SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


Ninja Potato
Exactly. Turns out he just dusted himself off, headed back into Sector 7 and ended up in the underground lab with his cat. Seems obvious when you think about it.
"Wedge VS Deepground." I'd read that fan fic.

I was thinking, I had seen some complaints about Jessie's new backstory randomly featuring the Gold Saucer. In this game all that accomplishes is being a reference, but what if that's actually set up for some new Gold Saucer plot line in the next Remake part? Her familiarity with the cast & crew of the plays could be useful to the party somehow. This is definitely still wishful thinking, yeah, but its something. Her being a former actress is just there to be there at the moment.
Eventually he'll be a boss that Avalanche has to battle, for maximum tragic angst and to make us hate Shinra even more. He'll reclaim his true identity in the final moments before his death, and everybody will cry. He'll make some touching comment about how he never expected to see tears clouding Cloud's blue eyes, before softly breathing his last as the rain begins to fall....


Ninja Potato
Eventually he'll be a boss that Avalanche has to battle, for maximum tragic angst and to make us hate Shinra even more. He'll reclaim his true identity in the final moments before his death, and everybody will cry. He'll make some touching comment about how he never expected to see a tear in Cloud's eye, before softly breathing his last as the rain begins to fall....
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack helicopters on fire off the edge of Midgar, Mako beams glowing in the dark by the sector 7 gate... All of these moments will be lost, in time, like... tears... in rain."


Pro Adventurer
Was anyone else expecting to see more of Roche? All the trailer hype and showing his character bio before most of the main cast made me think he'd be far more prevalent than he ended up being. I guess a bunch of Whispers had him pinned down or something in that last chapter. "No sir, you cannot join this motorcycle chase, you can only live in the extra chapter we created for you."

Not that I was looking forward to seeing him again. Just a little surprised that was all we got.


Rookie Adventurer
AC Lover
Was anyone else expecting to see more of Roche? All the trailer hype and showing his character bio before most of the main cast made me think he'd be far more prevalent than he ended up being. I guess a bunch of Whispers had him pinned down or something in that last chapter. "No sir, you cannot join this motorcycle chase, you can only live in the extra chapter we created for you."

Not that I was looking forward to seeing him again. Just a little surprised that was all we got.

He could appear in future installments. Not only that, other things were referenced too that could make an appearance. DEEPGROUND was already referenced, so was Kunsel. Avalanche is also a much bigger (and better supplied) organization than even I expected, so other cells might show up down the line.


You know it's strange definitely doesn't seem to be much of a romantic element where I am in the game so far (still Chapter 7, didn't manage to play much yesterday), Cloud and Jessie aside. I'm finding some of the changes very interesting, no scene on the train where Tifa explains the thingy to Cloud or says about Jessie already showing it to him, the promise scene being used in a different way rather than before the next reactor job like in OG, no Cloud I'm coming with you this time, instead with Cloud slotting in because they didn't have enough people and Wedge staying behind to support Jessie and watch Marlene, that was great. You can definitely tell Cloud and Tifa are friends, care about each other and are supportive though. Starting to think Jairus might be right and Cloud/Jessie is supposed to be the main for part 1 with time to possibly build things up with others in later parts maybe :pinkmonster:



I didn't realize how much Crisis Core's cutscenes have aged until I looked at this photo. Zack looked fine in CC, but he looks amazing in the Remake. I should look for a video comparing the cutscenes.

Okay, I found one (the comparison starts at 2:18). It doesn't have the best quality when it comes to the Remake's cutscene, but it'll do.
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Pro Adventurer
I have a question, though I’m not sure how to put it.

Did anyone have the slight impression that Aerith was not that into Cloud romantically as she seemed to be in the same arc of the original, or do I have this feeling just because I clearly favored Tifa in my optional choices? If anything, my Aerith seemed way more interested in getting into Tifa’s pants, which I completely understand, but you know. I swear I do not wish to start a shipping war, I’m genuinely curious how much of what I got from the game is optional and how much is just the way the game is written.

Barret felt a bit put to the side too compared to Aerith and Tifa, though I loved how they indirectly talked about him and how he is through Marlene.


Nah, I'm a Clerith at heart and I'm definitely feeling similar, though as mentioned above not so much as with Tifa but as with Jessie. I don't like how they changed the date scene/proposal and the Cloud and Aerith smiling/laughing together on the rooftops segments though I did like the "let's mosey on over" "lets" and Cloud catching Aerith since apparently that was something that they were going to put in the OG or something that Aerith was going to say will you catch me when I fall something something. I am anxious because I really want to get the scene with Aerith and Cloud in Chapter 14 but I also don't want to be biased so I've both been doing the be nice to everyone thing (and also because I just being nice to everyone) and the even if it seems like this thing might favour this one do the other thing if it seems the resulting scene might be more interesting in terms of story/lore, or what they might say about others, etc. Like I know I really should pick Tifa first in the sewers because I've read there's an interesting conversation there where she asks about what Aerith means to Cloud or something but :faint:Though if going the wrong way and trying to explore when characters want you to do something so they kept yelling at you counts I think everyone probably hates me by now :sweatsmile:


Pro Adventurer
I have a question, though I’m not sure how to put it.

Did anyone have the slight impression that Aerith was not that into Cloud romantically as she seemed to be in the same arc of the original, or do I have this feeling just because I clearly favored Tifa in my optional choices? If anything, my Aerith seemed way more interested in getting into Tifa’s pants, which I completely understand, but you know. I swear I do not wish to start a shipping war, I’m genuinely curious how much of what I got from the game is optional and how much is just the way the game is written.

Barret felt a bit put to the side too compared to Aerith and Tifa, though I loved how they indirectly talked about him and how he is through Marlene.
You're right. On chapter 17 when two girls work together. Tifa's worry about Cloud's mental state, talks to Aerith about it but Aerith just laugh it off and ask about Tifa's emotion instead. Like she's already known what's going on

I mean okay?


Rookie Adventurer
AC Lover
I have a question, though I’m not sure how to put it.

Did anyone have the slight impression that Aerith was not that into Cloud romantically as she seemed to be in the same arc of the original, or do I have this feeling just because I clearly favored Tifa in my optional choices? If anything, my Aerith seemed way more interested in getting into Tifa’s pants, which I completely understand, but you know. I swear I do not wish to start a shipping war, I’m genuinely curious how much of what I got from the game is optional and how much is just the way the game is written.

Barret felt a bit put to the side too compared to Aerith and Tifa, though I loved how they indirectly talked about him and how he is through Marlene.

That dream sequence feels romantic. The facial expressions were what really made me feel that.
Especially when Cloud says they'll come and save her. Aerith's face really said it all.


Pro Adventurer
Right, I guess I meant more aside from that one scene that you can get with Barret, Tifa or Aerith. In FFVII you could get different dates at the Gold Saucer, but it was always clear to me that Aerith was interested in Cloud romantically, though as we later find out she probably became first interested in him because he reminded her of Zack. I'm not saying that she's not interested in the Remake, just that it doesn't feel like she's actively pursuing him or hoping for something more. Which might actually be the angle they're trying to go after for some reason, judging by the optional scene that you can get with her.
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Fire and Blood
I think there might be several reasons for this: first, it's Jessie who's inherited of the veryyyyyyy flirty attitude (guess which character I hate deeply in this Remake lol, it's not Aerith). So she doesn't come forward to Cloud like she used to. Second, she definitely knows more. I was on the "nah, she doesn't know her fate" camp until I saw her scene with Cloud, which switched me to the "oh shit she knows". Not only does she know that she's going to die, but she also knows that Cloud isn't himself, and that those feelings they have may be smoke - she doesn't know the real him, and he is heavily impacted by Zack's persona still. I was myself very surprise because while the clerith scene was nice, to me the cloti scene was far more romantic - it might be my bias though! But we have to remember, how many days do that Remake cover? Isn't it like, only 4? It'd be odd to have a super romantic clerith scene with just four days in.

Also there might be from SE the desire to not be too heavy handed because there are a lot of Zerith fans now with CC, and they did hint of Zerith too at the end of AC:C. I'm quite sure it's on the back of their minds.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I did wonder if they pushed Jessie so hard into that role because they decided to relieve Aerith of that "burden" lol.

I have to say I'm really not a fan of the idea of Aerith knowing about her own fate, though it's obvious that she knows way more than she should. That just undermines so much of what I liked about her death in the OG, so if that’s the case I really hope that there’s some twist that I can’t think of right now.

You know, while I was playing the game my boyfriend came up with this theory that the Remake was actually happening inside Cloud’s head after he fell into the Lifestream, so the whole game was him trying to make sense of everything that happened to him and helping him accept the things that he could not change, while parts of him did everything they could to avoid certain events that will eventually lead to even worse events for which he feels personally responsible. In that sense, I could get behind the idea that Aerith seemed to know more because she could be, at least partially, a representation of Cloud’s psyche; same goes for Sephiroth. Of course then the ending happened and that’s clearly not the case, which is a pity because I think playing with Cloud’s mind in some way or another might have been more consistent with the original game’s themes than this fate entity that was shoved down our throat.
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Fire and Blood
That dream sequence feels romantic. The facial expressions were what really made me feel that.
Especially when Cloud says they'll come and save her. Aerith's face really said it all.

While watching Aerith, there was a mix of happiness and sadness which is what made me think she knows.

I think if they twist events around there would be some way to trick Aerith into thinking she is safe while still killing her - which would be very cruel to both the character and player, but would also allow her to die while not really planning to.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think if they twist events around there would be some way to trick Aerith into thinking she is safe while still killing her - which would be very cruel to both the character and player, but would also allow her to die while not really planning to.
This is what I'm expecting.

She's probably going to go to the Ancients' city with the expectation of dying like she did before, then get talked into shaping her own destiny and believing that they can save the planet regardless -- and then get murdered two minutes later. =(


Pro Adventurer
I did think of something like that, and while I'm still not sure what to think of it, I do know that it has to be very carefully done if they want to try to pull something like that off. Like, I really don't want a repeat of what happened with Wedge – oh look he didn't die!! except that oh no actually he did die but WAIT actually nooo aaaand now he's dead (I hope)
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