Dating Vincent?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Reading through the comments section of a post in a fandom community on Dreamwidth, I came across a person who claims that they were able to do the Gold Saucer date scene with Vincent through a glitch/bug, where they do Vincent's side quest on disc 1 and spur all the other date candidates.

I've never seen evidence of this. Is this a very convincing troll, or is it actually possible?

(For those who would like to take a look at the conversation, it takes place in the second page of comments on the February 14th post of the dreamwidth community "Fandom Secrets", "Secret Post #2974". Just skip to the comments at the bottom, click on page 2 and search for the text "Cloud with...")
There is no way to date Vincent within the plot. The only characters you can go on a full date with are Aeris, Tifa, Barret and Yuffie. The mechanics simply don't exist in the game to date Red XIII, Cait Sith, Vincent or Cid. See also the Date Mechanics guide.

It is however possible to go on the Gondola ride with any of your party members. Most of the rides will be lacking any game script thought.
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