Edge of Venomverse [Marvel]


Harbinger O Great Justice

I occurs to me that I don't really have a thread to talk about Venom, and the recent announcement of a Five-part event based off of some really awesome variant covers gives me a good opportunity to do so.

So, I loved Venom's journey from Agent Venom into the time when he was in Guardians of the Galaxy and moving in to Venom: Space Knight and how it really let Venom become a flawed character of his own with his madness and overwhelming hatred always creeping up, and finally finding a way to overcome it and be a hero like he's constantly aspired to. In the ongoing Venom series, we have no idea how he got here but we drop in to find that he has no host anymore and jumps onto somebody to survive – who is a straight up cold blooded killer, and Venom's trying to resist his own insanity while also changing his host for the better in a place where he's heavily out of his depth and against odds that make it even harder.

With this spinning into an event, I have to say that I'm stoked. Spider-Verse was and is one of the few events that I still really love and has kept touch with the other comics like Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Men 2099, etc. in a way that feels lasting and cool. If they can nail that sort of thing with whatever this is, I'm all-the-way on board for it, because it could be Earth, Space, Alternate Universes, whatever and Venom is already in a place to just leverage that and run with it, so I can't think of a character better suited for it.

Also, all my late 80s early 90s kid nostalgia for him is playing heavily to further enhance my hype.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
If I had to make a REALLY loose guess based on no knowledge whatsoever of the event:

• The Klyntar (the Symbiote Beings) have noticed that Venom's potentially started to slip into Madness again and potentially there's some sort of effort to stop it.
• Venom with the help of some of the Spider folk & ends up in a world of en-Venom-ated supers to find his identity again.
• Venom just goes totally nuts and manages to reach out and connect with a ton of the other people in the Marvel verse in desperation or as a part of him totally starting to snap.

So no, not everyone gets their own "verse" thankfully, but the big event names are not all that original, but being as Spider-Verse was a thing, it's a natural move to call Venom's event Venomverse, depending on what they ACTUALLY have planned for it.

All I know is that if I can get more fucking sweet art & Venom stories, I'm 100% all about it.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Overall, this series was a good bit of fun, and the ongoing Venom series has been especially excellent as well.

X :neo:
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