SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Wells... Just found a ultimamia thread

And looks like people did admit they where wrong... And also people backtracked there stance on confirmed information. They just did it in a different tread... So yeah was salty ass for nothing...


Off to peek around for more threads... Now
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Pro Adventurer
What is "Vision" materia for Aerith?
There's a interview question in the Ultimania that's talks about a Vision materia that was intended for Aerith to come initially equipped, that would have the power to freeze or slow down time for everyone except herself. But it didn't make the cut... Maybe it will make the cut in part two...

Could you imaging fighting a weapon size monster and slowing down time to have a fighting chance. Like actually fight head on the way you fight that big as behemoth boss or the failed experiment boss. Not like the arbiter thing with the mini me ghost, just that size.

I want to fight a bosses that if you dont have the proper elemental absorb pairing equipped to your armor your 100% toast without fail. I want some HP gate cut scenes with fast paced quick action combo inputs needed. Like, cloud running up a weapons size monsters arm and If you fail the quick mini game input, you get blasted off by defensive body lasers. And would love to see a materia for synchronized attacks. Similar to how the did the blue synergy materia, except instead of joint spellcasting, maybe a purple materia where you get a special paired combo that uses two peoples atb charge. Where in something like cloud tossing tifa with his sorwd like a bullet could happen in real time. Or barret tossing cloud in the air for a mega braver if both have the materia equipped.

imagine of the Vision materia or any new materia for that matter needed 3 atb bars... That would mean you have to initiate the refocus limit materia first before you could do use some crazy outlandish skills... my mind is pinging everywhere now... Alright I'm happy for part two again.
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I just discovered that Zack got a new English VA, as well. Somehow that makes me incredibly sad, because his original voice was so iconic and well-suited and the new one sounds just bland imho. :(
I'm glad I decided to switch to Japanese.

Sorry, if off-topic...


Pro Adventurer
Just a thought on the pronouns Sephiroth uses at the Edge of Creation. In the OG my understanding was that the equivalent scene was happening in Cloud's head, and represented him banishing Sephiroth's control from his mind.

So could it be in remake's EoC we are actually just in Cloud's mind and Sephiroth is using the pronoun that Cloud knew him to use before/at Neibelheim?

Could also explain the "Not Yet" comment, because Cloud cannot remove Sephiroth's control from his mind yet.

I see problems with my theory (like why is Cloud's mind the edge of creation???), but thought I'd put it out there.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Just a thought on the pronouns Sephiroth uses at the Edge of Creation. In the OG my understanding was that the equivalent scene was happening in Cloud's head, and represented him banishing Sephiroth's control from his mind.

So could it be in remake's EoC we are actually just in Cloud's mind and Sephiroth is using the pronoun that Cloud knew him to use before/at Neibelheim?

Could also explain the "Not Yet" comment, because Cloud cannot remove Sephiroth's control from his mind yet.

I see problems with my theory (like why is Cloud's mind the edge of creation???), but thought I'd put it out there.

Would love it if this was where they are going. I remember after the ending broke, I saw someone theorize on Youtube that series of events is Sephiroth manipulating Cloud's mind to make Cloud think he could go toe to toe with Sephiroth. For me that I think that is a smart way to take it and totally within the lore and expanding on the OG's story.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
107 pages? Wow.

So, we go on our motorcycle chase, which is pretty cool. I keep expecting Roche to show up, weirdly enough he doesn't. At one point a bridge falls on us and the Ghosts have to save us. We're not even giving the leads the escape from the Shinra building unassisted, are we?

I die five separate times to the MOTOR ball, I think I keep mixing up accelerate and brake again. Eventually we come to the end of the line, and Sephiroth shows up to say hello and taunt us into following him into a swirling vortex, as the Whispers of Fate emerge.

I... feel like we're rushing into this decision a bit. Accordingly, I run in without returning to the vending machine, and belatedly realise that I have only two ethers. Crap. That means I have to do a lot less magical healing than normal, and I make it as far as Bahamut before losing out. I actually come close to beating him, but can't keep up healing well enough when his health gets low.

Before then, we meet three Whispers of Fate... one that fights by hand, one with a sword and one with a gun... fighting against Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. They're 'fighting to protect the future that created them'.

Wait. Waitwaitwait. Am I killing the future incarnations of ourselves from an alternate timeline? If so, that's, uh, maybe not the best plan?

Are we sure defying fate is a good idea, here, guys?

Second time around, I stock up properly, but I still don't have enough materia for everyone, which makes the switching back and forth thing tricky.

Our three Whispers are easy enough, Bahamut deals a lot of damage, but properly stocked I can deal with him. I summon Fat Chocobo here to play to my audience. He doesn't appear to do that much.

Then we move on to Sephiroth, who has been waiting.

I'm suspicious of this. If Aeris has knowledge of this, then Sephy probably does too, and he would want to change his own fate as well. Eventually, we ...beat him, and he takes Cloud to look at the exploding universe and gives him seven seconds to act.

I'm not really sure what happens next. Somehow Zack's alive...maybe? And the Whispers swarm the Shinra building for some reason.

So, we defeated the Arbiters of Fate, and so are now free to alter the timeline... but so is Sephy. We sacrificed the eventual happy ending in the hope of finding a better outcome, but we also sacrificed Sephiroth's sure defeat. It's all up in the air now, we don't know what happens next.

Huh. Okay. Interesting. I'm not sure I fully understand what just happened, but honestly, if you are reading an 'altering the timeline' story and you properly understand it first time through it's probably been written wrong.

I'm caught a little off guard by the ending because I somehow convinced myself this game had 24 chapters. Well done me for successfully managing doublethink in an effort to avoid spoilers.

Chapter by chapter mode is now unlocked, except I can't really think of anything I want to go back for. I've done nearly all the quests (missed one in sector 7) and don't care enough to try and look at all the different dresses.

I'm going to save my final thoughts for elsewhere for now.

Edit: Humiliating Death Count stands at an embarrassing 18 unless I'm counting wrong.


AKA: SalihGuclu
Am I the only one who thinks that the first scenes of Zack is not CG and that his character model can be found in the game files?!

If so, then I am really looking forward for a PC version of the REMAKE, so I can replay it with Zack replacing Cloud just for fun.

Hell, even play as Sephiroth for fun!


Pro Adventurer
Am I the only one who thinks that the first scenes of Zack is not CG and that his character model can be found in the game files?!

If so, then I am really looking forward for a PC version of the REMAKE, so I can replay it with Zack replacing Cloud just for fun.

Hell, even play as Sephiroth for fun!
None of the zack scenes are CG from what I can tell. Except the very, very end with Zack and the party.
Am I the only one who thinks that the first scenes of Zack is not CG and that his character model can be found in the game files?!

If so, then I am really looking forward for a PC version of the REMAKE, so I can replay it with Zack replacing Cloud just for fun.

Hell, even play as Sephiroth for fun!

I'm hoping we get a ton of mods that add more content to the game (and this is a UE4 framework, that is extremely modder-friendly), such as character models and new locations. I'm expecting to see someone mod in the Seventh Heaven hideout and a lot of customization options in the early days.


Pro Adventurer
Welp I just finished it.....

I think this is how I looked with a sense of happiness that I completed it, but then watching everything going on and being both very surprised and very confused by it all:


(and now to go back to page 1 of this presently 105 page thread to catch up on everything and see how you all reacted a month ago)
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Pro Adventurer
Am I the only one who thinks that the first scenes of Zack is not CG and that his character model can be found in the game files?!

If so, then I am really looking forward for a PC version of the REMAKE, so I can replay it with Zack replacing Cloud just for fun.

Hell, even play as Sephiroth for fun!

Outside of the very last sequence, Zack model is real-time.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Rewatched the ending

Curious that the Whispers swarm the Shinra building even after all the leads, Sephiroth and Jenova had already left. What were they doing?

Looking closer at Rufus, he's not actually wearing a dress, just a coat with a lot of belts, which feels like 'sarcastic character design', if there's such a thing.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I've been thinking. During Chapter 17, when Seph Copy shows up, stabs Barret and the Whispers surround him (and he just brushes them off), that's the Seph at Northern Crater controlling it, right? Wouldnt that sort of make it improbable the possibility that there are actually 2 Sephiroths roaming around in Gaia right now? Seph Copy clearly does something that's not in the original fate, and treats the Whispers almost like end Seph treats them.


Kaiju Member
I can see that reasoning. Though since we know they're supposed to be different, I think we probably have to conclude that Northern Crater Seph is aware of what's going on to some extent, whether from getting that knowledge in the Lifestream or just observing the shenanigns that have been going on.
I don’t know if in terms of consciousness/will we’re supposed to assume that the Chapter 18 Sephiroth is distinct from the Sephiroth in Northern Crater controlling all the other Sephiroth copies and illusions Cloud has. It is supposed to be a completely new manifestation of Sephiroth but I don’t think that’s the same as equaling the consciouses being different.
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