Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy



According to this site, Square-Enix continues its questionable localization policy as of late and only cinematics will be translated while the menus will stay in English.

Basically what's been brought up earlier. :monster:

Even although I play my games in English anyway, I still think that sucks. If they can't even bother translating FF releases anymore, than it just shows how little they care.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Art style is a very shallow reason to hate something.

Not when a character design is an integral part of a character. Obviously it's not the sole reason people don't give a crap about her, but it's contributory.

She honestly looks more like a Phantasy Star Online character than an FF character.
I realized something: Prishe has it worse than pretty much every single FF protagonist. She's hated and shunned by almost everyone, she's been locked up for most of her life, her hometown has already been more or less destroyed, she's a wanted criminal in half the world, she's being hunted by the Sin Hunter assassins and possibly Bahamut himself, she believes she will one day be responsible for the end of the world, she expects her own party members to kill her for the greater good someday, and her entire life has been manipulated by someone she trusted as a little girl all so that she can one day be sacrificed to Promathia, the God of Chaos. And she's still more upbeat than most FF protagonists.

I think I'd take this over being a social retard who never achieves his childhood dream, thus failing the girl he fell in love with, having his family, hometown and friends all killed right before him and being completely helpless to stop it, getting stabbed in the gut by your hero, then become a test tube tard for several years of your life, watching your best friend die in front of you, losing your identity, watching yet ANOTHER friend die in front of you, and nearly causing the destruction of an entire world because you can't control yourself.

I'm also sure Cloud was a virgin for pretty much the entirety of his life too :monster:

Also, crap edit is crap. Terra's head is too small on the body, doesn't match the proportions. Pretty much reminds me of the ridiculous blank stares all the character have too.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I think I acknowledged that already :monster:

I don't get what's with the shit rendering on character faces myself. Even the low poly faces in BBS didn't look that bad to me.


So it's hypocritical to know nothing about a character and then change your mind once you know more about them?
...yes, if your mind is changed by a historical summary of the character that you found on wikipedia.

I'm having flashbacks to the HopeSnowLightning talk. Oh boohoo, look at how shitty this paragraph on their past sounds. FEEL! No, bitch, that ain't how it works.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I don't see anything wrong with reading about a character for whom you knew nothing beyond visual design until you read more about them/learned something else about them (something of a chronological and intellectual necessity for making an informed decision, if you ask me), and then decide that they sound cool, even if you didn't think so at first.

How many people decide that they like or dislike a character based on reviews of games and movies? Or when a friend tells you about a game/movie and mentions how awesome a character is, and you find yourself excited to experience the matter yourself, even before you know what they look like?

I don't know how many, but I can generalize: All of us.

For that matter, how is it any less intellectually honest than deciding like/dislike based on visual design? Both backstory and aesthetic presumably tell you something. Why is it not okay to change your inintial impression about a character based on incorporating the other element?

Hell, what about characters whose visual designs are deliberately meant to mislead? Aerith and Tifa are good examples. Based on their aesthetic designs alone, you'd expect each to have the other's personality.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Hell, what about characters whose visual designs are deliberately meant to mislead? Aerith and Tifa are good examples. .

I'm sorry, what? Exactly where has it been stated that Aerith and Tifa were designed to mislead people? The only thing they were designed for is to make people's pants feel funny if I remember what I read about the process of designing Tifa correctly.

Sounds like you are giving noruma too much credit there broseph


First impressions matter a lot at anything, your first impression of the two is sweet flower girl and hot bartender that is already an absolute sure thing. Not until a few hours later will you be going, "you know the flower girl is actually a lot more casual and secure then the tough bartender, what a clever role reversal".

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
While what you say is true, I don't really assume anything from first appearances beyond a person's actual demeanor and behavior. I'm pretty sure most folks here do the same. You really can't infer much about who a person is from how they dress, other than they like(or have no choice but to) wearing certain clothes. This isn't really a reflection of who they are.

I learned a long time ago that judging off appearances is a foolish thing to do. That said, my point is I don't ever recall it being said that they were deliberately designed with that in mind. They just turned out that way. I don't think there was any conscious decision to do such a thing.


I don't see anything wrong with reading about a character for whom you knew nothing beyond visual design until you read more about them/learned something else about them (something of a chronological and intellectual necessity for making an informed decision, if you ask me), and then decide that they sound cool, even if you didn't think so at first.
My point was that a mere description of the character and his/her history is not enough to make me, as an audience, care about the character. That would be like reading about Harry Potter's shitty history and deciding you like him without having read the book and actually spent time with the character. Sure, you may think someone sounds cool or whatever, but there's no actual attachment to the character

Elisa Maza

I know that I shouldn't post such stuff here, but I cannot help it. Because, this is the best thing in the history of forever, ever.

asfaoenaksn rjsnfubasidbdkjasb ckj;sbfiupewrhtioewntjskbdgfilsbfoiusbfsk;lgnoe[rtijoaestksbt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Wanderer of Time
A friend translated Gilgamesh's quotes

vs WOL "Hmph! Flashy lights don't work!"
vs Firion "Hm. I have one more."
vs OK "You little brat, I'll slice and dice you!"
vs Cecil "I'd like to see that Dark Sword!"
vs Kain "Hm? You use a pretty strange fighting style."
vs Bartz "Baaartz! We meet again!"
vs Terra "Why so sad? I'll take care of it!"
vs Cloud "Wow! What a giant sword!" (lol)
vs Squall "Hey, so you like Gunblades too!"
vs Zidane "You're going to steal my sword, aren't you!?"
vs Tidus "Hey, this isn't a ball-toss game." (ball-toss, a game played in Japanese sports festivals)
vs Yuna "Hmph, I'm not going to become a Summon!"
vs Vaan "You tiny thief! I'll beat you for this!"
vs Lightning "Don't glare at me like that; it's too charming!" (so Gilgy is into chicks that glare)
vs Garland "A shape-shifting weapon… I'll take it!"
vs Mateus "You're quite a devil, aren't you?"
vs CoD "To attack me recklessly is foolish!"
vs Golbez "You're like that and yet you call yourself a spellcaster? So confusing!"
vs Exdeath "I won't fall into the Rift ever again!"
vs Kefka "Kefka Pa-Pa-Ra…? I can't read it!"
vs Sephy "I want it! Your blade, can I have it!?"
vs Ultimecia "I'll rip the make-up off of your face!"
vs Kuja "You wanna hear me sing!?"
vs Jecht "Muhaha! I think we'll be on good terms!" (suddenly, Gilgajecht)
vs Shantotto "Let's see how long you can keep up that laugh!"
vs Prishe "You ought to stop fighting, girl!"
vs Gabranth "There is no law in the Dimensional Rift!"
vs Gilgamesh "An incomparable thirst for blood… Just who are you?
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The Wanderer of Time
Chaos encounter quotes could use translating.

・償いはいらぬ ただ消えよ(vsWOL)
・この世こそ 果てぬ悪夢(vsフリオニール)
・小さき心 震えているぞ(vsオニオンナイト)
・光が消え 闇も滅す(vsセシル)
・裏切りの刃は 己を滅ぼす(vsカイン)
・求めれば 希望は失われる(vsバッツ)
・力は要らぬ 我こそが力(vsティナ)
・約束の果て 見届けよ(vsティファ)
・孤高は すなわち絶望よ(vsスコール)
・終幕の舞台に 観客はいらぬ(vsジタン)
・夢幻は 虚無に消えゆく(vsティーダ)
・死人の舞いで 破滅を祝え(vsユウナ)
・究極の自由は 死の先にある(vsヴァン)
・闇より深き 混沌に沈め(vs暗闇の雲)
・光への渇望も もはや無意味(vsゴルベーザ)
・究極の無は 目の前におる(vsエクスデス)
・癒しが欲しければ ひざまずけ(vsセフィロス)
・永劫の孤独を 知っておるか?(vsアルティミシア)
・終焉の宴 踊り続けろ(vsクジャ)
・可能性はみな 閉ざされた(vsジェクト)
・我が世界は みずから壊す(vsシャントット)
・生を願うな 死を望め(vsプリッシュ)

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Google Page Translate said:
It just disappeared - Hairanu Atonement (vsWOL)
- What a nightmare world 果Tenu (vs Neil Julio)
I * heart trembling Minor (vs Onion Knight)
滅Su gone too light - darkness (vs Cecil)
- Blade of Betrayal, destroy yourself (vs Cain)
Hope is lost - have asked (vs Butts)
Our strength is power - is what needless (vs Tina)
The intention is beyond chaos - Rarenu (vs cloud)
- It has seen the end of appointment (vs Tifa)
An isolated or desperate - I (vs Squall)
* Disappears in the heart Manugarenu (vs Laguna)
The closure of the audience on stage - Iranu (vs Zidane)
- The Phantom disappearing into nothingness (vs Tidus)
- Celebrate the destruction in the dance of the dead (vs Yuna)
- Freedom is the ultimate destination of death (vs Van)
宿Sou despair in the eyes - I (vs Lightning)
Did you turn up arms against us? (Vs Garland)
- King of the world of nothingness is not required (vs Emperor)
- Sunk deep into the chaos from the darkness (vs Cloud of Darkness)
- Meaning no light any longer craving (vs Golbez)
- The ultimate free in front of Nikki (vs Ekusudesu)
- I'll destroy all its desires (vs Kefuka)
- If you want to heal knees (vs Sephiroth)
Did you know Nikki eternal loneliness? (Vs Arutimishia)
Keep on dancing - feast of the end (vs Kuja)
The possibilities are all closed - (vs object)
Our worlds destroy himself (vs Shantotto)
Death wish - a wish to live (vs Purisshu)
- With the fate I resist destruction (vs Gaburasu)
- Sandwiched between depart-D! (Vs Gilgamesh)
- Only complete sets in the chaos - (vs Chaos)

:monster: If I could just read Kanji.

But some of these are hilarious. :awesome: Butts.


The Wanderer of Time
I mean you know, real translating, not something from an on-line translator. I coulda done that (in fact I did). -_-

EDIT - proper translations

-Atonement is needless; it has disappeared. (vs WoL)
- The end of this world is your nightmare. (vs Firion)
- A small, trembling heart... (vs Onion Knight)
- The light has vanished and darkness shall be extinguished. (vs Cecil)
- Blade of betrayal, destroy yourself! (vs Kain)
- Seek the hope which you have lost. (vs Bartz)
-Power is needless--only I have power. (vs Terra)
- Your will has become your chaos.(vs cloud)
- You should be sure to fulfill your promises. (vs Tifa)
- Aloneness is only despair. (vs Squall)
- By your heart, escape from annihilation! (vs Laguna)
- I shall close the curtains on this unworthy audience. (vs Zidane)
- The phantom shall disappear into nothing. (vs Tidus) [Not sure it's phantom...]
- Let us celebrate destruction with the dance of the dead. (vs Yuna)
- The true liberty can be found in death. (vs Vaan)
- In those eyes lie nothing but despair. (vs Lightning)
- Do you dare face me? (Vs Garland)
- The world of nothingness needs no ruler. (vs Emperor)
- Sink into the darkness of Chaos.(vs Cloud of Darkness)
- Longing for the light is meaningless. (vs Golbez)
- Before your eyes lies the true Void. (vs Exdeath)
- This is your wish for total destrucion, Clown. (vs Kefka)
- Submit/Kneel if you wish for healing. (vs Sephiroth)
- Do you know eternal loneliness? (Vs Ultimecia)
- Let us dance until the banquet of the end. (vs Kuja)
- The possibilities are all closed. - (vs Jecht)
- I myself shall destroy the world.(vs Shantotto)
- To wish for life is to wish for death./ To wish for death is to wish for life. (vs Prishe)
- With fate, I resist destruction. (vs Gabranth)
- Pass into the Rift! (Vs Gilgamesh)
- Everything is complete in Chaos. (vs Chaos)
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Celes Chere

"This will be a blast"


Epic vid though, my eyes were totally glued the whole time. BEAT HIS ASS LAGUNA (was what I was cheering, ofc)!!!
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