Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Elisa Maza

Greetings, fair peons community members. From the far shores of Japan I bring you a wealth of Ultimania treasures. For those of you not acquainted with an earlier post, I have managed to acquire both the Action Side and RPG Side Ultimanias of Dissidia 012 [duodecim] and have, through arduous tribulations at the hands of a merciless scanner, uploaded the profiles of all thirty two playable* characters including Desperado Chaos and Aerith.

*Playable as in: can be used in battle

I have also managed to surmise the differences between the two guides and have discovered that if one wanted a full understanding of the game then they would have to purchase both.

Action Side Ultimania consists of:

-All 32 character profiles which include bios, images of all 3 forms (including references), an in-depth 10 page guide on their moveset and a list of their battle quotes.
-The DLC catalogue.
-A full section on how to use assists and details about how each character’s ‘assist’ moveset.
-Diagrams (or Battle Maps) of each stage including details on Ex-Core Locations.
-An interview with the Battle Section Team

RPG Side Ultimania consists of:

-An in-depth walkthrough of 012, 013 and 000 including maps, moogle/treasure locations, enemy statistics and recommended battle strategies.
-Menu manual and battle manual.
-A guide to battle mode and Labyrinth mode.
-Summon, items, accessories, equipment and icon glossaries.
-Transcripts of the reports.
-Secrets Section which includes concept artwork, storymode battle quotes, mognet responses and interviews with most of the development team including Tetsuya Nomura and Mitsunori Takahashi.

Now, onto the main event!

Today’s items are…

The acclaimed “Flower Girl’s 2nd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Knight’s DLC form artwork”
The acclaimed “SOLDIER’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Wraith’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Feral Chaos’ artwork”
The acclaimed “Tree’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Liegemen’s 3rd form artwork
The…acclaimed…“Stalwart’s 3rd form artwork”…ku…!
The acclaimed “Giant’s 2nd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Giant’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Giant’s Ex Mode artwork”
The acclaimed “Dragoon’s normal form and Ex Mode artwork”
The acclaimed “Despot’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Horror’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Lion’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Girl’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Vision’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Brawler’s DLC artwork”
The acclaimed “Sky Pirate’s 3rd form artwork”
The acclaimed “Harlequin’s 3rd for---are you joking!?”
The acclaimed “Hero’s 3rd form artwork”
The….acclaimed…“Thief’s…NO! I refuse to put up with this any longer!”

Credits go to toffeethesnob in LJ

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Just posting in here to say that since it's the 7th of the month, I have Cloud speaking my Square Enix and Dissidia Duodecim on game start up.

And... it's so flat. :sadpanda: I wanna punch his face. At least Terra's yesterday sounded cutesy. But he just sounded like... not cool or impressionable.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Makes sense- 22 original characters, 8 new. That's one away from a max, so toss one of the gods in and call it a day.


Waiting for something
o0o0o0 you know that day thing would actually make sense. I had Terra speaking on mine yesterday and I had Cloud today and last night after midnight I wonder why they don't do it all the time though, I've played Dissidia consecutively for the last 12 days or so and I never once heard anyone speak until Terra yesterday.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Seriously? Wow,okay then. I suppose a tower does look better from an outside perspectus than a flat plain, but still...

Maybe that should be added to the FAQ? Which is awesome, and definatly cleared up most of my questions reguarding the game.

I may add that. I didn't think to do it since I thought it was pretty explicit already, but you aren't the first person I've seen ask about this.

What does everybody else think?

Glad you enjoyed the FAQ, by the way. =) Thanks for sharing your opinion of it with us.


Rookie Adventurer
Thank you for the consideration. Its a nice feeling to know that I helped out, even if it is in a tiny way.

Last question from me, promise. I played a little of "Confessions of a Creator" and found the Gabranth stage from the first game. I'm guessing then that, like the original, it isn't canocal to the main game, even if Shantantto's story does a little, IIRC.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That's my impression as well. Gabranth and Shantotto's roles in Dissidia don't seem to go any further than what we see in Reports 8 and 18.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
The day of the month? Is that what determines it?

Yes, and apparently it's Cosmos on Bonus Day. :sadpanda: I wanted to hear either Squall or Laguna today... but just Cosmos.

I wonder who'll come after the 13th. :monster:

Edit: AMAGAD RLC WAT. Tifa just won a battle, and was all "I wonder if this is what they call a MIRACOL"

...and I'm like... ._. r u for srs. MIRACOL.

Last edited:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Bonus day was great. I just totally got about 7 characters to lvl 100 with my personal punching bag. :monster: Twas a great day.

I'm just wondering though, how do these Friend Cards work, and can we share with each other? o.o Like, by uploading it and stuff? And how do I use those Rules thingy? :monster:

Sry, I'm noob. :wacky:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Bonus day was great. I just totally got about 7 characters to lvl 100 with my personal punching bag. :monster: Twas a great day.

I'm just wondering though, how do these Friend Cards work, and can we share with each other? o.o Like, by uploading it and stuff? And how do I use those Rules thingy? :monster:

Sry, I'm noob. :wacky:

Yes, Bonus and EXP days kick ass. I have a 4 bonus day coming after my bonus day this weekend. I plan on finishing maxing out Tifa. And Lightning. And Laguna. And Vaan. And Kain. And Yuna. And start on Gilgy and Prishe.

And yes, we can give each other friend cards by exchanging codes, or just playing online via Ad Hoc Party.
The rules are basically just the way the fights work. Mess with them, they're fairly obvious.


Waiting for something
Love Bonus Day, mine is on Sunday as its the only day I have off work where I get time to play it for most of the day. I've pretty much got another Bonus day on Monday too as the EXP, AP, PP and GIL symbols are up for it, now thats just lucky or some sorta fluke, not complaining though :monster:

btw Ariadne: Really enjoyed the FAQ its really well done and very informative :)

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
A little question for those who are advanced in Dissidia 012:

Are the Booster Acessories "On the Ground" and "In Midair" still around or have they been replaced by "Grounded" and "Aerial"?

Thanks in advance.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I plan on finishing maxing out Tifa. And Lightning. And Laguna. And Vaan. And Kain. And Yuna. And start on Gilgy and Prishe.

I did just this, except with Lightning. :awesome: Also, I haven't bought ANYTHING from the PP catalog, because I felt like hoarding PP first. So no Gilgy and Prishe.

I kind of do this a lot to make me feel like I have a lot more to unlock after I finish all the stories. Since I can't afford DLCs (I got my real copy now, btw :wacky: ) besides the helmetless WoL, which is hawt, I'll just have to be content with what I have and make the most of it. So I'm being cheap. :wacky:

Hoarding KP too, and Gil. So you can imagine just how much damage I don't do on stronger opponents. :monster: Quite a challenge though. Heehee.

And yes, we can give each other friend cards by exchanging codes, or just playing online via Ad Hoc Party.
The rules are basically just the way the fights work. Mess with them, they're fairly obvious.


And yes, I just finished playing around with them. Pretty awesome.

Love Bonus Day, mine is on Sunday as its the only day I have off work where I get time to play it for most of the day. I've pretty much got another Bonus day on Monday too as the EXP, AP, PP and GIL symbols are up for it, now thats just lucky or some sorta fluke, not complaining though :monster:

Actually, that happened to me a lot in my old Dissidia, when I had like... 30+ consecutive days of opening and saving and 100+ hours of play time. Almost everyday has a mini bonus day. Good times. :monster:

I hope it's the same with Duodecim.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You know, as a Cloti I'm happy that Tifa's secret line is "Words aren't the only way to convey your feelings."... but ... in general, I'm disappointed "I'll smash them" wasn't used instead :awesome:

Elisa Maza

^ AGREED. I mean, really, this line fits in the Dissidia situation SO much! >8D

And now that I think about it, had Dissidia been a completely nonsensical, over-the-top festival of colourful characters that was NOT supposed to be taken seriously, it would be a first-grade game. If it wasn't afraid to make fun of itself and not be pretentious and contrived, it would be one of the best games ever.

SE needs some GAINAX in it...

Elisa Maza

I don't. I'm glad they kept her hair black. She looks bizarre with white.

Vaan's DLC.


He and Kuja can be BFF in the skies as pirates. :P
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