When I went on reddit to look for ideas/thoughts on how to rewrite crisis cores story i only got results about the Reunion remaster so im here. Im inspired on how to fix x episode of starwars & an unfinished fix it with ff13. which is on deviantart
Crisis Core should have never been on psp imo. CC should have been on ps3. I suppose instead have Ever Crisis with its 2d anime artstyle but its sales would have been smaller so maybe Sqaure Enix would have to had made it 3d. This is the reason why the dialogue is so monotonously repetitive with repeating phrases such as "loveless" "dreams & honor". Since they didn't have memory to develop the characters so had to use shorthand phrases for their themes & characterization.
So enough preamble lets gets started.
Things I don't like:
Crisis Core should have never been on psp imo. CC should have been on ps3. I suppose instead have Ever Crisis with its 2d anime artstyle but its sales would have been smaller so maybe Sqaure Enix would have to had made it 3d. This is the reason why the dialogue is so monotonously repetitive with repeating phrases such as "loveless" "dreams & honor". Since they didn't have memory to develop the characters so had to use shorthand phrases for their themes & characterization.
So enough preamble lets gets started.
Things I don't like:
- The starting prologue midgar sequence as its a copy of the original only with a peppy darkhaired spikyboi
- We never get breathing room with angeal & zacks relationship since he betrays shinra too quickly. Imagine if say we only got to know biggs/wedge/jessie in mako reactor 5 & we then find them killed protecting sector 7. It would feel empty.
- Zack & Areith meeting exact same way as cloud did. That is zack falling from the sector 5 plate
- What they did to Areith in this game, they made her IQ worse than becks badasses lol. She literally grows up in one of the only places that's practically a national park for midgar with flowers blooming & a church with a flower bed Now shes like "W0w i nEvEr"
- I admit on top of mt head i forget the parts after genisis's betrayal but before zack meeting cloud cuz its so forgettable
- Genisis hijacking sepiroths breakdown moment
- Zacks peppy boi energy
- Zacks introduction with Cloud
- Sepiroths pre nibelheim
- Ending
- the fanclubs
- minveras ???
- expansion of jenova peoject