Flower Maiden Intro Thread! hi!

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Hello, this is my first post ^^. Aerith and Sephiroth are one of my favourite pairing, so I agree with Jazzflower, they could have made a closer relationship between them. I don't even remember any allusion about the fact they probably grew up in the same Shinra facilities as children.
If you are interested, I found a very good doujinshi ( a fan comic ) about it. Unfortunately, it is Japonese and there are any translations :(. But the picture are juste overly cute ^^.
this is the link. By the way, the title is "Secret Innocence".
I hope you will like it^^. Personnaly I am in love with this story, teenage Sephy and lil Aerith are soooooo kawaiiiiii !!!! :desucait:
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Hello & welcome! :monster:

Unfortunately you can't post links or urls until you have made enough posts. :)


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hi,I'm Jazzflower92 I am fairly new around here too.But I am glad there is another AeriSeph fan as well.:D

Mainly because there is so much history interwining them that its very ironic that they don't have that much interaction at all.In fact Aerith's death scene is probably their biggiest interaction with each other.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Hi,I'm Jazzflower92 I am fairly new around here too.But I am glad there is another AeriSeph fan as well.:D

Mainly because there is so much history interwining them that its very ironic that they don't have that much interaction at all.In fact Aerith's death scene is probably their biggiest interaction with each other.

The funny thing is that it's not even the real Seph during Aerith's death scene. It's a piece of Jenova that's being controlled by Sephiroth and has taken his form.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Have I welcomed you yet? There have been enough new folk to confuse my memory. Well, just to be safe, welcome an' shit.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Hello Tifabelle ! Thanks for posting my link :D. I was quite disapointed when I saw I couldn't post it myself. I am really pleased to see there are such nice poeple on this forum, because it can be difficult for newbies.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Oh, I thought this post would be just next Tifabelle's^^. Thanks to everyone for those welcoming messages ! I guess I will post more doujin and fanfics about Aerith, Sephiroth and the dear little Remnants. To present myself, I am a 19 years old girl. I love cats, writting stories and making dolls.
Thanks again^^


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Oh, I thought this post would be just next Tifabelle's^^. Thanks to everyone for those welcoming messages ! I guess I will post more doujin and fanfics about Aerith, Sephiroth and the dear little Remnants. To present myself, I am a 19 years old girl. I love cats, writting stories and making dolls.
Thanks again^^

Hey,Flower Maiden there is a AeriSeph club in the Final Fantasy Club section.It might be interesting for you to post there.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Oh, I thought this post would be just next Tifabelle's^^.

Everyone is a n00b at some point, you'll get the hang of quoting and multi-quoting messages to make sure everything relevant is all together in one spot :monster:

To present myself, I am a 19 years old girl. I love cats, writting stories and making dolls.

Oh yeah, you'll fit right in :awesomonster:
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