Derren Brown


Waiting for something
Did anyone here watch control the nation just now and if you did, did you stick to your seat?

I saw the subliminal message of a man in a chair flash up before he did it so I assumed it wouldn't work. I didn't stick to my seat, neither did my brother but we did feel really heavy after it, I couldn't move my arms for a minute and I felt shaky, my brother kept putting his hands back on his lap until after the blue screen came up and we both felt much lighter, it was a very strange feeling.

Its repeating on channel 4+1 in about 30 mins so we're gonna see if it works again I'd highly recommend anyone in the UK on this forum to try it out and see if it works on you because although I didn't stick to my seat I felt really heavy and strange afterwards.
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Waiting for something
It won't work on youtube or a low-res screen its being repeated on Channel 4+1


Waiting for something
Apologies for the double post but ok I tried it again and fuck it worked I dunno if it was cause I was more open minded or closer to the screen (I moved my chair forward) but when the film finished my arms were glued to my knees, I couldn't move my whole body for a minute and it took me several attempts to get up off my seat. It didn't work on my brother again he got distracted by the cat scratching in the background but it was very weird not ebing able to get up and when I did my upper legs were shaking so much I had to sit back down again.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I need to find a HQ version of this film online to actually test it out. Any chance you could help me out?


Waiting for something
He said it wouldn't work on the internet because of a Low-Res screen if you have virgin media you could always watch it on catch up TV on demand. I can't believe it actually worked a second time and was more effective than the first, I was so sure it wouldn't because it had already happened, strangest feeling in the world.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
My laptop is a much higher res screen than the one in my uni halls though :'<


Waiting for something
Hmm I'm not sure how it will work on a laptop. I love Derren Brown and I believe he's very genuine I can't wait to tell my mum and dad they're very sceptical about him, he's got my brother convinced that he's definitley very good at hypnotism after the heavy feeling he got my best friend saw him when he came to Belfast a couple of years ago and she said he was brilliant.


All PC screens have higher resolutions than TV's, so that's bollocks really. It's the position and whatnot that's different. And with a bit of fake hypnosis and some knowledge about the hewman body you can come a long way. I, for example, can lock your fingers shut.


Diamond Dust...
This didn't work on me, but my brother was stuck to his seat briefly. I have friends who said it worked on them, but maybe I was a bit distracted... Not only by my sister's giggling at the tension, but because I was surrounded by other people doing it. :lol:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Feeble minded fools. God I wish I could hypnotize you all and make you my slaves.

Oh least I'm admin.


Aerina, Elle
It didn't work on me the first time, so I rewound it on Sky and tried it again with my sister. It didn't fully work on me, although my hands did feel quite heavy and it was hard to lift them. My little sister though was stuck to her chair for about 10 minutes afterwards which was pretty weird.

I was skeptical when he predicted the lottery but i'm more convinced in his skills after this. I do wonder though, if it works and you can control people to stick to a seat, why haven't more people done it throughout time? :desu:
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