Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
We've been discussing the matter in staff and we've come to the conclusion that when people are visibly intoxicated or otherwise appear to be mentally imperilled, and more importantly are very clearly embarrassing themselves, it might be prudent to ban them for a few hours until they clear up so that they don't come back several hours later and have to say something along the lines of "oh my god what the fuck did I say, I'm so embarrassed". Most of the staff seem to be on board with this idea (there are a few that haven't weighed in yet) but it's probably a good idea to bring this up publicly before we start doing it.
To clarify: This won't necessarily be because people are breaking rules or whatever, but just because they're posting content that is likely to embarrass them in the future.
To clarify: This won't necessarily be because people are breaking rules or whatever, but just because they're posting content that is likely to embarrass them in the future.