Completing the game without Yuffie and Vincent


Deleted member 546

Has anybody done it and does it make a difference? I had a quick skim through the other topics and couldn't find this. Sorry if it's been answered before but it occurred to me earlier today (I have some weird shit kicking around my head ATM).

I know they're not in the formal FMV sequences (or at least, they aren't on the PS version I have), but I've never played the game through without recruiting them.


Higher Further Faster
Same. I always get them.

I think a few story bits will be different, but other than that, I think it just gives you two fewer party members to level.


Save your valediction (she/her)
First of all, my phone autocorrects Yuffie to Giggle, which I find hilarious.

Yuffie and Vincent change surprisingly little in the OG. Aside from the Wutai sidequest and the Lucrecia flashback, the only thing they do is provide their own versions of [insert line of character dialogue here] garbage. If they happen to be one of the team leaders facing off Bizarro Sephiroth, they give a nice one-liner rallying the troops, but that is quite literally the last time you see them (outside of battle).


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I've always gotten them.

The only thing that's different is the dialogue, but if they're not in your active party, it doesn't matter anyway. And the events of Wutai. Other than that, I think everything else is the same.

Celes Chere

I didn't get Vincent my first play through because cba. When I did get him I didn't really like his character, so I never got him again after that. xD Yuffie I always had though. :3


Double Growth
I didn't get Yuffie till Cloud was sick, I have always gotten Vincent but never used him til my last playthrough.

Yuffie changes very little I think, but Vincent adds a good bit of story about Sephiroth. Hojo's revelation about him being being Sephiroth's father would be a LOT more confusing without him. You're left thinking Hojo screwed Jenova.

Which I guess is totally feasible.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I love Vincent's lines though ;.;

The best pair to take with you to go get vincent are barret & yuffie, btw. They have some good lines XD

Deleted member 546

Guess that answers the question then. I should dust off the PS and give it a whirl, but CBA.


If I didn't break and read a walkthrough like I always do for fear of missing stuff, I would've finished the game minus Yuffie, :monster:. I read a remark about the character somewhere and went 'wtf who is dat', then had to backtrack in order to get her :monster:.

Deleted member 546

I don't have a PS3 or a PSP. I have an old-skool Playstation with the original discs in their original case in almost mint-condition, and when I play it again I'll pretend that I have to get up for college in the morning and it's already 3am but I know that Aeris is gonna die so I'll carry on playing. :)

I didn't know that Yuffie would eventually join, but I came across her on the plains and had a fight, whereupon she robbed Cloud to pay for smack or some suchlike. I knew that there was something in the basement, but it took me ages to beat that damned monster in the safe. I did know Vincent would be playable as my brother had already recruited him, but the bugger didn't tell me where he was. I just wanted him on my team because his limit breaks were cool.


Pro Adventurer
I miss Vincent usually, don't like his character much. Yuffie however, I'll never miss her. ): If you miss Yuffie, if you go to Wutai she won't steal your materia( because she's not there to steal it xD), and you won't see Don Corneo get killed. And with Vincent you'll miss out on the Lurcedia cutscene, Lucredia basically says that she misses her son Sephiroth, and wants to know if he's okay ( cries tears ) ):
Oh and Vincent explains the whole- Jenova/ Lucerdia/ Hojo/ Sephiroth drama a bit more, when you meet him.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I always get Yuffie as soon as I can. Then I stock up on tranquilizers cause I know she needs them... or at least one.
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