Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Cloud's face always seemed moar of a neutral to me, so if you were to look at it without seeing any other body part, including hair, you wouldn't be able to tell if it belongs to a male or female. This is probably how no one mistakes Cloud for a girl outside of the Wall market sidequest, yet he was able to effectively pass off as one to Corneo and his men. He's wearing a wig, and his dress covers enough below the neck that only his hands and boots aren't covered by it, therefore hiding any features that would automatically get him called out as a male(except possibly his Adam's apple, but Corneo and his men are probably too stupid/unobservant to pay attention to whether or not he has an Adam's apple). Though, I still wonder how they didn't notice his voice not being that of a female. But we don't actually know what Cloud was talking like during the scene, so we don't know how effectively he masked his voice, or if he even attempted to sound like a girl. I like to think that he used a laughably bad girl voice, and that Corneo and his men were stupid enough to fall for it.


I'd like to think that he did try to sound like a girl, at least. I imagine he sounded really bad but Corneo and his henchmen would tap anything in a skirt, so there :monster:

Cloud's face can definitely pass as a girl because it's too soft. I like how they rendered it, but there are instances that his expressions aren't convincing because they made him too pretty.

Does that even look angry/ menacing?

Alex Strife

Since the whole act Cloud puts up seems to be based around being shy [the way (s)he moves clearly shows that], my own idea is that the voice is probably little more than a whisper. And if he tried to make a higher-pitched whisper than normal, he could pass as an extremely shy girl.

Of course, it all becomes a bit more unbelieveable if we take the bedroom scene with Corneo as canon.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I saw this and thought it was cute.

It kinda reminds me of a fanfic I read a looooooong time ago on (I think)the gia.


get cape. wear cape. fly.

Favorite Cloti moment in The Compilation

Cloud blushed as he told Tifa that he'll be there to remind her if she's not cheerful anymore
Just for technical reasons (because it bugs me to no end when I can't seem to recall stuff which happens all the time but anyway) that one took place on the Tifa novel, On a Way to a Smile right? Was it stated that he blushed, because as far as I remember it wasn't?


Just for technical reasons (because it bugs me to no end when I can't seem to recall stuff which happens all the time but anyway) that one took place on the Tifa novel, On a Way to a Smile right? Was it stated that he blushed, because as far as I remember it wasn't?

I'll just leave this here.

When Tifa and Cloud were alone, Cloud said, “It’s not like you to be troubled by your thoughts.”

“It’s… Just the way I am.”

“No. You’re much more cheerful and strong. If you’ve forgotten the way you were then, I’ll be there to remind you.”

“You really will?”

“Probably,” Cloud said blushing.


get cape. wear cape. fly.
Oh okay, it's been a long time since I read it and the latest on my mind, was the audio version of it, so couldn't well place it. Thanks for digging it up for me. (since apparently I was a lazyass to do it on my own but w/e.)


get cape. wear cape. fly.
There was definitely another female Greek member here, but I haven't seen her in awhile.
Oh, so there was another compatriot here and she was a Cloti too? Well, what can I say, that Greek people know how to choose the epic couples? Yep, sounds about right.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Tea-chan, I think. She may have changed her name to something else by now.


get cape. wear cape. fly.
Has anyone noticed that everytime relatively "new" stuff comes around the block, it just reinforces the Cloud/Tifa relationship? It feels nice to know that you jumped onto the right ship. |D

Elisa Maza

Oh, so there was another compatriot here and she was a Cloti too? Well, what can I say, that Greek people know how to choose the epic couples? Yep, sounds about right.

That'd be me. Γειά σου ρε πατριώτισσα! :kiss:


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)
I'd like to join. Hell, I've posted enough CloTi related stuff on tumblr included my latest photoset (which is sure to get me into all sorts of trouble) so why not?
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