Final Fantasy VII Mini movie


Lv. 1 Adventurer
hello to all you fellow FF7 fans, I'm an animation hobbiest. I make animated short films in my spare time for fun or for my nieces and nephews birthdays. For my next animated short i was thinking of making one of FF7. I would love some input from other FF7 fans on what crucial parts of the game i should keep and what i should get rid of.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Interesting idea but an odd project if you make 'mini' movies. There is obviously nothing mini about FF7 so to try and cut it down would be difficult. My suggestion would be to have several movies or focus on a particular episode to begin with. The Nibelheim Incident for example. It is a kind of mini story which would allow you to test you skills. Last Order has already done this but why not have a different take on it? Sephiroth's POV perhaps? You could incorporate all the info from FF7, BC and CC to make it pretty epic. Just a thought.


Higher Further Faster
Are you going to make a bunch of smaller movies to cover the entire plot of the original game or are you just going to do random things here and there?


Save your valediction (she/her)
I think this is a great idea!

I would suggest focusing your talents on a part of the story that you find especially moving -- a sequence that would really shine if it were in a movie form rather than a video game form. Translating a story into different mediums has its upsides and downsides -- one has the opportunity to tell a story uninhibited by the task-oriented structure of a game, but one also faces the risk of losing the audience without the intimacy of a game's interactive nature. It's an exciting challenge to be sure!

I would avoid the Nibelheim Incident as I think that it's been done to death (and I'm sure others would agree). Instead, look at other sequences that might not otherwise get an opportunity to be told/retold. We had a thread a while back talking about Dacon (another member on here) making us a Comic-book of a game sequence, and several sequences were listed by fans as desirable:

-The Yuffie/Stolen Materia Sidequest
-Aeris' Death
-The Fall of Sector 7
-Escaping from Junon (Disc 2)
-Motorcycle Chase

Or you could consider an animated adaptation of one of the "On the Way to a Smile" novellas.

Any way, good luck!


Pro Adventurer
Cloud and Sephiroth playing one on one basketball at the Gold Saucer. Name the movie "You Reach, I Teach".

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
have you guys seen this one? it's pretty cool, can't call it a mini movie, more of a intro / opening of somesort

thought maybe this could give you some ideas... ; )

It's more of a parody of the Tales of Abyss opening. :monster: I've always loved the Tales series... plus Final Fantasy... equal fangasm. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

I think someone posted that here long ago too.


ACF Refugee
Yeah I've thought about how to do this a couple times but could never fully decide on what manner I'd make it, but you're an animator obviously. There was a time when I was working on an FFVII screenplay and I had a very grand opening scene in mind. Obviously its the Bomb Raid segment of the game, but in addition I had another scene going along simultaneoulsy where Rufus arrives back at Shinra headquarters after a long hiatus, most likely Pres. Shinra just sent him away to get him out of his hair. Rufus arrives via helicopter with trusty turks by his side and is greeted by Reeve who brings him up to Shinra tower to speak with his father and they discusses something along the lines of dwindling mako resources, all the while Cloud and Barrett are blowing up the reactor. That'd be a cool ten minute video you could use to showcase your understanding quick cuts and action choreography while Cloud and co. are busting balls at Sector #whatever and your ability to set atmosphere and tone with lighting and clever dialogue between Rufus and his pa.

You could also do a short set within the world of FFVII that's not necessarily canon:
An adventure with the Turks
An early incarnation of the Tsviets
A short involving elements from OTWTANS
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