Cat Rage Room
Great Old One
- Mog
You may or may not have noticed this new addition to the Compilation Forums. This is the place to discuss or get help with the gameplay of any member of the FFVII Compilation, from Crisis Core to the original PSX title. A lot of us have played and beat a lot of the titles, but believe it or not, there still is a lot to talk about concerning the gameplay of all of the FF7 titles. So if you wanted to chat or needed help, advice, or anything concerning the gameplay, post it here.
I'm in the midst of writing a General Questions and Answers for FF7, so if you have any ideas, pose them as questions and I'll answer them to help compile it.
I'm in the midst of writing a General Questions and Answers for FF7, so if you have any ideas, pose them as questions and I'll answer them to help compile it.
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