Final Fantasy VII: AVALANCHE [fan comic]


Ninja Potato
I have too many damn threads in this sub-forum, don't I? Oh well. Some of you may have seen my "How did Barret and Tifa meet" thread, well the reason I asked that was for this FFVII fan comic I wanted to work on: FFVII: AVALANCHE. This isn't going to be an adaptation of the game itself, there's a certain watermelon out there who has that niche covered, instead this is going to be a prequel to the game about how Barret formed AVALANCHE before Cloud ever joined. With that said, Here's paaaaaaaage 1:

Page 1.jpg

My deviant art for higher quality

Did you know that drawing Midgar is just terrible?

If this goes anything like any other solo project I've ever done, it will last maybe 5 pages and then I'll give up. May as well humor the idea I'll get farther than that this time, though.
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Oh, I really, really hope you write it. Obstinatemelon is still working away at his magnum opus even though he only gets one page out every three months or so.


Ninja Potato
I'll try my best to get it done, I have a lot of ideas I want to explore! Keeping up the motivation is the real problem.
Also, give my guy Melon some credit, He's posted a solid four times in the past month, that's pretty good for him.

Edit: previous version of this post was too mopey.
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Has he??? I don't check that often any more because his posting rate seemed slow. I don't blame him; that comic is a lot of work and he has a real full life outside it. I'm happy to get anything at all from him, however slow.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Very nice, Ody. It must have taken you an age to finish that, but it looks really good. I thought I was the watermelon you were referring to at first, but then I realized you were probably talking about ObstinateMelon. No big, his stuff's pretty funny, what I've seen of it.


Ninja Potato
You're making a book out of the game. That's another reason not to adapt the game though, the field is already very covered.


Ninja Potato
Okay, well I learned from Jairus that the remake apparently will address the past of Avalanche. That's what I want this comic to be all about, so I'll probably just wait until I play it to continue. I'm almost done with page 2, so I'll post that tomorrow probably, and I'll still draw page 3, but the story stars going on page 4 so I'll stop there until after April 10th at least.
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Ninja Potato
I'd say its late, but really this is how long it will usually take probably. Paaaaaaaaaaage 2:
page 2.jpg
If that big dumb drawing of Midgar fooled you into thinking I could draw worth a damn, hopefully this page will lower expectations accordingly.
"Mooooom! There's floating words mom!"
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