SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


Kaiju Member
I always imagined he fires the gun by like, flexing his arm or something. Like he does the same action clenching his fist would do.
I figured maybe Barret had some pseudo-Krukenberg procedure done on what remained of his radius and ulna, which would allow him to use those bones as like a pincer, so maybe he uses those to activate the trigger inside his gunarm.


Pro Adventurer
Do the VR Summons get harder after a certain amount of times you beat them or something? I was fighting Shiva for that sweet AP but then she suddenly lost her weakness to Fire. Chadley said something different before I went in to fight her but I was skipping dialogue and missed it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Do the VR Summons get harder after a certain amount of times you beat them or something? I was fighting Shiva for that sweet AP but then she suddenly lost her weakness to Fire. Chadley said something different before I went in to fight her but I was skipping dialogue and missed it.

Shiva has an ability to summon "Frost Familiars," which are these floating snowflake orbs that encircle her. When she does that, they absorb any elemental weakness damage she would suffer from. So if you hit her with fire while her familiars are up, she'll take no damage and lose a familiar. It's basically a null-fire shield. You have to wait til they fall off or cast fire on them until they're gone.
The Enemy Intel most certainly is sneaky. For example when you are viewing intel for the boss Sample:H0512 it will not list the ability that inflicts Slow on your party. That one only pops up in a later battle phase and becomes visible at that point during the fight. Same with changes to a boss's elemental defenses.

It's nice that the boss can change pattern and that the mid-battle Enemy Intel reflects this, but I don't think there is a way to leisurely view all these pattern changes in the off-battle Enemy Intel menu.
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Fire and Blood
This excellent thread over at Reddit ("Quit acting like you know me." The evidence against Aerith Gainsbourough) is making me think. Those are all things we agreed on very early, was that it definitely feels that Aerith knows much more than what she knew in the OG.

I have been reading this excellent piece and I wonder if they gave too much knowledge to Aerith - there used to be a fine balance between the hero and the two heroines in FFVII, and I wonder if FFVIIR will keep it. To a lot of people already, Tifa is just a girl who "smashes things" so she can't keep up with Aerith - although their roles are completely different, because they both are love interests, it sounds like the second one amounts next to nothing. I really wonder how they are going to balance that in the next opus? Will Aerith know less now that the Whispers are (supposedly) gone?
One tiny but neat thing they could do is make it so that Tifa knows at least a bit about the burning of Corel and how it relates to Barret.

In the original game, after Barret's initial exposition about Corel while they are at the ropeway to Gold Saucer, Tifa says:
“I never knew.​
{BARRET} never said a thing…”​

I think it'd be heartfelt in FFVIIR Part 2 if Barret had already told Tifa long ago bits and pieces of the story, because it'd imply a more emotional level of trust between them.

Completely unrelated, but here is something..."interesting" for you all. Tifa performing one of Barret's limit breaks.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I think they just stepped up. Since Seph right now is aware of many things more than in the original, his direct counterpart, which is Aerith, as the developers themselves always thought like that, had to step up aswell. The Planet says "more" things, and consequently she hears much more.

It just makes me even more sure that she is gonna die. She is very much the danger to everything Sephiroth desires.

I think Tifa's time to shine is meant to come after Aerith dies, right? Atleast to me, in the OG, she was in the beggining, besides her own strong character, Cloud's connection to his past, an evergrowingly sign that something is wrong with him. In the Remake she is even more improved. They demonstrated more of her sense of right and wrong, and her connection to Cloud. Aerith is just too important plotwise in the beggining, so it kinda is unfair.


This excellent thread over at Reddit ("Quit acting like you know me." The evidence against Aerith Gainsbourough) is making me think. Those are all things we agreed on very early, was that it definitely feels that Aerith knows much more than what she knew in the OG.

I have been reading this excellent piece and I wonder if they gave too much knowledge to Aerith - there used to be a fine balance between the hero and the two heroines in FFVII, and I wonder if FFVIIR will keep it. To a lot of people already, Tifa is just a girl who "smashes things" so she can't keep up with Aerith - although their roles are completely different, because they both are love interests, it sounds like the second one amounts next to nothing. I really wonder how they are going to balance that in the next opus? Will Aerith know less now that the Whispers are (supposedly) gone?
Concerning balancing the next opus, I'm sure the remake is gonna invent means by which to split the party, giving us sections with Barret, Tifa, Aerith and Red XIII in the driver seat long before the Northern Crater.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have been reading this excellent piece and I wonder if they gave too much knowledge to Aerith - there used to be a fine balance between the hero and the two heroines in FFVII, and I wonder if FFVIIR will keep it. To a lot of people already, Tifa is just a girl who "smashes things" so she can't keep up with Aerith - although their roles are completely different, because they both are love interests, it sounds like the second one amounts next to nothing. I really wonder how they are going to balance that in the next opus? Will Aerith know less now that the Whispers are (supposedly) gone?
Both heroines always sort of had equal knowledge of the plot, just different parts of it. Aerith's unique knowledge was related more to the world building while Tifa's was more related to Cloud's mental conflict.

Both sets of knowledge were ultimately integral to the struggle with Sephiroth. Just in different ways at different points in the narrative.


I totally agree but that's not what I was discussing there?
I don't think Aerith's wealth of knowledge at this exact point in time makes her more important though. Aerith is the one declaring Sephiroth the true threat to the Planet, here. It follows, she'll be catching the rest of her party up on why shortly after leaving Midgar, same as Cloud did in OG.


Kaiju Member
So this fanart from Crimson Sun had me thinking, besides the Crisis Core keyword entries from the Ultimanias that stated that Ifalna had “escaped/left” Shinra along with Gast before they settled in the Icicle Inn area, is there any other information on where and what Ifalna was doing prior to her time with Gast in the Northern Continent, be it from the OG or Compilation?

If not, I would be very interested in the future Remake installments potentially expanding on Ifalna’s backstory (Crimson Sun’s headcanons that she was originally a fellow Shinra researcher/scientist have produced some really cool art pieces).


Kaiju Member
I feel like they could have come up more than they did in Crisis Core, and Gast really should have been in dirge. they just weren't elements Square was interested in expanding on at the time I guess.
Yeah Gast not appearing in the Dirge of Cerberus flashbacks was a missed opportunity. I feel like CC and BC have slightly more justified excuses for him not showing up since flashbacks aren’t used in those game much.

Anyways, aside from the OG and the Ultimanias I mentioned already, is there really no other info on Gast and Ifalna that is known?


Has anybody come across anything of interest that NPCs have said? I was rummaging around in the script of the demo and found these:

"I'm looking for a book on planetology. A book written by... What was the author's name? Something Bugel?"

"Have you heard of The Happy Turtle?"
"I found a flyer for the shop, but apparently, it's not a place in Midgar."

This cute conversation about Rude:
"That Shinra guy with the shaved head is so hot!"
"You should talk to him next time."
"I'd be way too nervous! If only..."
"It's the sunglasses that do it. I wonder what his name is."
"Why don't you ask him next time?"
"Maybe... Will you come with me if I do?"

Also these characters have, uh, interesting use of language:
"That customer sucks. He just talked my ear for three hours about trains."
"Ugh, people like him are the worst. It's, like, um excuse me? I don't care. Shut up."
"No, it was interesting! He just didn't know jack. Stupid mansplainer."
"Shinra Railways were created to support Midgar's infrastructure. The first train ever produced wasn't the Hoka 116 Light Locomotive!"
"It was the *seventy* light locomotive! But he just kept talking and I couldn't correct him."

"Man, the hinges on my front door are squeaky. Almost as loud and annoying as the wife."

"All men are trash. Statistical fact."

And these idiots that I love so much:
Butch: "Hey guys, I gots a question. What's a garden angel?"
Beck: "Oh come on, dumbass, everyone knows that. It's someone who steals from gardens n'shit."
Burke: "Yeah, dumbass! You oughtta try cracking a book sometime. Get you some learning!"
^Those lines are said by the cowboy ladies in Wall Market. One of them is knowledgeable about trains but she doesn't correct her client's inaccurate statements about trains because the guy might feel bad then.

There are quite a few differences between that ripped demo text and the finalized text, but the general gists are recognizable.
Shademp, you wouldn't have a copy of the finalised text by any chance, would you?

I still get sad every time I think about Train Man.
Shinra Middle Manager is such a douche, I won't be sorry when they transfer him to Junon and make him sleep in a broom cupboard. I bet his wife won't be sorry either.
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