FF XIV question:Subscription


Dedicated Fan
I find the subscription system in Realm Reborn quite confusing. I currently have Entry membership tier activated. That means that I have to pay 10.99 euros each month. Subscription length is 30 days. Max characters per server: 1 (I have one character in Zodiark world, I suppose that world=server). Max characters=8.
I thought that for the price of 10.99 I can create 8 characters - each character in a separate world/server.

However, when I created my second character and put him in the Shiva world, I had to pay additional 10 euros at the end of the month, which made me pretty angry. Is this normal? Have I misunderstood something? Can I do something to not pay twice as much or do I have to delete one of my characters?

Hope this makes sense... ;)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I, as a filthy american, know not of your euro pricing, lol :monster:. Anybody across the pond run into this issue? Not to be all "tech supporty" on you, but are you certain both characters are linked to the same Square Enix ID?


The subscription system is the same in all countries, the only difference is currency. What do you mean by "an additional 10 euros"? Did you end up paying 22 euros?

If that's the case it sounds like you've made another account for the new character.


Dedicated Fan
I have created only one ID. When I sign in on Lodestone it gives me the option to choose one of the characters.

As for the euro pricing, it is the same as dollar pricing converted to euros. :)


You can have multiple subscriptions on one account. The creation of a new (secondary) character is something that's done in game and not on the mog station, so it sounds like you've taken out another subscription.


Dedicated Fan
OK. I checked my payment history on mog station and it seems to be fine there. I guess that there was something wrong with the information on my bank account. So in the end, I think it only LOOKED like I paid more.

I just wanted to make sure that I can create up to 8 characters for 10 euros. Thanks for the replies :) I will see what will happen at the end of the month but I hope it will be alright...
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