Favorite FF main antagonist?


  • Garland

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  • The Emperor

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  • Cloud of Darkness

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  • Zemus

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  • Ultimecia

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  • Yu Yevon

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  • Shadow Lord

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Kefka, by a pretty substantial margin. Kuja is #2. There isn't really a #3.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Definitely Kuja. He crept his way into Alexandria Castle, manipulated Brahne against her own daughter, destroyed his home planet and then attempted to do the same to Gaia. Even though he had a short lifespan from the moment he entered Trance, I could classify him as officially insane. :monster:

Many would typically say Sephiroth, but Kuja was definitely it for me.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
This is a meta reason why I like Sephiroth but I found out that his English voice actor,George Newbern, also plays Superman from Justice League,Superman Vs The Elite,and the upcoming Injustice: Gods Among Us.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I always like the summary people use in that, one of his roles lives to destroy the world while the other lives to protect it.

Also, if these are fake protagonists, I'll vote for Rude.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
It's kind of a toss up. I have played II, VI, VII, IX, XII, XIII, and XIII-2. I find the Emperor, Sephiroth, Vayne and Barthandelus interesting, for various reasons. Out of all of them, I voted Barthandelus.

The fal'Cie are just so cool! I find them so interesting and really hope that we get to learn a lot more about them in future FNC developments. I hope Square Enix won't make them some small expendable issue, even if the fandom I'm in is extremely small.

Barthandelus also just calls to me more; though, Sephiroth does too, strongly. "Calls to me" meaning that these characters just strike me as familiar in some way - as strange at that may seem. The Emperor and Vayne, not so much, but they do as well to a degree.

I have to admit, I find them all cute too. *blush* ^_^ :awesome:

(Kefka is cute too, if he wasn't a made up and dressed as a clown; Kuja is attractive, but... I hate his ego. Why he turns me off for the most part and others like the Emperor doesn't - I'm sorry, I just don't have an answer. The 'call' for these two characters is just not as strong, though for Kuja, it's there a little bit.)

Oh yes, and Caius...


unsavory tart
I'm split between Caius and Kuja. I think they both probably have my favorite villain meltdowns in game, and both have this theatrical flare and terrible fashion sense which for some reason I even find more endearing. Caius suffers from a bit of villain sue, and Dissidia left a bitter taste in my mouth with Kuja (yeah I know I shouldn't count it but it's really friggen hard to forget...)

Kuja was an awesome presence the entire game, he was really intimidating the entire time. Caius was a presence too, but besides showing OMGSUPARSTRONG he wasn't intimidating, that said I don't think he was meant to be and it did a good job building player sympathy. And both had strong relationships with the main protagonist so it doesn't feel like just a random foreign enemy.

But seeing as Caius is not on there, I'm voting Kuja.

Others I like are Sephiroth and Kefka. Both effective and deranged in different ways, although I didn't get attached to them as strongly as Kuja and Caius.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'm sorry Sephiroth, I still love you, but Kuja is better.

Kefka sound very good in dissidia, but i haven't played VI so i can't say more.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Look at my name.

Followed by Caius, Kefka, Seymour, & Exdeath


~The Other Side of Fear~
Oooh, you're going to make me pick aren't you? My favorites have always been Kefka and Sephiroth and I'm not sure which I favor over the other. Sephiroth might eek Kefka out just a bit simply because I find his backstory a bit more compelling (Kefka just didn't have enough to suit my tastes) but I honestly enjoyed them both thoroughly.

The Emperor is high on the list too, though that might simply be because I love his arrogant and elegant personage or the fact that his voice actor in Dissidia was fucking amazing, I dunno.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
It’s a tie between Kefka Palazzo, Sephiroth and Kuja, who are also, coincidentally, my favourite characters not only in the FF series, but in all fiction in general.

Points in common between the three that I adore: their personalities; their design; their charisma; their intelligence; their motivations: their divine, world-shattering power; their background; their ominous presence; the way they influence the plot of each of their respective games and the way they bring chaos, despair and destruction to their hero counterparts and their worlds in general.

Individually, I like each of their villainy style, Kefka being the loud, batshit insane-type of villain, Sephiroth the silent, shadowy, ominous presence-type and finally Kuja being the flamboyant, theatrical-type.


Angry Lesbian
I'll be honest, Sephiroth's one of my favorite characters, period. I like Kuja, and Kefka, for some of the same reasons. And I may have pissed myself the first time I fought Barthandelus, which to me is the mark of a good villain, even though his surrounding setting/story were...less than stellar IMO. But Sephiroth still wins hands-down.

I really, really, really like villains who start out as heroes. From a narrative standpoint, it's a great tool; you can make the reader/player sympathize with, even admire the character, and when you reveal them as a villain you basically create one of two responses - you either have an incredibly compelling villain whose motives are understandable, or you leave your reader/player wondering what the hell made the character turn "bad." Either way you've created interest. It's fucking awesome. But also, I really like being the reader/player in those scenarios. So Seph gets points there.

I also like that he's a petty little shit wrt Cloud, and that there's a certain desperation in his initial breakdown: to me this makes him more...human's not the word. More "real" than Kefka is. Sephiroth builds his own emotions up to this crazy, obsessive intensity, and uses things like "destiny" and "legacy" and blah blah blah to justify himself, but there's never really any secret that it's his emotions that drive him. He's not a woobie: he's a selfish, maladjusted genius child, who really only knows how to function in wartime, and when he runs out of enemies to kill, creates an illusory world where he's at war with the entire Planet. I find that shit fascinating.

I do think part of his strength as a villain comes also from Cloud and Aeris, though, and the way their arcs play off of his. If SE had plopped him down in, say, FFV, I don't think he would've impressed me as much.

...LAST THING. Since Kuja's on this poll instead of Necron, why the hell can't we have Golbez instead of Zemus. Because I might've waffled a bit on Golbez. FFIV was my very first FF, and I have a weakness for pretty much the entire cast.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
There more I think about Sephiroth the more I think he was never really a hero in a sense.He was a sorta of decent person before he turned evil but think about this he won his fame through being the poster boy for Shinra during the Wutai War.I believe his title as Hero Of Wutai is actually a bit of a deconstruction of celebrity worship because if one looks closer Sephiroth never really considered himself a hero but was only taking orders from the company that raised him.It kinda of makes his fall into darkness even more believable because when the truth finally is revealed to him he finally is fed up with his life being one big lie and decides to chart his own path.

Ghost X

Not familiar with a lot of these villains, but of the villains I'm aware of (FFV-FFXII), Sephiroth probably has the advantage due to screen time and character development, even in just the OG. If other villains had this, I might end up preferring them, but I'm working with what I got.


Rookie Adventurer
Jenova is my favorite since she's pretty much The Thing, and that movie is my all-time favorite.

I don't like the idea that Sephiroth's the one in control in between the two, that's just dumb.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
If Jenova can count as a main villain so does Hojo because a lot of stuff that happens in the game goes back to him.
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