FF VII:R - What We Know So Far


3x3 Eyes

With all the hints that the Remake may be making an appearance in the latest State of Play, now seems like a great time to drop a video project on everything that we know about the FF VII Remake so far. Join us as we take a look back at this roller-coaster journey which started way back in 2015.


Old Man in the Room
Your video reminded me of that old Adam Boyes interview, wherein he explained how he'd known about the Remake for some time. He refused to detail whether or not Sony was actively helping fund the project, but it does make me wonder why (if Sony DID fund it or encourage it is some manner) it wasn't a complete exclusive.


Pro Adventurer
Good video all round, however hope you don’t mind a couple of suggestions, as there are a few points I’d add.

It was confirmed quite quickly after the E3 2015 announcement trailer that production of the remake was underway when the PS4 port was announced


Regarding the “compilation material” comment at the end of 2018, Nomura mentions “please wait for FFVII’s turn to come”


I feel like the added part about waiting for VIIs turns to come is indication that it’s an afterthought for once the remakes released

Overall though, very good summary
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