Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread


A program like hotspot shield works for regional stuff, but I don't know if you can set it to a Japanese IP without paying. There will be another, free way to do it somewhere though.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hotspot Shield only allows to switch between USA, UK and Australia, so I moved on and found SoftEther VPN Client and have managed to change my IP into japanese.

I'm stuck on the last step. They specify that they don't allow foreign credit cards and have some toher payment methods such as DoCoMo mobile and Square Enix Crysta payments. My only chance is the WebMoney payment method. Let's see how'll that turn out.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Didn't work out in the end. Everything is blocked for foreign credit cards. Weird... Square Enix not wanting more money(?!).

Therefore, I'm putting the word out - if anyone lives in Japan and is able to buy the game for me, I'm willing to buy two copies and give one copy to that person (or the english version, or over Steam, whatever). PM me.
Thank you for checking this out, Griva. It is truly mindboggling how Square has gone out of their way to prevent an extra possible source of income.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Got the game from my friend's friend who is studying in Japan so the case if finally closed.

Anyhow, even after he paid for the game, I had to download some Akamai NetSession Interface download manager and had to switch to a japanese IP address, otherwise, it wouldn't allow me to download. Lost all day downloading the game because the proxy connection was slow. Fortunately, once downloaded, you can play with your local IP address.

Anyhow, in the japanese version you can switch languages, it offers English, German, French and Spanish as well, so all this trouble paid off.

From what I noticed playing until the first save point, important terms written in kanji (such as Shinra) are also writen in hiragana in a parenthesis next to it.

The graphic's smooth, the transition into battle fast. How delightful.
That's awesome! Do tell if you spot any neat differences between this and other versions. Does it look like the Japanese PC version is simply the English one, but with the Japanese text slapped into it afterwards? Or is the game its own port from the ground-up? Do the field models have lines and/or black circles as mouths?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
As I've seen so far, the English "remake" served as the template, but they did a little extra touch for the Japanese version. After all, it came out almost a year after. Both the text box and the font are much smoother. The main characters have lines as mouths, but the NPCs don't have anything. Therefore, that's something what they did at the end so that the game resembles the original one.

I'm gonna take notes when I spot that something's different, but you can ask questions in advance so that I don't miss those parts. I can even make screenshots, just tell me where.
So I finally played through the PC2012 version to the end. Many observations were made. Here is a pick from that long list, with some stuff I already mentioned.

- Like Prince Lex suspected, the W-Item glitch is still in there. Items can be duplicated at your leisure.

- No "star swipe" (what's good name for it?) after the final FMV. You are immediately brought back to your desktop. A pity, I think. They could have included the star swipe but simply made it skippable via a button press.

- No Sephiroth chorus in the One-Winged Angel theme. At least non that's audible. Sometimes sound effects played at a really low volume, despite my settings being at the loudest volume, so maybe the chorus was there but not audible. I'll have to play again to check.

- Sound effects and music themes are sometimes out of timing or don't play at all. One sound effect when Cloud's sword is charging for the Omnislash attack is never played. Sometimes the wrong theme will be played in one field because the PC2012 version acts very weird with how it loads and remembers music.
Two examples:
-- When Cid is trapped under the oxygen tank, his theme song is still playing. There should in fact be no music here.
-- When Cloud approaches Sephiroth and gets impaled, the reactor theme is playing. The "Theme of Final Fantasy VII" should be playing, but the game forgets this and instead switches to the mako reactor tune.

- Snowboarding minigame has a glitch where sometimes the yellow Time Attack balloons will not load. Restart minigame session until the balloons appear. Additionally, the jump sfx never played.

- Chocobo Racing had a glitch where, about 1/5 to 1/10 of times, it would play at SUPER-SPEED and the race would be over in about 10 seconds.

I could go on and on about the many differences. I have never actually played the PC98 version all the way through, so I don't know how much carried over from that release to PC2012.

Here is one difference I quite liked:

Normally, the field models are not visible at this spot.


Seeing only Tifa, Cloud and the rain creates a neat effect in my opinion. I know from modding the PSX game that when you set the screen to fade to black, all the field models become hidden by the darkness. Obviously there is something different here with the PC2012 version.

EDIT: In hindsight it was very silly of me to take all those snapshots of PC2012 when it was at the highest resolution and always on full screen. >__<
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Everything is the same in the PC '98 version as what you describe, aside from that scene with Cloud and Tifa and the rain. Also the sound effects and music tend to play correctly sometimes and not others at points you've described.

The thing is, this version is byte-for-byte identical to the PC '98 version - any differences between it and the 2012 version are coincidental based on the new graphics driver (which is actually also byte-for-byte Aali's fan-made graphics driver for the '98 PC release) so there aren't any "corrections" to data within any of the LGP files, anything that's different is caused by the new graphics driver's code (they simply updated the launch .exe with the new driver).


Pro Adventurer
? Except changes to some texts, some other changes in the field files (I think regarding timing but I don't know-- and also Secret Cow Level), changed animations for Vincent in the Water Altar field, re-done FMVs, and re-done music.

Also the Fort Condor LGP isn't byte-for-byte the same as the 1998. Though I think the differences might be removal of files IIRC.
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Does the following occur in PC98?


When Cloud floats in this space in the PSX game, the blue light is alone and pulsating. Here, in PC2012, you see all the surrounding background also.


Pro Adventurer
Well, if you open the PS1 version of VII in Makou Reactor, go to lastmap, view the background, and toggle State 1 of Parameter 3. You'll notice the PC versions make no change, but the PS1 does. So without checking I guess 1998 does the same.

An additional note: this is mostly unrelated but:
In lastmap I notice there are differences within script 3 of AD3. In the new PC version the script tells it to do something with the background animations (via script 1 of group "disp") of that the original version didn't.
So I decided to use the 1998 flevel LGP on the 2012 version and see what happened, and I got this:
I doubt that's how it appeared in PC1998, although it does explain why they had to make changes.

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I'd like to thank the PC2012 version for making me do something I have never done before: Max level the HP<->MP materia. Its such an unattractive materia that I've never bothered with it. Though upon using it I find that it has at least one decent use: Making it easier to max out the limit bar. Would have been very useful when I was filling the limit bar for Cait Sith's glitchy Level 3 limit break in JORG, which requires a shitton of HP to be depleted.

However, I am also disappointed at PC2012. The "Materia Overlord" Achievement, which requires you to master every materia, is what made me bother with the HP<->MP materia. But when I reached the point when I had technically mastered every materia...I did not get the Achievement. I have two theories.

1) The game wants me to have all the Mastered materia in the complete set, which may or may not count what you have equipped. I have technically mastered every materia, but I used up some to create Master Magic, Master Command and Master Summon before I mastered the final ones.

2) The game wants me to max out the AP of the Underwater materia. It *should* count as being mastered by default, but I don't know for sure yet if that's the case.

Either way, the programmers failed.


It likely needs you to have them all in the inventory at the same time, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't count if you'd made them into master materia :/


Pro Adventurer
From FFWiki:

"Must have at least one of each materia in the game mastered (except for underwater Materia).You need at least one enemy skill with all skills on them. You need to have master magic, master summon and master command. All the materia must be in your inventory or equiped to a member of the crrent party. The check is performed after the battle where the last materia is mastered> *Side note* It has been reported that the check is done after a battle where you learn an enemy skill this is incorrect."

Randoms wrote that.
If it is indeed the case that you need to own the Master Magic, Master Summon and Master Command, the quickest way to get to the achievement would be to get these materia by trading in the Earth Harp. In retrospect, that's what I should have done.

Alright, I only have one more Achievement to get: Defeat Ruby Weapon. That's one boss I've defeated too few times, especially in comparison to how many times I've kicked Emerald's ass.


Pro Adventurer
Yesterday they released an update to the PC versions (2012 and Steam) to use the original PS music. The update replaces the original OGG files.
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That's excellent news! The PC version just became playable (to me, I can't stand the goddamn midi's).


Double Growth
(wasn't sure where to post this) I booted up my modded PC save of VII last night. Played through Rocket Town, Stolen Materia, and the Pagoda. I had forgotten/not considered that the detailed NPC models would allow me to get a good look at Shera and Godo and the like. I was unjustifiably excited by it :P
Although FF7 is of course easy enough to brute force my way through, I'm having fun being as strategic as possible and varying party members and Materia set-ups. Now that I have the Tiny Bronco I think I'm gonna fill out my Enemy Skills, pick up Magic Hammer, White Wind, Death Roullette, etc. It also occurred to me that I have never used the cargo ship to go back to the eastern continent and it my be interesting to try to learn Beta at this stage of the game, which I have also never tried before.

In addition to the, frankly, excellent graphical mods (I also am getting a kick out of all the retextured weapons for Cloud. They look great, I wish they did that for everyone), I have a music mod which uses mostly PS1 songs except where updated ones exist (orchestrated Fighting lifted from CC's staff roll, orchestrated Main Theme, Black Mages boss theme, etc.), a mod which apparently just slightly ups the difficulty - nothing extreme at all, one that adds more interesting steals to most of the bosses (I already have a Tetra Elemental which is awesome), and guaranteed Yeahs on Tifa's limit breaks.
I'm just kicking myself for not including the mod for Aerith to stick around, this was a prime opportunity for me to to use her all game and actually use all of her limit breaks. And to try to enable that mod now might screw with my save file :/


^I can confirm that it won't screw with your save file, but assuming this is the install we went through where you used "Tifa's bootleg" to install the mods, it's not recommended that you make any changes without first doing a complete reinstall (and I did this the other night and Jesus fuck it took 2 hours).

If you want to install the "Aerith revival mod" as it's called, you can do so manually and hopefully without repercussions. I think it would depend on what it changes, but I'm sure it's just a patch for the flevel's scripts. I can't remember whether anything elaborate was added like a quest to get her back etc.


3x3 Eyes
Is there like an idiot's guide somewhere to using mods? I feel like I'm missing out, but at the same time, I'm quite scared to even attempt implementing them.


Double Growth

This is about as easy as it gets. It's still not a total breeze or anything, but I got through it without too much trouble. The mod installer software is very nice, actually (and if you can spare the HDD space, I recommend just torrenting the lot of them), but trickier part is getting FF7 running correctly and in the right version for modding.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I'm just kicking myself for not including the mod for Aerith to stick around, this was a prime opportunity for me to to use her all game and actually use all of her limit breaks. And to try to enable that mod now might screw with my save file :/

I made that, I can assure you it won't mess up your save :)

You'll just need to enable her with Black Chocobo, and if you don't want to use the patch anymore, just disable her again.

Just note that it WILL save some new data that I had to add in to make her work in some scenes, but it shouldn't do any damage. It's been out for 4 years, and nobody's had any issue with saves, so...

Oh, there is one thing. I added a new scene for you to get a new version of the Princess Guard, the Princess Guard+. It just changes the Umbrella into a more powerful Princess Guard.


You honestly can't go wrong if you follow that guide step-by-step Claymore. I recommend the FF9 battle interface btw, the FFX one really doesn't suit the style of the game very much. And if you're trying to update but stay as true to the original as possible, go with the updated chibi models rather than the full characters in the field, sometimes the backgrounds look really odd with the full characters (the chair in Aerith's house is taller than Cloud for example).

Also worth noting is that a new installer is apparently being worked on because that one is a mess. It won't break your game or anything but just to let you guys know.

Re: Aerith mod: can confirm this works with mods already installed, I just tested it (I'm using menu mods, battle mods, model mods, text mods, auto resize boxes mod etc). Force, what mods do you have installed?

From what I've read, Aerith has new additional dialogue that Ultima added - this works no matter what, but if you have the new dialogue boxes (which are transparent and better fit the text....

The dialogue box mod I'm talking about was created to auto-resize dialogue boxes based on the text that's in them, so you don't get big massive boxes with empty space that are sometimes present in the game. Installing the Aerith mod after you install that (which you did if your boxes and text looks like mine) results in Aerith's dialogue appearing with big spaces (outside the text). If you were to install the auto-resizer mod afterward, it would fix this.

But I'm not bothered about it tbh. Also I don't want to edit my scene.bin or kernel so I'm just using the flevel files which are the important part (for her to be in the party after her death and not to crash the game etc.) So use lgp/unlgp to unlgp into a folder, copy the files over, then zip the lgp back up. Et voila, there she is.

All mod files must be installed for the Princess Guard+ Ultima mentioned - I just gave her normal Princess Guard an extra slot and upped the attack to 90. I don't want to mess with it because I make my own changes to these files and I don't want any of them to be overwritten. Creating an ultimate armour, giving their ultimate weapons triple materia growth etc.
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