Costly Punch...


Harbinger O Great Justice
As far as "Ultimate" materia go, I just HATE Costly Punch.

With the Genji Glove/Armor, when your HP is maxed out, it's not even costly, since it was only 1/128th of your HP (781HP). That's covered by the Regen, and you're essentially waltzing around, looking ridiculous, dealing 99,999 Damage to everything you touch (except those few things immune to Physical Damage).

Also - the fact that there's a much cooler spell called Darkness that's somewhat cool at a lower level, but FAR less effective at a high level, because it costs 1/8th of your HP, which is ok to use earlier on, but it will absolutely FUCK YOU UP if you use it later on in the game (12,499 HP).

I dunno... I just find myself wishing that the Ultimate Spell was ANYthing other than Costly Punch. Something that used his sword, or hell, was even a spell. I don't care if Costly Punch, was well... actually costly and an option for a mega powerful physical/non-magic attack, but really, it still just irks me to beat Minerva to death looking so damned non-serious. It's supposed to be the superpowerful essence of the planet, and Zack's just running around like a loon, punching her in the kneecaps. It feels like a joke, not like in FFVII where you're unleashing Knights of the Round on Ruby Weapon. That was actually a really tense, serious feeling. I'm supposed to believe that Zack's left hook is somehow the most powerful attack in the game, when he's got a sword the size of a house, and he's slinging around a summon spell that can turn the moon into a plamsa beam, and fire it down to earth? It's like if Darth Vader kept the Death Star at his beck and call, and his lightsaber drawn, but just decided to bitchslap Yoda to death in Star Wars.



X :neo:

Alex Strife

Zack is THAT powerful. That he can beat the most powerful entity in the planet through a continued series of bitchslapping.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah, you're pretty much right. It's one of the flaws of CC's gameplay, that a next to nothing cost ultimate 99999 every time attack spamming is pretty much required to defeat anything in a reasonable amount of time.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I find it amusing. Zack can literally say to Angeal, "I punched out God!" once he meets him again in the Lifestream.

Cue awkward moment when Minerva appears behind him, and proceeds to make his afterlife a living Hell. Hence, him constantly hanging around Aerith and Cloud. :awesomonster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not that minerva's mad, mind you, but even the dead need rest.
Not that he gets much from Aerith, either.
Help the boy if the two ever get ahold of him at once.
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