As someone who started with a boon in Arcane I just couldn't imagine it working effectively enough for me to grit and bear all the early game bosses. Maybe with something akin to the Soul Vessel in DkS2, why not. It's not that Arcane's a weak stat in a vacuum, Molotovs quite literally blow the game wide open, it's that they're scarce with a hard cap even below the 20 vials/shots that (at least I'm) afforded. With an infusion to let you scale off of Arc early on like you said, I'd feel more comfortable. Who knows? Maybe I'll get one and dual scale off of Str/Arc
Kirk's giving me some major Longsword vibes, this makes me fuzzy since god did I love the LS.
The atmosphere in this game, though? S'incredible. I'm probably going to abstain from lore videos and try to work the rest out by my lonesome. Leveling up your insight, I hear, lets you 'see things.' Like monsters crawling all over Yarnham and curled around all the buildings in the background. It's like, 'wow, what fridge horror. No wonder the world's fucked up'
Hidetaka said in an interview recently... He's met some interesting people because he's president of the company now, like other presidents. He said he's 'using' some of them as enemies in his games (I wonder if he implied Bloodborne?), that's great.