Ninja Potato
- Ody
About the Mod
This mod for Final Fantasy VII has been created to accomplish two things:
First, it offers a full retranslation of the game's text that fixes mistakes in the original English translation; improves tonal accuracy using idiomatic language; and conforms to the localization choices of the Compilation and Remake trilogy where applicable to ensure continuity through the Final Fantasy VII series. The goal of this retranslation is to give English players a narrative experience and foundation of lore that is as close as possible to that of Japanese-speaking players.
Second, and optionally, this mod restores numerous events, maps, animations, puzzles, and lines of dialogue that were cut from the final release. In 99 cases out of 100, this content has been mined from the original game files themselves. Only when absolutely necessary have the authors of this mod supplied the minimum amount of additional assets to ensure the functionality of the official scrapped elements. A full spreadsheet of this mod's script is available on Google drive, with unofficial dialogue clearly demarcated.
This mod requires the 7th Heaven mod loader to be used.
Custom facial expression system requires latest FFNx canary to work.
Example Images of Contents [CONTAINS SPOILERS]
Main Contents
Fully Retranslated Script

Parity With Compilation of FFVII, Remake and Rebirth Localizations
As mentioned, in spots where the Japanese is the same or partially the same between the original FFVII and Remake / Rebirth, we have opted to use the official localization of those lines to create a sense of cohesion akin to what the Japanese side of things has. This also extends to the other Compilation entries, but Remake—as the most recent FFVII entry—gets priority.

Restored Unused Scenes

Restored Unused Puzzles

Restored Facial Expression System
This system existed in the PSX version but was almost never used. It was unfinished in the PC version but has been restored by TrueOdin in recent FFNx canary builds, and I took the liberty of porting over the textures and incorporating new expressions into scenes on top of what few were already in the game. A full list of scenes affected can be found in the iro. Eyes work perfectly but custom mouths are a bit of a work in progress.

Bonus Features
FMV Options
Several FMVs got changes during development, and these options allow those earlier renditions to be used.

Beta-style Menu Icons
Early in FFVII's development, the characters had pixel art portraits reminiscent of prior entries in the series. The textures for Cloud, Aerith, and Barret's portraits remained in the Tobal No.1 FFVII sampler demo, and with this option you can use them in the final game. Additionally, the incredibly talented pixel artist Prism has provided stylistically-consistent custom sprite portraits for the remaining members so this mode can affect the whole party. (currently Red XIII and Cid are not yet made).

Red Yuffie Costume
In the planning stage of FFVII, Yuffie's outfit was red and white rather than green and orange. This option allows you to use a costume for Yuffie based on that original design, with a battle model provided by the incredible UpRisen.

Option to Restore JORG Backgrounds
The original Japanese release (JORG) of FFVII had a handful of prerendered backgrounds that got revised for the international release, generally to make it clearer where the player needs to go. This option restores the original versions.

Mod Credits
This mod is a production of the Shinra Archaeology Department, an FFVII fan group dedicated to translating Japanese interviews and guidebooks and making them available to English-speaking audiences.
Restoration, Implementation, and Logo Graphics: Odysseus (TheStrifeIsRife)
Translation and Localization Continuity: TurquoiseHammer
Data Mining, Organization, and Annotation: Shademp
Original Script Mining: Herman1134 (Jason Maltz)
Cait Sith Regional Dialect: M. J. Gallagher (FFVIINovels)
Custom Sprite Portraits: Prism
Red Yuffie Battle Model: UpRisen
NPC blink animation fixes provided by Orichalcon.
Unused custom eye and mouth texture system restored by TrueOdin.
The tile set for the TRAP field was decoded by BrutalAl.
Tools used
Makou Reactor and Vincent Tim: myst6re
WallMarket and ProudClod: nfitc1
Black Chocobo: sithlord48
KimeraCS: LaZar00
Scarlet: petfriendamy
Restoration, Implementation, and Logo Graphics: Odysseus (TheStrifeIsRife)
Translation and Localization Continuity: TurquoiseHammer
Data Mining, Organization, and Annotation: Shademp
Original Script Mining: Herman1134 (Jason Maltz)
Cait Sith Regional Dialect: M. J. Gallagher (FFVIINovels)
Custom Sprite Portraits: Prism
Red Yuffie Battle Model: UpRisen
NPC blink animation fixes provided by Orichalcon.
Unused custom eye and mouth texture system restored by TrueOdin.
The tile set for the TRAP field was decoded by BrutalAl.
Tools used
Makou Reactor and Vincent Tim: myst6re
WallMarket and ProudClod: nfitc1
Black Chocobo: sithlord48
KimeraCS: LaZar00
Scarlet: petfriendamy
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