Final Fantasy XII novella scans


Great Old One
So thanks to Pixel (thanks dude!!) I now know there exists a Final Fantasy XII novella in the back of the Ultimania Omega. Pixel asked me for a scan which I finished today, but I'd like to share it with anyone interested. I don't think there's a scan out there, so I'm very happy to provide one. Only the first chapter has been translated so far, Lissar. It is posted on this blog.

It appears to take place right after Nabreus was destroyed. I looked at it very briefly and I see mentions of Archades, Vayne Solidor and Rabanastre, and also グラン マステイフ, Grand Mastiff (guran masutifu) whatever that is a reference to. The last chapter (which mentions Rabanastre) also mentions Vaan and the Mosphoran Highwaste, of all places.

Here it is!

If anyone finds this thread through Google or something and wants to use it, please go ahead, sharing is caring :joy:


Great Old One
Oh, I should probably add that I nearly died when I read the end of chapter 1:
The same flash of lightning illuminated the shadows of two who stood outside the city walls.

A Hume man, unsteady on his feet himself, held up a Viera, her ears shaking in fear. Her body was slender but muscular, and the armor she wore was in tatters. Pulling on the clasp, she took a step away from the cracked mortar wall and it fell away. When the clanging of metal echoed across the ruined streets, the young Viera shrank back.

The young Hume’s face remained expressionless. He seemed not to realize that he had been left behind. He held up his companion, but his own footsteps were mechanical. Or perhaps his spirit had left him completely. He didn’t seem to know the person he was with. Even the flash of lightning produced no reaction in him.

Despite this, a sheath hung from one shoulder, and he held a sword gripped tightly in his hand. It was as if the sword itself was his soul.

At last, the two reached the edge of the city. Running away from death and destruction, towards the forest. A final flash of lightning sent them on their way.

As if to blame them.
I can't find a single mention of either Fran, Balthier of Ffamran in the rest of the text, but that doesn't have to mean it's not them - depends on this Hume and Viera being explained or not in later chapters :monster:

Also I love how the text specifically mentions a Viera armour, seeing as I found this in one of the pics in one of the Ultimanias:


Screenshots of a Viera wearing this exact armour in-game can be seen here
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The Pixie King
Can't figure out if the translation of the title is accurate. "Sunless City of Ruin, Unceasing Howling". Looks more like "Mist of the Ruined City, Unanswered Cries" or something


Great Old One
Yeah, this site (which is a page written to convince people of Maiden being canon, Maiden being written by the same author (Benny Matsuyama) as the XII novella, which I guess means nothing in it is canon :P) suggests the translation ""in the abandoned capital where mist never clears up, the first howling comes from me".

Also holy c*** this thread shows up on Google already o_O


The Pixie King
lol snappy title. Such an over literalised translation

Trying to figure this out. Its really not very easy

-Judge Hunting-

"Stop right there. Make one move and I'll consider it resistance."
The midlight shard
Archadian imperial soldier
The strong light

"What do you bastards want this time?"


「だ、旦那、よしてくださいよ! あ......怪しいもんじゃねえんです。ちょっと商売の荷を捌こう としてただけで―」

"Going out at night is forbidden in Nalbina. Didn't you know that?"

"Well, of course, but..."



かって帝国軍の侵攻を食い止める最後の砦となり、数多のダルマスヵ騎士が討ち死にを遂げたこの悲劇の地は、今では占領下にあってアルケイディア帝国の防衛拠点として機能している。城塞の外郭となる街路のひとつに自然発生的に成立した青空市場“ジャジム・バザー”も、日が落ちる頃には立ち並んでいた露店はたたまれ、商人たちは煙のように姿を消す。武力侵略による勢力拡大を続けるアルケイデイア帝国と諸国―とりわけ西の大国ロザリア帝国との 緊張は日々高まる一方で、夜ともなれば破壊工作や諜報活動を警戒する憲兵が砦のそこかしこを闊歩し、日没以降の外出禁止令を破る者を容赦なく取り締まるからであった。

まだ若いシークは滑稽なほど怯えた様子で、懸命に弁明されはしないであろう悪のみが顕現した。 災禍のただ中、周囲に満ちる絶望と怨瑳の叫ぴの中で、いつか来る神の救済を信じていた彼女の心は死んだ。

開ききった瞳孔の奥で、敬虔だったン・モゥ族は、信仰の欠片をひとつずつ擦り潰していく。邪悪を野放しにする神の、その姿が二度と心に浮かぶことのないようにご予 難い網膜の痛みも、この行為に比べれば何ほどのこともなかった。彼女は自らの精神を殺しているのだった。何度も、何度も―。





だが、そこは彼女の家ですらなかった。爆風で吹き飛ばされ、彼女は自分がナブディスのどこで目覚めたのかすら判らない。ただ目の前にあった瓦礫を夢中でどかしているに過ぎない。数多の破片を掴み上げた両手はとっくに血塗れで、鱗と肉の削れた指先からは白い骨までが無残に覗いている。それでも彼女は諦めない。腕を止めれば、それは家族がもう永久に失われてしまったのだと認めることにな るから。








"This kind of bribery is done on a daily basis?"


"Don't be outrageous.







The Pixie King
I don't know why this is so much more difficult to figure out. I think it must be written in an oldy worldy way, like Ondore's narration. I'll try to sit down and go through it when I have time. It's easy when there are small bits of character speech, but long sections of descriptive text are hard to figure out.


Great Old One
This is chapter 2, right? 'Judge hunting'. Something tells me they're looking for Reddas.

I wish this was written in a way that made it easier for you to translate :(


The Pixie King
Cant figure out what this is, "Hermitage stone". I thought it was the midlight shard, but probably not. Hermitage is a cathedral or something. Does the OG have a term for it in Nalbina?


Bathed in the brilliant light emitted by the hermitage stone, Archadian imperial soldier spoke in an intimidating manner.

EDIT... Oh wait, wrong Kanji. its 魔, not 庵, so it's magic stone or demon stone


The Pixie King
Made a mistake, wrong Kanji. its 魔, not 庵, so it's magic stone or demon stone

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I didn't even notice your mistake since I knew which kanji it was supposed to be. =P Also, I meant to say "magicite" before.

As for Fangu's question, "nethicite" in general is 破魔石. "Deifacted nethicite" is 神授の破魔石 ("divinely-given nethicite"). "Manufacted nethicite" is 人造破魔石 ("man-made/synthetic nethicite").


The Pixie King
I don't know if it's worth doing my own translation of Chapter 1. I started, using Lissar's translation as reference. Her's is pretty good, but tiny details are left out as far as I can tell, eg


The palace stood above the lake, rising up against the moonlit sky, cool and serene. The city that spread out beneath it like some stark shadow.

The Royal Palace stood above the lake, rising up beneath the cool, serene, moonlit sky. The city streets spread out, surrounding it like a stark, well-organised shadow.

I might just continue from chapter 2, and decide whether to go back and retranslate 1


The Pixie King
I don't know if this is the right phrasing, "Old Kingdom of Dalmasca", also, 'magicite powered lamps' doesn't sound right.

But this is what I have so far.

-Judge Hunting-

"Stop right there. Make one move, and I'll consider it resistance."

Bathed in the brilliant light emitted by the magicite powered lamps, the intimidating words of the Archadian imperial soldier, both scared and perplexed the young seeq man, with his back against the high castle wall.

"What did I do this time, you bastard?"

The soldier, holding a long gun in his hand with a light attached, drew closer, pointing the muzzle at the insolent seeq. As he said it, he was dazzled by the light on the muzzle, and put a hand over his face with a pathetic gesture.

「だ、旦那、よしてくださいよ! あ......怪しいもんじゃねえんです。ちょっと商売の荷を捌こう としてただけで―」
"Please, master! Hey... I'm not suspicious. I was just selling goods for my business..."

"Going out at night is forbidden in Nalbina. Didn't you know that?"

"Well, of course, but..."

The seeq was flustered, his barrel-like body, typical to his race, squirming. He could barely see the soldiers due to the light pointing at him, but judging from the clanging of footsteps and armour, he was certain there were at least three. He began to tremble, greasy sweat oozing from his pale blue skin, reflecting the light.

Old Kingdom of Dalmasca, Nalbina Fortress―

かって帝国軍の侵攻を食い止める最後の砦となり、数多のダルマスヵ騎士が討ち死にを遂げたこの悲劇の地は、今では占領下にあってアルケイディア帝国の防衛拠点として機能している。城塞の外郭となる街路のひとつに自然発生的に成立した青空市場“ジャジム・バザー”も、日が落ちる頃には立ち並んでいた露店はたたまれ、商人たちは煙のように姿を消す。武力侵略による勢力拡大を続けるアルケイデイア帝国と諸国―とりわけ西の大国ロザリア帝国との 緊張は日々高まる一方で、夜ともなれば破壊工作や諜報活動を警戒する憲兵が砦のそこかしこを闊歩し、日没以降の外出禁止令を破る者を容赦なく取り締まるからであった。
Once the last bastion to stave off invasion by the Imperial Army, the place of this tragedy, where countless Dalmascan knights lay down their lives in battle, now acts as a stronghold, under the occupation of the Arcadian Empire. In one of the streets, which formed the outer wall of the fortress, an open-air market sprang up called 'Jajim Bazaar'. As the sun went down, the stalls, which lined the street were closed, and the merchants disappear like smoke. The Arcadian Empire, and countries which continue to expand their influence through military aggression――Especially in the Rozarian Empire, a large country to the west, where tensions rise with each passing day. Military guards swagger around, patrolling the fortress at night, wary of sabotage or espionage. They mercilessly cracked down on those who broke the cerfew after sunset.

まだ若いシークは滑稽なほど怯えた様子で、懸命に弁明されはしないであろう悪のみが顕現した。 災禍のただ中、周囲に満ちる絶望と怨嗟の叫びの中で、いつか来る神の救済を信じていた彼女の心は死んだ。
As ludicrous as it seemed, the young seeq was still scared. Even the evil incarnate would be excused of this. In the midst of the catastrophe, a cried of despair and resentment filled the air. His belief in his heart that salvation of God would one day come had died.

In the depths of his fully dilated pupil, he was a devout Nu Mou. One by one, fragments of his faith came crashing down. Never would the figure of a God, who lets evil go unchecked, come to mind again. The unbearable pain in his retina was nothing compared to this act. He had killed his own spirit. Over, and over――

From somewhere else, he heard the sound of rubble colliding.


AI Researcher
Yeah, this site (which is a page written to convince people of Maiden being canon, Maiden being written by the same author (Benny Matsuyama) as the XII novella, which I guess means nothing in it is canon :P) suggests the translation ""in the abandoned capital where mist never clears up, the first howling comes from me".
The first part is basically what it says (but not very elegant), but the second seems to come out of nowhere. 'Ceaseless Howling' which Pixel posted works best.


The Pixie King
Are there any translators on here who would be interested in translating this novella? I think it would be really interesting to get this translated with the remaster coming up.
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