Content creator promotion


The Pixie King
I've been thinking of ways to generate content, not just for our youtube channel
Subscribe. You're welcome :)

One thing I would like to do is promote content from other content creators through our social media. One such channel is this

We could even start the weekly roundup again, if anyone is interested, and feature these creators. Possibly striking up a partnership.

Let me know what you think.


Pro Adventurer
You should go for it.

On my old youtube I did something similar to this once it had enough subs and weekly/monthly views.
Users would send me there clips and I would post it on my own channel (and monetize it of course ) in exchange for putting links back to the original users channel etc in the video and description. I.e. sort of like a royalty free due to accreditation set up that you may see on RF music sites.

I know you said not just the youtube side of TLS but if you do pursue this on the YT end make sure to cover your ass and have a paper trail. The way I had it set up eventually was that they filled out an application that forwarded the clip to my email along with them agreeing that it was fine that I monetized and had their content on my channel. That way if they got pissy or what ever and issued a claim it was very very easily counter claimable.

It just makes things much safer due to the nature of YT's shoot first ask questions later stance on DMCA and similar bull shittery.


Ill try to dig up my legal jargon I had written up my old MCN for the clip app it should still be valid :reptar:


Pro Adventurer
Maybe round up a bunch of places that consistently do FF related stuff and start interacting with them more in some way. Help people know about more places relating to FF and collaborate on stuff that benefits everyone. It could open the way to any projects that would be too ambitious to do with just current resources. Not sure if I'm making sense with this. How open is the TLS community considered?
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