Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wanted to make a video of the top 10 WTF moments in AC and ACC, but before I do and get a ton of "Well that happened because of ____ you idiot" responses on my video, I want to see if I can clear things up.

1. Why is the title Advent Children? Advent means coming and is also a period of time in the Christian Calender.. so... the coming of the children?... the orphans? Kadaj Yazoo and Loz?... help me out or is this a WTF moment.

2. Why is Rufus wearing a disguise throughout the movie? It's not like we don't know who he is. Is he trying to hide his stigma even though we can see it anyway? Also why is he in a wheelchair if he can walk?

I plan on including these unless I can get reasonable reasons why they happen. I haven't come up with all 10 yet but I'll let you guys know when I do and maybe list them. (I have the last 3 for sure) But it's going to be one of those things where I don't care if you disagree ;)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
My theory on Rufus is that he was this powerful tycoon guy, and he just doesn't wanna be seen in a weakened state like the peasants on the street. imo


2. Why is Rufus wearing a disguise throughout the movie? It's not like we don't know who he is. Is he trying to hide his stigma even though we can see it anyway? Also why is he in a wheelchair if he can walk?

IIRC, Nomura mentioned somewhere that Rufus's 'enjoying the show' and wants his revelation(of being able to walk and carrying Jenova's head) to be the climax. Surprise factor, I suppose.
Even though we all kinda had it figured out, I think they shouldn't have revealed it being Rufus until he walked with Jenova's head.

Also nii-chan your signature is hilarious.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
owhythank you. :monster:

Also, your guys' explanations fail in comparison to mine. His ego! It mustn't be crushed!!


Omnipotent Destroyer
I'd say what Defade said, and that Rufus was covered by the sheet to hide the fact he had the container with Jenova's remains in it. And I can only assume he continued to use the wheelchair to keep up the guise of being weaker than he actually was.

"Advent Children" doesn't just simply mean the coming of the children, it's a little more complicated than that (I guess complicated isn't really the right word, but meh). Basically (and I'm sure someone else could expand on this), the 'advent' refers to Sephiroth's return (another reference to Judeo-Christianity), and the 'children' refers either to Sephiroth's "children" or the geostigma children used by the SHM.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
^ This :monster:

"Advent Children" refers to the second coming of Sephiroth through the children. The orphans infected with Geostigma, and of course the remnants of Sephiroth, who are also 'children' as well.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I thought it was pretty obvious that Rufus was in the wheelchair because he was still recovering from his injuries from the assault on Shinra, coupled with his geostigma crippling his immune system.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It's still... an odd name... if you have to go through that much trouble to explain it, but I guess I'll drop that and add another one. Not sure which... I'm two short but I'm sure I can come up with something. LIke just what was up with Tifa's boobs shrinking anyway?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What trouble? It's actually pretty simple. :monster:

Especially if you look at Sephiroth's theme. "Advent: One Winged Angel" whose lyrics mention the children heralding his return and shit.

And Tifa's boobs didn't shrink. She's just not wearing a damn t-shirt anymore. But her boobs haven't shrunk. They've done the same CG artwork of her in her FFVII outfit and her boobs are clearly more distinct there than her black AC top.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And Tifa's boobs didn't shrink.

Oh yes they did!



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I tend to look more towards the artwork and official illustrations than the shit PS CG cutscenes where Barret looks more greased than a gay porn star in the 70's, and Cid's shoulders are as broad a football player doping every day. :monster:

Yeah, Tifa's honkers not only look huge and round, but also as hard as a goddamn basketball.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you for the most part, but SE has not been totally consistent on the size of Tifa's knockers throughout the Compilation, even within AC. Shit's crazy. Sometimes the size of her boobs seems to somewhat fluctuate in one scene or shot to another.

Nothing major, though, it's just a funny observation if you can catch it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't think her boobs have drastically shrunk in AC though, man. It's just her top. Compared to her new CG artwork between FFVII and AC you can see that its just the way she wears t-shirts vs her vest/top thing.



See? It's the outfit, not the anatomy :monster:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah, definitely! There's not a DRASTIC SHRINK going on, but her boobs do seem to be somewhat smaller. Like you said though, it's partly due to the clothes (just like in real life). Honestly, I think that SE did it on purpose, she looks much better with the 'well endowed' look than the 'DEM'S SOME TIG OL' BITTIES' look she had before.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Her breasts were never that big. It was only in those shitty cutscenes that they looked ridiculous.


ACF Refugee
in case anyone hasn't noticed it, look at tifa's left arm in the AC cg concept art. I think its also obvious that her boob size was changed to fit the new realistic graphic style that came with AC. When they remake FFVII, her breasts will almost surely be the same size they are in AC. I thought Rufus was in the wheel chair so he could easily hide JENOVA with him all the time. If people thought he was a cripple, nobody would really think that. Whoever thinks "He must be hiding something on the wheelchair" whenever they see someone in a wheelchair would have to be pretty fucked up.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What are you talking about? Did you not look at the CG artwork of Tifa in her FFVII outfit? Her boobs are the same size as the one in her AC outfit. The only different is the smaller and more revealing top. They didn't shrink her boobs. Look and compare the size and distance of her breasts from her chest.


ACF Refugee
What are you talking about? Did you not look at the CG artwork of Tifa in her FFVII outfit? Her boobs are the same size as the one in her AC outfit. The only different is the smaller and more revealing top. They didn't shrink her boobs. Look and compare the size and distance of her breasts from her chest.

i was saying in the ORIGINAL FFVII, her boobs were bigger.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
What are you talking about? Did you not look at the CG artwork of Tifa in her FFVII outfit? Her boobs are the same size as the one in her AC outfit. The only different is the smaller and more revealing top. They didn't shrink her boobs. Look and compare the size and distance of her breasts from her chest.

Yeah I mean, hell, in real life, the size of breasts under clothes and the size of those same breasts in general can be uh, pretty huge. I mean, (and I say this as decently as I can) none of you ever had a real life experience where a girlfriend/wife/one night stand/hooker/whathaveyou took off her top and you were like "Holy shit I did not know that were that big"

It happens! Clothes hide a lot.


Likes The Bartender
Does this top make my boobs look huge?

I agree with the outfits affecting the appearance of size. Her vest makes it looks small. The colour doesn't help either, doesn't allow much for shading and emphasis on volume.

And they won't reduce those with no good reason. It's a selling factor! :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Actually, in the original FF7, they were about 8 different sizes. The CG work was pretty damn inconsistent, and everyone looked like a ridiculous caricature.
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