Can someone explain the ending for me and Genesis charecter? (spoilers)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
i'm so confused about genesis, what was that godsess, Minerva, what was going on towards the end with genesis? why he became that monster when we fought him before, he was revived, and
"does this mean you knew from the beginning?" what does that supposed to mean? and who took Gensis? what's going on?? i'm so confused.


Pro Adventurer
Gameplay interpretations widely vary but with that said:

There is a crisis core official guide you can find at the Shinra archaeology department archive website that will help you set a foundation of understanding along with any wiki search you may find.

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Then from what I can say which could be wrong:

Minerva is a Summon (like inferit, shiva, phoenix, leviathan) that heals Genesis of his incurable disease. As a summon she still acts with a duty as a guardian on behalf of the lifestream implying summon probably have their own deeper lore to wander about more than just elemental affinities.

After collecting the goddess materia orbs and bringing them together on a key pedestal. Minnivers is found in a locked place where an old statue of a woman figure is that seems to not have been tampered with for a very long time. Yet somehow Genesis almost precisely she would be there and even told Zack in advance that he would see. Everything Genesis said would happen actually happening is what conflicts Zack into some shock although he is trying to fight to Save genesis from his own self destruction with his SOLDIER honor, it’s clear to Zack that things are not as simple as him being right and Genisis being wrong in thus moment.

Genesis call this statue area where he both transformed after a burst of unleashed lifestream and also unmask Minerva a special unique boon of Banora implying that he knew this place is an important gateway to some sort to the heart of the lifestream. Follow me for a bit in the next part but it is for a reason.

The special boon as a place that seems to have a stronger connection to the lifestream than any other place was at the heart of the Banora underground. Banora as a Region was known to be richer in lifestream than other regions. We know this from the story told by Angel about the “dumb apples” — many villagers originally ridiculed the apples for growing all year around, how kid Genesis discovered dumb apples only grow in this Banora area due to the soil being richer in lifestream than other places plus, Genesis just being the different type of kid that he is realizes these so called dumb apples have life expectancy increasing properties due to this. Genesis ans a kid decided against popular belief that these apples where special and not dumb at all. He goes on to head strong prove this belief by being a large part of rebranding these apples into the creation of “Banora White Juice” that gets sold and appreciated all over Gaia. This connection to dumb apples is likely why Genesis always pridefully carrying one often.

Plenty of this is inferred by the trophies Genesis keeps in the Banora underground cave entrance, that Genesis as character seems to have been a very astute child that won many awards as a kid for his innovation & takes pride in his intellectual achievement. And he clearly is a prideful type that like to hear themselves talk, but funny enough, he seems to be able to back up his talk in the end despite heavily being underestimated.

His determined discoveries and character as a child added to knowing his unwavering strong interest in the ancient prophecy poem titled loveless as a adult (that everyone else seems to pay no mind to), to good extent can go to show that he really aims to prove as a adult the worth of loveless that everyone dismisses but he himself the same way he proved the worth of dumb apples as a kid. He has a very strong drive to prove his belief since he thinks highly of his own intuition regardless of what others think.

Genesis pretty much is well read on all the known lore about the loveless prophecy that revolves around 3 friends who set of on a journey to find out whatever the heck is the gift of the goddess. And furthermore, despite it being widely accepted that the final act of this prophecy is missing and there being numerous interpretations, Genesis pretty much thinks he has figured out definitive parts of the lives play as well as a suitable prophecy for the final act; and he is willing to bet his entire life on proving as much.

By the end of crisis core, Zack is trying to save Genesis from what is assumed to be a path of blind self destruction. However, even though he does win against Genesis in battle and does manage to save Genesis from his wayward path, it comes to Zack’s realization that all of it, including Zack beating Genisis in place of Angel may have been part of genesis plan all along just to get the story of loveless to play out exactly the way Genesis not only wanted but also yielding the result Genesis the entire time excepted.

Genesis believed from the start that the loveless prophecy would prove to be evident with Angel, Sephiroth, & himself as central key figures to how the prophecies reenactment happen.

By the end of crisis core it seemly turns out that Genesis was right about all the drivel he was yapping on about. The closer you get to the end of the game the more the other charters start actually wanting to know what he is talking about with loveless because it seems to be having actually consequence or at the very least be shedding light on what motivations Genisis himself has planed.

Bare with me again for a moment before I get back to the End part,

So yeah, understand a foundation about the loveless play a good bit helps to understand Genesis and what he truly plans outside of what he otherwise seems to act out playing his a caricatured role as a prisoner or hero or villain as he deems fit.

Loveless opens with a prologue prediction of how the world will end the skips to a straying act of 3 friends being born and making a promise as they set of in there diverging life journey’s to one day meet again. the rest of the acts can be viewed many different way but for the most part you can pick to view the following chapters from the prospective of any one of the three primarily.

Getting back to the end part, it seems Genesis was healed by Minerva not becuse Minerva wanted or cared to, but rather she was following her role as a guardian of the lifestream to for fill the lifestreams will. The lifestream accepted who Genesis choose to finally resolve to be in his heart and had accepted to let him for-fill his chosen dedicated purpose. As Such, Minerva just did her job to listen and obey the lifestream with question (Crisis Core Ultimania guide tips help grasp this).

So what this means is the lifestream was going to either eventually going to destroy Genesis after his transformation or save him once the boon of lifestream struck him. Zack defeating Genesis help Genesis solidify respect for Angela’s SOLDIER honor and concede that and jail in soldier honor should take the forefront for being the new hero that needed to come in his reenactment of loveless. But again, it’s almost as if Genesis pushed Zack to fill this role expectedly meaning it’s possible Genesis never truly cared to definitely dethrone Sephiroth as the “Hero” per say but rather woke up one day and decide it was time to force everyone to become the role’s they where meant to be.

Genesis didn’t just become a monster he become a guardian of the lifestream… if his convictions will and intention was not strong he would have become somthing merely monstrous like what Hojo created in his mojo pods but on Steroids, but instead we learn that the banter between Zack and angel about honor and not being a monster just from transforming proves to be true… (Ageal recalling his way invites Zack to carry on his legacy by fighting against all that causes suffering no matter how lost he seem to be in order to refine his way). Genesis buying into Angela and Zack’s brand of Heroic’s and SOLDIER honor passes a test overlooked by Minerva… he test was he is not deem a monster that gets erased by the lifestream, instead he is deemed a Guardian that gets healed by the lifestream in a binding contract to for-fill his newfound Resolve and Solider honor.

It is only after this resolve dedication to a Hero's Honor path accepted at the end game Where in Genesis chooses/proves to himself beyond a shadow of doubt what he should stand for, does he write in his idea of a final act prediction of the loveless play he succeed in reenacting. And it is to one day return without fail to aid the regeneration of life on behalf of the lifestream as a prisoner to being a guardian to one day return back to the lifestream, with likely being stripped of his healed blessing by Minerva once his mission is done to become one with the collective consciousness of the lifestream like all life one day must.

In the very end at the chair you see lizard who has Angels cells defuse from Tpye G cell degradation (I pressure partially affecting cloud) you also see a Angela copy that was watching over Aerith also defuse the same way( and based on Zack standing over it, O presume partially defused into Zack). — I side not would be to consider that Ageal well into his defusing stages and copy creation show up during cloud and Zack’s Shinra Manor capture sparking somehow the way Zack was able to escape and save both himself and cloud; I like to think that Angel passed Zack some of his unstable diffusion clonish G cells to give him the boost he needs to break free… and maybe that is way Zack’s memories bleed into cloud the way they do in a positive way, from G cell fusion and not just S cell copying. — but I digress…

The two guys you see pick up the sleeping Healed Genesis at the end are a very Early SOLDIER uniformed version of Wiess and Nero… they take Genesis to deep ground under the order to make him one of their deepground brothers/Brethren…. If you play through Derge of Cerberus you get to see Genesis finally reawakening in a special hidden close game cut scene as he returns the favor to Wiess by picking him up to save him for a cliff hanger return mission of the same fashionable close out but having the pick up reversed… outside of this particular forum if you look on Gamefax, Quora, Reddit, YouTube I think you may find most people assume this yields some credence to the Re series possibly being weaved into a Sequel concept by part 3 end with Genesis returning with Wiess as good guys.


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