FF7 AU Ideas And Discussions


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Since we have a general thread on headcannons, I was thinking we should have ones on AU's. One AU I was thinking of is where Sephiroth and Aerith actually knew each other growing up in Shinra. I always found it interesting that Sephiroth and her never met while she was in captivity with her mother. It could have been an interesting dynamic that could have had them forming a sibling like relationship.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
You know what I know there are tons of AU's where Sephiroth and Aerith grow up knowing each other in the lab, but we forget that Red was a lab subject as well. It would be fun in an AU where all three grew up together and became the best of buddies.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
You know Sephiroth as a scientist would be one good idea. Mostly because he would be snarky towards his father on how much of a quack he is.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Another one I thought of was an AU with a heroic female Sephiroth. In this AU, it's actually Genesis who is the antagonist of the story and does most of the atrocities that the original Sephiroth did. After Nibelheim is burned down, she is imprisoned by Deepground and held there against her will by Hojo. She later gets out with the Tsviets and leaves to find Zack and Cloud, where she saves them instead of the former dying to protect the latter.

They then join Avalanche and the story goes from there, but differently. However, throughout the game Sephiroth would be made the girl who is the second love interest for Cloud instead of Aerith, since Zack is back in her life. She even gets to be the replacement date option for Cloud. And her date would be focused on her showing her more vulnerable human side to Cloud and telling about how after all this she might want to be a normal woman.

Also since Cloud would know who he really is there wouldn't be cases of identity crisis with him or being controlled by Sephiorth, since this one is on their side.

And finally the biggest change from the game is that she replaces Aerith as the one who is killed. She would be bodyguarding Aerith while she is summoning Holy, but is attacked from behind from Genesis and killed.
That would be an interesting AU - but in what sense would this female character be Sephiroth? Is it because she would physically look like him and have his name? I always like fics where Genesis is the villain.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
That would be an interesting AU - but in what sense would this female character be Sephiroth? Is it because she would physically look like him and have his name? I always like fics where Genesis is the villain.

She would be a genderflip version of him. One who never turned evil, and decided to be a hero to the very end. Also for this AU, I was thinking Cloud would take Masamune like canon Cloud did with the Buster Sword.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
A Walking Dead style AU, cause FFVII's story lends itself well to a survival journey type story. Just swap meteors for zombies.

The people of the slums getting infected first, being a huge metaphor for how they're seen as impoverished "others" in FFVII world? Shinra dropping the plate to try and contain the zombie infection? The group eventually fleeing the city for survival? Cid being a crazy ass motherfucker trying to save humanity by flying them into space? Hojo being the instigator of the crisis?

What's AMC's writing team got that I ain't got?
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