FF7 relation with FF10


Pro Adventurer
This is just a question I have on the matter, and didn't know whether it's supposed to be in Compilation general or in the FF general forum, but since I wanted to ask people who know ff7 inside and out, I chose here. If I did something wrong then by all means remove this thread or move it to the appropriate area, but please not backlash. And if I have broken no rules and you are just annoyed at my post, please just ignore it.

Anyways, there was something a long time ago where someone from Square Enix said that 10 was connected to 7 as a prequel with the little boy from X-2 named Shinra who is supposed to be the founder of the Shinra company from FF7. Apparently, he found a way to take energy from the planet, but something happened and forced his company to switch worlds. Now, seeing as how the original natives to Gaia from FF7 were Cetra, the ancients, is it really possible that the regular "humans", were from Spira? And that was all really connected somehow?

If it is possible and I'm not leaving anything out, I would like Square Enix to elaborate on the events of the ancients and Jenova and the regular humans in the earlier years of Gaia.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The people who landed on FFVII's planet, merged with the current population. They weren't Cetra, just normal people.

Nothing "happened" to Rin's company or anything. It did not switch worlds. It was that after the many years it took to perfect the technology, they decided to see if it would work on another planet, and so they traveled and went to another planet, and thus the technology for Mako Reactors was born. The ancestors of Shinra, were these Al Bhed explorers from Spira.

Shinra from FFX-2 isn't the founder of the Shinra company. He's the ancestor of the Shinra family line.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I think that the Guado are really the WEAPONS.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I believe that the Shera is also one of the airships from FFX, because in some of the material, it's been stated that the ship was found on the Northern Continent, not build by Cid. Thus the incredible similiarities.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's heavily hinted that the Sierra (why did they go *back* to referring to it as Shera after AC?) is of the same design and model as the FFX airships we saw before.

The ship and cockpit layout, along with it being of a mysterious and different technological origin than airships in FFVII's world, makes it clear that the Sierra isn't any ordinary airship.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The people who landed on FFVII's planet, merged with the current population. They weren't Cetra, just normal people.

Nothing "happened" to Rin's company or anything. It did not switch worlds. It was that after the many years it took to perfect the technology, they decided to see if it would work on another planet, and so they traveled and went to another planet, and thus the technology for Mako Reactors was born. The ancestors of Shinra, were these Al Bhed explorers from Spira.

Shinra from FFX-2 isn't the founder of the Shinra company. He's the ancestor of the Shinra family line.

Not exactly- they couldn't get the technology to work on Spira, eventually tried for space colonization, lost their tech in some incident- I blame JENOVA- but kept the idea percolating as a dream for generation after generation til it finally happened.
So, what you said, only they didn't perfect it on Spira.

It's heavily hinted that the Sierra (why did they go *back* to referring to it as Shera after AC?) is of the same design and model as the FFX airships we saw before.

The ship and cockpit layout, along with it being of a mysterious and different technological origin than airships in FFVII's world, makes it clear that the Sierra isn't any ordinary airship.

Sierra itself was built or at least heavily rebuilt by Cid, but it's stated at least once that it is powered by ancient excavated black box technology even he doesn't fully comprehend yet.
I'm sure Square said all this, but it sounds like unnecessary bollocks to me. Unless you like having the worlds connected, for some reason. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just that I personally don't care. Also, I would not like Square to expand on the early days of the Cetra, because on current showing they would make a crappy job of it. I'd rather leave it to the fanfiction writers. They I can like the ones I like and disregard the rest. Square should just concentrate on making Versus into an excellent game.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's not stupid, what the hell?

...Unless you find world parallels inherently stupid in and of themselves.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I honestly think it's pretty stupid, yeah. Not exactly an unpopular opinion, either, for what it's worth. It had no narrative or creative merit in the story and they didn't even do anything with the plot point, either. They just sorta threw it in there for no reason.


Selene, Sheila
When I remember that this ~connected~ 2nd rate fanfic writing is thanks to the same ppl who wrote FF13, it all slowly makes sense.
No, I don't find connected worlds at all stupid. Just, in this case, unnecessary. Like Shakespeare deciding that Hamlet is Macbeth's second cousin once removed, or something. I mean, it's a FANTASY. It doesn't need to be coherent or have an overarching rationale.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They probably put in that connection because they intend to go back to it at a later date, in another game. I'm sure its there for a reason.

And again, its just hinted at. They didn't make a big deal about it in either of the games because they have no relevance. Yet.

I don't see how its stupid or tasteless. It's not like you're gonna see Cloud suddenly wielding the Brotherhood, or Tifa being revealed to be Lulu's grand daughter or something. It's a thematic, universe connection. It's no different than the fact that the Interdimensional Rift connects all FF universes to each other.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I'm just sayin' I don't like it bro, I think it's dumb as fuck. My faith in SE's narrative prowess has been dropped to near zero.
Neither stupid nor tasteless, Mako. Just completely beside the point. You seem to be suggesting that Square are toying with the idea of some future game which is based on developing that connection between X and VII, probably by exploring the events mentioned. OK, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when they do, they'll make a good job of it. But I'd still rather they didn't make it at all.

Alex Strife

The idea of a game that connects FFVII and FFX makes me shiver for some reason. And I did like both games. (Although VII would be my favorite by a looong margin).


Pro Adventurer
A game connecting them would be a bit of a shocker. It could basically be a whole entirely new game, with a new cast of characters, and I don't know if it would have the surname 7 or 10. If they did and it turned out good i'd be all for it I guess.

I was meaning more of either like saying that they were smoking something pretty heavily when they made the statement or like release some sort of written wikipedia type article explaining that you shouldn't go wtf and it is real.


Square has a terrible problem of making thematic issues way too literal. One Winged Angel is one of the key examples off the top of my head. It is honestly, imo, the worst aspect of their writing. Just because FFX and FFVII have some thematic similarities within the setting doesn't mean you have to literally connect them for the gamers to get that. It's a little insulting tbh.
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