and more) with each other that you can't prevent. Just looking at more recent FFs: Edgar (hits on everyone), Squall/Rinoa, Irvine (flirts with everyone), Quistis (flirts with Squall early on), Garnet/Zidane, Beatrix/Steiner, Eiko flirts with Zidane, Tidus/Yuna, Wakka/Lulu (y/n?), and Locke/Celes to a more conservitive degree.

Princess Bubblegum said:
aerith talks afterward like they still haven't had a date but okay

I always assume they get two dates. This one in the park (which is referred to as a date), and the one in the Gold Saucer. And don't debate optional with me. I agree with you that Aerith's date is canon dammit :awesome:


Double Growth
What's annoying is that, as a player you don't have any way to prevent her from flirting with Cloud.

That was just repulsive for me, as I was playing, and the main reason why I avoided her.

Can you prevent someone from flirting with you irl?
And really, Cloud sent out some mixed messages :monster:

Part of what I like about FF7 so much is that I like the entire cast. Like what Black Mage was saying about the team dynamic. Even the characters I don't like such as Yuffie, I dislike as a person, rather than wishing the character didn't exist, if that makes any sense. Cait Sith is a bit odd, and I never use him in battle, but I like Reeve, so...

They're all very memorable characters, imo, and make for some of the best chemistry I've seen in a video game cast. So bashing Tifa or Aerith for such trivial reasons (as in, someone who otherwise obviously likes the game enough to be so emotionally invested) bugs me. If the two girls were real I would go for Tifa romantically, so I tend to have Cloud do the same in the game because it's, you know, role playing, but Aerith is just as great a character. I wouldn't take her out of the game or change anything about her.
After she was killed I was angry for what a stupid move it was for her to run off on her own. But that's just it - I was mad at her, not the writing or something. That tells me she's a good character. And I feel the same way about Tifa.


Fire and Blood
I hated VIII, and didn't play most FF actually. I'm more a MMO player, aside some games like Diablo, Warcraft II and lately Castlevania (plus platform games). I also complain about the inclusion of a love story in Zelda, which was SO UNNEEDED _o/

So yeah, here you go _o/

Edit: yeah I can prevent it IRL. I used to, really >>' And beside when you say "I have a bf", usually, that's just a no-go and the other stops, even if he complains _o/

Also, just to clarify, I wouldn't take Aerith out either. I just don't like her, and I'm not obligated to love her either. She's just there, she serves as a plot, but she was forced down my throat as a character I should immediately like, despite her actions not appealing me, and that's something that usually have the reverse effect on me.

Anyone should know how I feel about fucking Sera, since I ranted so much about her already; and she's exactly the type of character that's forced down your throat, except in an even worse way than Aerith. Which makes Sera probably one of the game characters I hate the most.
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wangxian married
I get that people just aren't going to like certain characters, but it irks me that Aeris flirting is such a big problem. I mean seriously, what year is this? Women can initiate relationships if they want, and I'm sure a grown man could more than handle himself if he didn't like it. And how often do we see a heroine actively pursue the hero instead of the same tired old RPG romance formula? (Garnet is the other exception, seeing how she made Zidane work for dat ass)

The awesome thing about Aeris was that she showed you could be feminine and assertive, especially when so many games make it either/or. I liked that she was sexually confident, it was refreshing.

I also complain about the inclusion of a love story in Zelda, which was SO UNNEEDED _o/

Whoa hold up there

let's not touch the perfection of link/zelda okay
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Double Growth
And Tifa flat out tells Aerith a few hours later that she and Cloud "just grew up together, nothing more," no matter what Cloud tells her.


Fire and Blood
She continues even before Tifa tells her that - or that's how I felt anyway.

I never said it was wrong. I said as a player, I don't like it, because I don't play games for love stories - in case you haven't noticed, these aren't the type of games I play. I find it badly written like 99.99% of the time and unable to hold my interest for more than 30 seconds.

Again, that's just my opinion and you should be able to understand that INDEED, some people absolutely despise this in games and think more of the next combo they have to make or how the fuck they're going to save the world rather than the next line of flirt they'll have with one of the girls, like, seriously >___>


wangxian married
She continues even before Tifa tells her that - or that's how I felt anyway.

I never said it was wrong. I said as a player, I don't like it, because I don't play games for love stories - in case you haven't noticed, these aren't the type of games I play. I find it badly written like 99.99% of the time and unable to hold my interest for more than 30 seconds.

But you're playing an RPG.

Which is usually known for stories, character development, and character relationships. It's just baffling that one character flirting with another character seems to irritate you so when it's such a small aspect of her interaction and story overall. :| Obviously this is something that's going to be discussed.

Again, that's just my opinion and you should be able to understand that INDEED, some people absolutely despise this in games and think more of the next combo they have to make or how the fuck they're going to save the world rather than the next line of flirt they'll have with one of the girls, like, seriously >___>

number one calm your mad pls

number two you claim to be a grinder/overachiever in games but

It didn't help either that my first group with her died because she was too weak >> She was quickly discarded - and it was dismay when she was forced upon me again >>

you get that frustrated when the "mage" character dies? idgi
that's like RPG 101 there, mages are squishy





wangxian married
She's a mage though so like zee said, she's gonna be squishy. She's always the one that saves my ass though

Yeah! Her limits are pretty game changing in certain battles, too. I realize I'm pretty bias towards white mages, but I hate having a party without one. I nearly cried when Garnet left the party in IX. Thank god for Freya's healing ability.


Double Growth
I'm not a big fan of romance stories either, I find shipping boring and all that. But FF7 isn't a love story, it's a background plot happening...well, as naturally as it could given the circumstances. But its not like FF8 or FF10 in that the love story is a major component of the plot.
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