Creativity vs Compilation Fan Creations


Rotting Corpse of Wonder
That weird person in the corner staring at you... @_@
Er, so I'm kinda stumped here. I've been cruising the forums. I wanna set up my crypt here. Problem is, I have both original and FF7 stuff and I see two creations-related areas. Do I create two separate threads? (One at Compilation Fan Creations for my FF7 goodies and another thread at the Creativity section for non-FF7?) Or am I better off dumping everything in the Creativity area? Thanks ahead of time! :arr:


Pro Adventurer
Well, I'd say FF7 stuff could be a thread about your fanfics, while your original stuff would get its own thread in creativity. If your fanfics are off-site, you can just promote them on one of the existing fanfic pages if you want to do that instead.


Rotting Corpse of Wonder
That weird person in the corner staring at you... @_@
Thank you so much, Starling! :loveglomp: I'll do just that!
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