EVE Online


Joe, Arcana
Looked around but found no actual thread for the game. Ah well time to make one. :headbang:

Yeah, the other day I was just like 'meh' and steamrolled through a few L2's; they were the kind where they go "I don't give a shit what you do with the rats". There's one mission involving going through OMG HOSTILE TERRITORY, you fly through it in five minutes in a half-decent tank, and cash in almost a million easily. (the enemies in those are unkillable though, :awesome: ).
I hate those missions a lot of the time. Mostly because I don't pay much attention and I try to kill the rats. It isn't till I take a decent amount of damage or lose a few decent drones that I notice >.<

I should definitely get into the missioning group in my current corp (E-Uni). Tried to last night, but there were some war targets camping our base. I got podkilled for the first time, for great lulz :monster:
Oh you're with E-Uni, nice. I came out of an Alliance yesterday that I was HR manager of and started my own corp.

tl;dr - There was ONE PERSON running the Alliance and every individual corp and didn't trust anybody to delegate. He'd recently started war-deccing anybody that took offence to his dramatic monologues in local chat. I left and took more than half of his corp directors with me to start something else. :arr:


To be honest, I only run missions so I can get higher-level missions and actually start earning more moneyz than with boring mining. I started playing again a month and a half or so ago and could get into strip miners, haven't made much more money per time invested since then.

Ah, internet dramaz, :monster:. Some clan leaders are real twats, to be honest. I know, I run a forum, :monster:. The uni isn't too bad, hard to get into and they get wardecced a lot (atm from a group from Reddit or something, U-MAD alliance). Like I said, they were on us last night, :monster:.

There's going to be a neat event tomorrow, since the Uni is 9 years old or something. Basically, PVP; buy cheap frigates and shoot everything, :monster:. Shopping for parts at the moment. Hoping some people abandon their billions of wrecks so I can salvage those during the intermission. I'll probably die a lot and go through the ten ships I prepared pretty quickly, :monster:


Joe, Arcana
XD Very nice. Fit a nice Incursus or something, that's what I use when I know I'm gonna get blown up.

Yeah level 4s are where its at. The mission rewards are good money and the LP you earn can net you some nice rewards or a lot of ISK, depending on what you prefer. Get a salvage ship though because for every lvl 4 not salvaged, about 10-40 mil goes down the drain.

That sounds like fun. EVE Uni has gotta be one of the most notorious corps out there. That along with Goons and RedvsBlue.


Yeah, when I joined E-Uni, they were at the tail-end of a war with RvB, :monster:. My first major fleet battle was when the Uni's POS was destroyed.
, :monster:.


Joe, Arcana
Holy fuck nuggets, that's a lot of reds.

None of the wars I've been in have ever equated to anything on that scale. Now and then we'll get war dec'd by a merc force of about 7 incredibly well trained pilots, with fittings that cost over 3 billion.

We had our first FAIR war recently with a corp that could only speak Russian. We moved to a new system and they were trying to claim ownership of it (hi sec) by suicide ganking anybody they could. A few of our miners were hit so we declared war. Last I checked we were beating them to the ground.

My tackler is my best friend. I have a dual prop PVP Dramiel fit. It's a bit expensive for a pvp frigate but so totally worth it when you're flying around at 3500+m/s


Tonight was pretty awesome, :monster:. Basically, the corporation went 'We're building a 150x150 KM cube out of containers, told everyone, "build cheap T1 frigates, T1 fittings, no rigs", and went "SHOOT EVERYONE". I lost ten frigates and got two killmails / final blows to one frigate and a noobship, but I was an evil bastard and salvaged at least three or four full loads of salvage in my destroyer salvager, worth about 20 - 25 million (rough estimate) of stuff. Officially I wasn't supposed to salvage someone else's wrecks, but, fuck it, :monster:. I need moniez.

Also you're the first person I know to give a shit about this game, so, thanks :monster:.

Also moar beer.


Joe, Arcana
I know Satsu plays, but he's definitely not online anywhere near as much as me. :monster: After giving up WoW I decided to try out EVE through steam. After seeing how much more adult it was in comparison to other MMOs and the sheer structure of player-run elements in the game, I couldn't resist delving into it more.
MMORPGs have always been a favourite game genre of mine and I try alot out. This one though appeals to me so much. The day I go back to a fantasy-based MMO is the day said MMO learns from all of EVEs triumphs. I need the freedom and the complexity.

If you want to hit me up in-game Yop, add 'Leila Solett' or 'Jamelyn'. Wouldn't mind helping you out a bit if I could.


"Fietspomp" here, it was the most random thing I could think of at the time, :monster:. With voice chat, I regret it now. But eh :monster:.

Also yeah. Traditional MMO's are much more progressive and, dare I say it, linear in gameplay; start at a newbie area, looks interesting, get chucked out into the big world after a few hours... "Hi I am generic NPC #45 go kill 10 rats for a trinket"

I really tried to get into WoW, on both the official servers and the private ones; got to level 70 (cap at the time) in a private one, which was a grindfest even with the 10x XP rate, and then I was like "Okay uh... now what?"

Eve on the other hand holds your hand less; you get a tutorial and some items / skills from those tutorials, including a few directions you could go, then you're on your own. Both in figuring out what to do and how to actually do it, :monster:. It's probably best known for its steep learning-curve, and of course it has to be your thing.

They need to work on their UI, make it (much) more user-friendly and idiot-proofer, and I wouldn't mind direct input in the slightest. But, pretty sure their server / network structure has been optimized for how it is now. Wouldn't have minded if they made a space shooter instead of Dust though, would've been a lot more suitable for consoles too.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I've tried to get into Eve a couple of times..
First time I was a solo miner, I didn't want to get sucked into any corp or group for fear of dramaz. I avoided other people like the plague and ignored anyone that tried to talk to me. I stuck with in until my subscription ran out and just didn't feel like playing anymore.

Second time was years later, I did mission running. I really did enjoy it, I worked my way up to a Myridon ship.
Finally realized that it's a MMO and you have to engage other people, join groups etc. (I'm just not a social person, even online with people I'll never meet.) I reasoned that you can solo Eve but you are missing out. I was started to get into the whole 'other people exist' thing and I lost my job and therefore when my subscription ran out Eve was over for me.

After reading this thread I want to dive into Eve again, downloading it now. :D

I want to start again from scratch because I can't remember anything, but it takes forever to train skills. I think a fresh start might be best.
If I start again whats the best race/ship for mission running? :huh:


Joe, Arcana
You can train the fittings for any of the standard destroyers pretty fast, so I'd go with one of them. A destroyer is overkill for level 1 missions and can deal with most level 2 missions without a fuss.

Honestly your race has so little impact in EVE. It governs a lot of your character customization options (Picking the god-loving Amarr won't get you access to the liberal, artsy clothing of the democratic Gallente) but after that it has little impact. Pick whatever you want.

If you hit me up in-game Russell I'll set you up with a ship and skills to start you off. I was mentored for about a week the first time I joined EVE and it does wonders for the difficulty curve. Gives you a lot of reasons to continue past a trial. XD

@Yop: I actually have no problems with the UI and setup. For the most part I can't complain about any of the systems in place, they've got them just the way I like them.
If I had to pester CCP to add anything to the game it'd be the ability to free-roam stations and ships with your avatar. You can already chill in the lounge of a station but you can't really do anything there. Which is a shame because I really think that aspect of the game adds TONS for the immersion factor. If they make the leap and give your avatars more interaction with the ship and other people, I dare say it will be the best game on the market.
Or at least the one with the most immersion.


Russell said:
(I'm just not a social person, even online with people I'll never meet.)

Sameish, I'm not a very social online gamer, :monster:. But, improving there.

Russell said:
If I start again whats the best race/ship for mission running?

It depends, :monster:. It depends on your preferred playstyle; I'm not an expert, but Minmatar has nice close-range frigates and destroyers and medium-range cruisers and battlecruisers. I'm playing with those ships at the moment, went from a Rifter to a Trasher to a Rupture and now flying a Hurricane, training to get T2 artillery and whatnot. T2 artillery will take three weeks of training though, :monster:.

Last night there were frigates with drones. Drones are excellent for security missions, they shoot down smaller ships easily and do considerable damage to bigger ships, and that's just the T1 drones with relatively few skills. Getting a frigate with drones early should be easy enough and will definitely help you get through the early security missions.

If you still have your old character, make an alt and do the tutorials (or at least a couple of them); use the old character to make money via mining, if you've got the patience for that. It's a decent way to make money, and iirc getting up to mining barges / strip miners doesn't take very long. They have a cheap but effective mining frigate since the latest expansion (the Venture), which you get for free during the second Mining tutorial level; you can haul in a million ISK worth of ore that way. Another pro money-making tip: Don't bother with refining, just sell the ore unless you spend a couple of months in skilling and whoring reputation. Unskilled refining will actually make you lose money, and the margins for refining are slim at best. I can make some extra (I think about 10 - 15%) money refining ore instead of just selling it. Actually, if you're in the Minmatar region, hit me up if you need something refined, I have 98.5% refinery efficiency (ish) and 1 or 1.5% tax(ish), the latter of which should drop gradually as I run moar missions. I should be able to get perfect refine (100% efficiency, 0% tax) once I get to training the refining skills to V, which... will probably take weeks since combat skills are ahead in my training plan atm, :monster:.

Skill training, yeah, it can take forever. Getting stuff up to level 3 takes about 8 hours (level 1 & 2 just half an hour to an hour and a half, depending). I'd recommend looking into what you want to do and set up Evemon and a skill training thing. You can train faster in certain areas if you do a remap of your skills; should save you a couple of hours, if not days in the long run.

I made the mistake in training by going for ship skills, I got up to cruisers / battlecruisers in two months (or so) back when, whilst neglecting basic skills like Targeting, Gunnery, etcetera, so while I did fly a neat ship, I didn't do as much damage and whatnot as I should've been able to, :monster:.

tl;dr: I haven't been into a game this much in ages, :monster:

There's another event tonight, we're taking the corp and flying to Eve Gate (and possibly the Black Obelisk). Last time I played (2009), I announced that it felt too much like work and I was quitting, some guy said "You can't leave without having seen the Obelisk, lulz", so, :monster:

edit after poast: Yeah, they've been working for years on the station roaming and character customization; the system they have in place is very good right now, probably the best character customization (and graphics) out there right now. But to be honest it feels kinda pointless since all other people will see is a still profile picture and their own dude walking around in the station, :monster:.

I would've preferred if they added ship customizations, seeing that that's what most people will see the most.


Joe, Arcana
I make an argument for the in-station avatar roaming because a lot of people play solely to play the market. Thus they are usually spending all of their time in stations anyway. Give them this and they have social interaction that bends around their marketing joys. Same with research and manufacture really. All I'm looking for is a Habbo Hotel'esque thing. XD

Yeah I am drone specialized over here. Got all sorts of god damn skills that are all drone related. Takes a while to build up the skills to use sentry drones but my god is it worth it.

Oh yeah somebody in my old corp gave me a Tornado and a Hurricane the other day, because I said I like their designs. I don't even have the skills to fly them just yet but at some point I'll do that. :monster:

Working my way up to Level 4 missions again now. Had access to level 4s in Caldari space but recently moved to Gallente. I can only do level 2s right now so I had to go and find a fitting for a smaller ship than a battleship. XD
Got a fully fit Dramiel and Myrmidon for missions. Very nice.

Edit: God dammit server is down for its regular maint.


Those are what, 50 million ships? I want your friends, :monster:. I finally scrounged up enough money and reputation to do L3's, upgraded to a Hurricane while in the Uni, went to Hek. Literally. Came out the station with stuff I bought, locked, destroyed in about ten seconds. I enjoyed it for about half an hour, :monster:.

But, I scrounged up stuff I had lying around and sold them via my hauler alt, mined for a few rounds for 4 - 5 million per round / half an hour, and got myself a new one. I've been training to get it T2 fitted (and doing decent damage, started at 120 dps, now at 150), and can do most L3's now (except The Blockade, but I should ask for help from the missioning fleet for that one).

Like I said, been focusing on combat skills for three weeks now for what started out as wanting to get reputation to pay less tax, :monster:. And because the mining missions for that corp were / are boring.

Also, boo maintenance. At least there's fresh asteroids out there. Not sure if I'm going to mine though, it's kinda boring and I'm not strapped for cash / saving for anything in particular at the moment, :monster:.


Joe, Arcana
I'll probably mine. I'm still figuring out what to do in EVE right now. I recently left my Alliance I was director in and a lot of the people that left with me are going in different directions. My whole world just opened up. Either I find directors to help me run my current corp or I go find a new one. What to do, what to do.

Yeah we were a pretty generous lot. I myself have probably bought 500mil worth of ships for other people. Every week I'd have giveaway contests with the alliance and usually give away a battle cruiser or less. Bit expensive for me but I got it back so quick salvaging. Currently clinging on to about 800mil right now so need some more money.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yeah you guys are nuts, :monster:


Joe, Arcana

Server's back up in about 100 seconds apparently. :monster:


I'll probably mine. I'm still figuring out what to do in EVE right now. I recently left my Alliance I was director in and a lot of the people that left with me are going in different directions. My whole world just opened up. Either I find directors to help me run my current corp or I go find a new one. What to do, what to do.

Guy in corp (high position, leads / used to lead 75-man fleets twice a week) is really into exploration in low / nullsec, says he's making billions. I tried to get into it, but the probe 'minigame' doesn't appeal to me and takes a lot of patience. Or just training in skills and shit, :monster:.

Also yeah, I was waiting for it to get back online, lolol :monster:. Will add you in a bit.

Yeah you guys are nuts, :monster:

no u!


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I honestly stopped trying to be a high achiever when I realised that I was, metaphorically speaking, plankton on the food chain of EVE.



I honestly stopped trying to be a high achiever when I realised that I was, metaphorically speaking, plankton on the food chain of EVE.


That's why you should come play again, so we can use you for our own gains, :monster:

Played for a bit with Joe today, good times. Or however I should call him, :monster:. Wait, who are you anyway? :bigmonster:


Joe, Arcana
Joe works just fine :monster:

Yeah that playing would have been better if I'd paid attention to your drones. Could have actually won that duel. Also would have been better if I didn't bring a frigate to a level 3 mission and almost get it scrapped. I'll bring sentry's next time.

Satsu, you could look at it that way. Of course if you did it would be wrong not to apply that same method of thinking to real life and then that's when depression hits home. >.>


I did a dozen L3's with the corp, 2 - 3 Hurricanes and a dude trailing behind salvaging. I should be that salvager next time, nobody wanted the salvage, :monster:. He probably made 20 - 30 million that way. Or well, theoretically, since what it says in the estimated value and what you can actually get varies with salvaged equipment.


Joe, Arcana
I've found the estimated value to be incredibly accurate. I don't know if it changed with the market or something because with salvage and loot I always seem to get pretty much what I expect to get.

Wow that lucky guy. Must be nice being in a group that don't want a split of the salvage, only been so lucky a few times.

Man am I glad that salvage drones were given the ability to auto-salvage in last month's patch. Before that they had to be commanded to do each individual wreck which made them ridiculously counter-productive for a Salvage-specific ship. Now though you just let them out and do your job, they will passively reduce your workload by a fuck ton.


Yeah, it is rather convenient, except they stop when there's nothing to salvage, so completely autonomous mining with some salvage on the side isn't possible yet. But that's okay. You also have to force them to salvage yellow wrecks (not owned by you), which as I found out recently is legal, :monster:.

I should've indicated I wanted the salvage too :monster:.

And the value... well, I wanted to get rid of stuff quickly, so I either sold it below value or just reprocessed it, some items had very poor buy orders. Sell orders are better, but fuck knows how long those would've taken.


Joe, Arcana
I always reprocess all of the ammunition types, regardless of my refining skills and the such because you usually always hit a fairly higher price that way. As for everything else, I only reprocess stuff when I'm REALLY LAZY or if I have like over 200 things to sell. I lost about 8mil the other day to laziness, reprocessing lost me that much.


Story time.

We went to Eve Gate tonight, about 88 frigates of us. When we were five jumps out, someone discovered a stream talking about intercepting an E-Uni fleet. It's a 130 battleship fleet. They were going to camp and pounce on us with smartbombs - or something - on the way back.

Anyway, we had some time left, they were still 5 - 10 jumps out. We went ahead to Eve Gate, dumped containers, took screenshots (one with mine on it was lost, alas, I have too much stuff open), etc. But, they were coming, zomg!

We got the good fleet commanders and scouts though. They had scouted ahead and knew about a wormhole there, so, instead of going back through the pipe we came in, we went to that one instead. Pass through wormhole space for about a minute, sidle through some bubbles, enter the wormhole, and we found ourselves in Rens, back in highsec, just a few jumps from our starting position. Saves us 20 - 30 jumps travelling back. <3 wormholes.

[/story time]
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